What are some good games with giant musical instruments in them

what are some good games with giant musical instruments in them

Rayman 1

Rayman has that music world. Sonic Advance 2 has a music world with big instruments as well.
RIP Tuba Croc, destroyed by weird porn.

>tuba vore

Tell me what reason you want to know

Does this have to do with that image

Mario Kart 8

i think you know

probably horny for it.

Bubsy 2




what the fuck is this thread.

Dear GOD

When has this been a fetish with a dedicated art community?

band land from rayman is all I can think of.

its not. a guy just asked a lot of people to draw it at one point. I've talked to him, he's pretty nice.

It is just one guy who posted about it years back on Sup Forums and it became a meme


what was their reasoning for liking it

It's something only he can explain. I didn't quite get it when he told me either. Something arousing about being inside of a tuba, and the vibrations of the horn. I don't know.


That's like asking why that one guy likes floortiles

Farewell, thread

it is a fetish so it obviously will seem alien but i am still curious as to what about it works

He doesn't. He was making a meme, a successful one at that. It's pretty obvious from the way he posted, too.
>Hey guys this SUPER EMBARRASSING THING HAPPENED also video games
>What thing
>WEEEEELL cue hours of shitposting

I mean it still was kinda fun to pretend he's for real but you can't seriously believe it.

That is voring a tuba, not tuba vore.

well this trumps delitized



why was there never a music robot master