A 6.0 from IGN

>A 6.0 from IGN

That's how you know it's bad

They haven't actually reviewed it yet.

Look forward to the ten out of ten review that says it gets totally good after twenty hours.

>after the check clears


>paid score is in progress with Sony

I hate the inherent attitude of this. Of fucking course you have to score it now that's your whole fucking job. I don't give a fuck about promises or early access content you will not be receiving in the future, just review the pile of shit.

>This is the last generation ever
>We could have spent it on games being focused on fun
>Instead it's all about lies, illusions and pushing limits that aren't actually being pushed

Imagine a guy saying he has few hours to live and wants his last day to be the best in his live but instead, he does shit that just makes him wish to die faster

This is video games right now.

I thought that was implicitly understood so I didn't say it.

Theres only one thing that matters to me. Does the interior (cockpit) of the ship changes from ship to ship ?

I think they would have less problems with that if metacritic was willing to change the score

>This is the last generation ever
What's NX then

Why is the score so shit then? It's a randomly generated world game, can't be hype about such a game.

That statement may have been incorrect, so think of it as a "maybe"

it's because the casual market, which is the largest demographic, doesn't care much for gaming. they just see it as another simple form of entertainment. since the industry only cares about money, they will appeal to the casual market who doesn't care for video games or challenge.

This game coming out just made me check on Space Engine again. That shit is so fucking cool.

So casuals really are to blame

They always were

IGN is reviewing Early Access games now?

>not final

IGN doesn't have a fucking clue and they never have.

This game will not change and they know it and everyone else knows it.

The gameplay or lack thereof will never change, it will still always be the boring garbage it is now.

okay so ive seen people "warping" to planets then entering the atmosphere and all that, in what looks like a loading screen disguised as travel, but if you were to just fly forward without propulsion boost or whatever it is towards a planet would you get there eventually?

The reviews themselves are in Early Access now.

''I still haven't quite reached the center of the galaxy, but if I had to score No Man's Sky today, I'd give it a 6.0, for Okay''

fucking IGN morons
Just check youtube to see what happens when you reach the center of the galaxy, aka nothing

>neo-Sup Forums gives a shit what IGN thinks

How can a board fall so low?

>If we had to score it now

Except this is a fully priced title for $60. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FINISHED AT LAUNCH.


>6.0 (slightly above average) is a "shit" score

I swear, videogame reviews are the only industry that has scores which go from 4 to 10.

The American grading system does this. Anything below a 7 is questionable, and below 6 is just varying levels of shit.

Yeah you can fly to it normally without the jump. Not that it looks particularly good, massive performance drops and the terrain is all fucked up until you get down pretty low. Also the scale is fucked which is noticeable when you fly down to the surface, these planets are actually pretty small, even the large ones.

Yes actually.

I hate how review ratings for video games are inflated.

The average score for a game should be 5.0, not the inflated 7.0

A score of 6 would mean the game is above average.

Sup Forums BTFO

On a number line of 1-10, 6.0 is dead in the middle, so it'd be "average". In the real world, this is a shit score.

>that massive drop

It's modern journalism where the journalists are fuckbuddies with corporations and/or politicians. This leads to the situation where they are literally not allowed to give games a low rating. Since everything is so top heavy all the ratings get pulled up, even the ones that belong to small games that they could rate however they want due to no fear of reprecursions from publishers etc.

>People work and sleep

>People work and sleep
They also get refunds for shit games.

Are they justifying why they are not scoring it now?

Is this a "Well lets give our friendly neighbourhood indie dev more time for no reason other than hipster bias"

Or is it more a "CLICK THIS YOU FUCKS, oh now it's 10 outta 10 XD"

It's insane. Reviewers should aim for some sort of a bell-curve with 5 being the most prominent. I guarantee if I were to take IGN ratings and plot them on a graph they would absolutely be skewed to 7 or even 8.


Well fine, fuck you then.
I just bought it

>This leads to the situation where they are literally not allowed to give games a low rating.

It is all in relativity. If most decent games get 7s and 8s, then something getting a 6 is not good. Let's say IGN literally gave most games a 9 or 10. Then games scoring an 8 would be met with skeptism. Things aren't this extreme (yet), but as long as the scoring system is consistent and people understand the gravity behind the numbers used, then it is working.

now refund it

>That's how you know it's bad

No, that's just how you know Sean didn't pay them enough.

No reason for the average to be a 5 though. A rating scale doesn't need to follow bell curve distribution. Most games are decent so a 6/10 average sounds more reasonable than a 5/10 which by purely looking at the numbers implies that the game is some sort of unfinished half-game. Same with rating women by looks.

>Not Final

>i would review it, except it wont run without crashing.

Can't, I'm working and/or sleeping.

Last gen's hardware.

Betty you e haven't even played it douchebag

but Sup Forums has fucking shitton of casuals. Proof: daily overwatch and WoW threads.

Nintendo trying to catch up.

>having high expectations is wrong
>silly americans

euros I swear

Can you look around in it?

more like "we haven't finished the game, but we'll update it once we're done"

I'm fucking sick of developers releasing obviously unfinished/broken content for full price then going "lol we'll just patch it."

Then they never do because they're too busy counting money.

Your retarded if you think it's last gen hardware...

Overwatch is popular because there is fuck all for decent MP shooters right now, There is maybe RS:Siege but that fills the tacticool niche while some people just want Battlefield without the jewery or a TF2 made by developers who actually play the game and make content for it.


Nintendo is always a step behind

The NX will probably be around Xbone power levels while Scorpio and Neo do the retarded half generation jump

Might as well play csgo honestly

I love that image. The game is so shit that they cant do their typical "9.5 its okay" without angering readers, but at the same time they cant slam and risk pissing Sony off so they try to compromise with both parties with this shit. Absolutely spineless.

Not really. They put everything right in front because you have such limited head movement in the ships.

>People work

That many people work on the weekends?

You can with a controller. It's shit though.

That means it will be current gen hardware, or at least in an awkward half new gen like the dreamcast.

So I guess that's his career, you had a good run.

Just hang in there, I look forward seeing you serve my Taco Bell order.

well it's even worse than I thought lmfao. How do reviewers get away with this shit?

>You can with a controller
Didn't know that, been playing with a K+M. Is there any beneficial reason to use a controller with NMS or should I just stick with my keyboard?

Scores are inflated because games are more costly than other media and you spend much more time playing them, like maybe around 50 hours per game. If a game is less than a 7/10, it's usually not worth your time or money unless it's a $5 dollar crapshoot on Steam. They shouldn't be using a 10-point system.

You can watch a mediocre movie or listen to a below-average album and still have a good time, but a mediocre game would be irritating to play through and you would drop it out of boredom. "It gets good 20 hours in" isn't a good excuse either.

>>This is the last generation ever

>le 5 should be average meme
If you only like half of the game, then you wouldn't say you really liked it overall would you?
7/10 is a good score for being average. It means it does enough right that it's worth playing.

That's such bullshit you can't review a game that has an infinite amount of content constantly being generated.

That's because our grading system is trying to make kids be above average you fucking mong.


>This is the last generation ever
Just because Microsoft seems to be giving up, doesn't mean the other two are.