Cutest girl in school

>cutest girl in school
>social outcast

yeah, I totally gonna believe that.

True, but it's still an awesome game.

>any girl
>social outcast

Her earbud is clipping through her strap...

My ex was fucking cute and a weirdo at school... So it's not impossible. Anyway I didn't play the game yet.

how is she a social outcast?

everyone loves her, except short haired bitch, who is jealous

this desu

Why does /r9k/ not know about ugly/fat girls?

>orbited by a nerd
>loved by a lesb trash friend
>liked by some students

>Social out-cast
>Becomes friends with basically everyone in like 2 days once the player has control

She needs to sort her life out

It's called pandering

Because even ugly fat girls can be queens among losers. See any anime club ever.

I'm a girl and I was an outcast because I'm insanely ugly

Because even uggos and whales get orbited you dumb faggot, I remember seeing a okcupid picture with a fucking ugly used up whale that got like 500 replies or some shit.

I hate this trope. It would be fine every once in a while, but just about every story/game/movie starring teenage girls does this. At least most of them have the girl not knowing how to use makeup or dress until the second act where they let it go to their head, become a bitch and eventually lose it all.

That said, I think Max was more of a introvert and didn't give a shit. She was friendly enough with the non-Vortex girls. I mean, she didn't speak to her best friend in 5 years.

Basically any and every cute good looking girl will have people approach her unless there is clearly something wrong with her or something happened, but for guys, it is kinda different.

The point I'm trying to make is that there are more male social outcasts than female social outcasts for some reason. You can have a super quiet girl playing video games in class and have people approach her, but nobody will approach the super quiet guy playing video games in class unless its other guys playing video games in class.

Are you not in High School, yet? Girls get banished from their respective groups all the fucking time for tiny transgressions. Mean Girls is basically a documentary.

Being born a man doesn't make you ugly

That's not important when any guy will flock to them anyways.

>Slightly less beloved that some other students, and only at the start of the game

on dating websites, its literally pick of the litter for girls. guys can never get messages, and girls will get them often, of course, as long as she isn't a super morbidly obese person who already has kids. On adult websites, it is a different issue though.

>The point I'm trying to make is that there are more male social outcasts than female social outcasts
I agree.
>nobody will approach the super quiet guy playing video games in class
I agree, but even thought it's CURRENT YEAR, it's still the guys job to approach the ladies. It sucks but they gotta learn to grow a backbone at some point.

and then that is when you have girls who get along with guys much easier and have many more guy friends than girl friends

>ugly fat girls can be queens among losers. See any anime club ever.
but they don't want to be with losers.


Dunno where yourevfrom but, irregardless of gender, people will look over your shoulder or not outright avoid you when youre playing a game. Girl will look over ypur shoulder, may or may not say something about your game. Guy look over your shoulder, may or may not say something about game. Tbh it also have to do many variables. Like if you have good hygiene,body, face, style, etc. Here, ugly vidya girls DO NOT get attention just like fedora lords dont.

I've learned that unless a girl likes them first, then they pretty much won't ever stand a chance. I'm done with this thread, I didn't even play the game the topic is about lol

Just because they can't all be in the top tier of cheerleaders doesn't make them outcasts. A woman cannot be an outcast in a society where the entire social, financial, and sexual dynamic is weighed all in her favor. A woman literally cannot sink to as low of a depth as a man can.

Max had an orbiter, for fuck's sake.

>but nobody will approach the super quiet guy playing video games in class unless its other guys playing video games in class.


The social acceptance of any activity is directly related to how attractive you are. Two people doing the exact same thing will get two completely different social responses from others if one is significantly more attractive than than the other

It's more about being an autistic egomaniac spaz, and less about being cute, in Max's case.

I mean goddamn, she took a picture of herself and submitted it for the "Everyday Heroes" contest

>He's mever met an ugly girl the whole class toys with and keeps pairing with the ugliest guy in the room for shits and giggles

People might be nice to her but outside of weirdos like Warren no guy is probably very attracted to her. Any girl with boobs that small, and such an underdeveloped body is gonna get made fun of especially in a place like Blackwell.

Yea Im gonna need to see some proof youre a girl

Countless ugly single moms get laid or meet guys on dating apps on a daily basis, I never even got talked to and I'm not that ugly, I'm just not top tier that's all.

I'd argue that Max isn't good looking.

>shit that never happened in any school in real life

I had a major problem with Blackwell.

It was an art school, basically college. Everyone there was 18 or older, yet it looked and operated like a high school.

What the fuck was up with that?

Not to mention she's a fucking nosy snoop. She rifles through everyones' stuff, looks at their emails and text messages, and interferes in others' business unprovoked. She may be cute but I'd get pretty pissed off if I went to the bathroom and came back to her looking through dildo collection.

>ayy lmao: the post

No. But to give you an idea of what I'm working with

>FAS face
>Light scoliosis
>Uneven chest
>Hairy arms

I'm by far one of the most unfortunate looking people I've met, Trust me, no one wanted to orbit this

r9k plz go.

How much do you weigh?

and yet im betting that your landwhale ass isnt a virgin

also theres nothing wrong with tall girls, dunno why women think being tall is bad.

Male social outcasts are always more intense than female social outcasts, but it seems females are outcast for many more (inane) reasons than males are.

For females, many will feel outcast because they read books or like games or what have you. For males, everyone in the entire institution knows you're an outcast.

If you're a socially awkward girl that doesn't want to socialize no one will talk to you. Thus outcast.

A non issue. There are plenty of men who wouldn't settle for a womanlet and need a one with height to breed tall children.

>Hairy arms

>Light scoliosis
Well if it's only light...

>Uneven chest

>FAS face
Ok that's not fixable. But there are men (like Arin) who wouldn't have a problem with that. Some ethnicities just look like that, namely finno ugrics.

t. /r9k/

Wait, your arms are hairy but your legs are not? Shouldnt it be like the entire body? Intredasting

Because social stigma causing them to not have as many potential successful male partners to choose from.

Men don't care about height as much as women do.

>Shit that's actually happened to me

Can /r9k/ losers just end their pathetic lives?

>Cutest girl in School
>Go to the same school as Kate

ebin choose one maymay

what you just said makes no fucking sense.

why would a woman have less male partners available, if its only women that care about how tall they are?

Because "I need a tall man meme". They are not attracted to men that are shorter than them. Thus have less men to pic from.

Happened to me in reverse as a boy growing up, but thankfully I was never robot enough to think grillz were sincere.

can someone explain this to me please? ive never really been in different boards that much

Is this what /r9k/ is like? A bunch of losers who just want to whine, shrug off any advice and live in a world where being a sub-optimal man is a fate worse than hell?

Second post best post

It was a school for high scool seniors
Next you're going to call me an anime loving weaboo.

/r9k/ is populated by permavirgins who think all women are part of a hivemind and genuinely can't understand that women have similar problems as men

/r9k/ is a board that is mostly inhabited (at least perpetuated stereotypes, general low posting guidelines, and mimic behavior make it so) by misogynistic robots who have never ever with a female once. They are typically full of spaghetti and can not interact with most human beings, are typically neckbeards, and enjoy shitposting more than you enjoy vidya. I consider Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and /vg/ are probably known as being the worst boards simply because most of them act as the front page.

So. The meme is simply [x] go away, we don't like that kind of humor here/this isn't that board plz stop

such as?

>movie game
>above sub-par writing
pick one and only one

I see no problems here

she's not even the cutest girl

gotta get kate to set a new tongue record on you

when did this board get full of white knights

Because unless they fit the confirmation bias (read: they still get tons of attention), no one registers that they exist.

4 maybe 5

oh lawd

Eww arin

but they do want to pull them into their orbit for validation

A girl who is a social outcast is a goddamn travesty, she is not only ugly in body, but in mind and soul.

Being an unattractive girl is worse than being an unattractive guy.

Girls are "supposed" to be pretty, it's like you failed at your one job.

Being an unattractive girl is more like just being a man in general. You're going to have to work.

I can sadly confirm this. I am a short guy and I like the way I am, I have no problems with it, however, girls do care for it.

A couple of days ago, when classes started, I was sitting alone reading when a girl sat on another desk. Not wanting to be in an awkward silence, I started some small conversation. Nothing special, just asking where she came from and such.

Little by little, more people began to get in the classroom until this super tall guy sits beside her and she starts acting super friendly with him.

I'm not attracted to her or anything, so I didn't mind at all, but it was something I was able to notice.

You forgot Sup Forums.


>Be ugly woman
>Post picture of self on facebook
>Lots of good looking girls comment on how pretty she looks.

>Be ugly man
>Post picture of self on Facebook

Throw yourself into my arms you modern art masterpiece


if you wouldn't tempt kate into breaking her christian vows on your cock you're literally a faggot

I know one million women from Missouri who easily debunk your hypothesis.

>literally this thread

In the girl's case, the pretty girls are only commenting out of pity, and because they want to give off the image of being nice to their pretty girl friends and potential love interests. They're straight up lying.

The scenario comes down to this: what would you rather have, people acknowledging you but lying through their teeth every time and taking advantage of you for their own gain, or people not acknowledging you, but at the same time, not trying to lie about their interest in you?

Why do /r9k/ posters try to monopolise victimhood or more accurately being losers?

Jesus I remember why I stopped coming to Sup Forums

Oh I agree they're doing it as charity. But let's not act like people don't actually try to include outcast women into the fold (regardless of virtue in doing so), whereas men get ignored.

Really? Name all of them.

>tfw some things are only funny if a certain person says it and not you.

You know, I've honestly always felt that Sup Forums was the best board among the popular ones. Those being Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /vg/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /r9k/, and Sup Forums. They generally stick to the topic outside of some shows every season or two that devolve into generalfagging like Mayoiga. They discuss and critique with less people buying into the internet hate machine shtick. Still volatile, but not bad really.

Personal least favorite board is Sup Forums. Used to be my main board too. Now I can only skim a few threads before bailing.

>be ugly man
>post picture of self on facebook
>remember i don't have friends

Because they're narcissists that have failed at life, so all they have left is victimhood

Generally speaking, if you're somewhat socially active and not a dick to people, no matter what gender you are someone will try to bring you into the fold.

I still remember high school how by the end of it, everyone had formed their own social groups, even the people that didn't really have one of their own just formed one including all of them, and the only people who got left out was because they were just incredibly unlikable for some reason, whether that being stupid boasting, constant lying, shitting on friends for no reason, whatever.

Of course the real world is different, but even then, if you've got a job, your co-workers are going to interact with you and try to draw you into that social group.

>Really? Name all of them.

That's a pretty retarded thing to ask user, him not knowing all of their names doesn't mean they don't exist. I don't know the names of anyone in ISIS, yet I don't go around going "ISIS doesn't exist and unless you can name all of them you can't prove it".

i've meet a lot of reclusive girls
but usually they bring it upon themselves because a lot of the time they're cute as fuck
they ended up just taking online home school courses that inevitably leads them to not graduating at all because they're to lazy to do them and just get their GED
they end up just browsing tumblr in the same way a lot of guys just end up browsing Sup Forums
but they brought their shit upon themselves, it was their choice
its hard to meet these girls but you can probably find them sitting alone at a college campus maybe

There are men out there RIGHT NOW who'd give anything for your hulking monster ass to sit on their face.

Your life is easy mode, fuck off.

Are you actually kidding me user, let's just post their names right here for everyone. You're absolutely right my argument has no bearing if I don't name all the fat fucking women I know with literally 0 friends in buttfuck Willard/Nixa/Springfield/Ozark/Republic, MO

But okay, I can post some names.

Katheryn Moren
Edith Haynes
Juliette McNabbin
Kirsten Brown

that really helps wow, that changes everything all of a sudden.

do you have proof that literally 100% of women get attention all of the time. Take some time and make some friends and you might get some pity likes too, you pathetic fucking loser.

Don't be so had on yourself user. You've got quite a few friends who are always there for you when you need them.

You just need to make sure you remember to lock the basement door on your way out is all.

Kind of impressive the sort of mental gymnastics people can do to preserve their own egos, whether that be tumblr or /r9k/, the way they can make being a failure somehow not a failure by going "Only I can be a failure, everyone else has no excuse!" just always impresses me.

They were discussing Mayoiga at some point? The lost village?

How do they feel about that? I liked where it was going at first, but shit's starting to take too long to explain whats going on and why I should care about these characters.

I was expecting something like Another or another one of those "these people are outcasted by society" shows, but it just doesnt look like its going anywhere, like its dancing around the issue.

I don't know about you, but I would rather be excluded from the group permanently than be included in it only because its members took pity on me, with my only connection to the group being created on a lie. A group that only includes unattractive people based on pity rather than their qualities as a person is best avoided by anyone who claims to be a decent person, irrespective of attractiveness.

>There are men out there RIGHT NOW who'd give anything for your hulking monster ass to sit on their face.

And there are men out there RIGHT NOW who'd give anything for your hulking monster ass to sit on their face too, so