He downloaded windows 10

>he downloaded windows 10

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>Tfw you avoided the digital jew.

is your shitty graphix card's fault. congrats on your amd purchase.

When is the deadline to roll back? I'm 90% sure I'm gonna do it.

>he bought a gtx

How the hell do you take a screenshot of an error message?
You'd need to have some sort of capture device or something.

Nvidia's drivers are trash in Windows 10.

Virtual machines

Well that would explain why the drivers would be fucking up.

No not really.

They've never crashed for me. Do you have a single fact to back that up?

No, you seem to have no idea how virtual machines or operative systems work.

The fact you literally can't update your Nvidia drivers in Windows 10?

Works on my machine, faggot.

Jokes on you my computer gives a random blue screen every time i turn it on using 8.1 and has been for over 2 months.

I just upgraded to a 1060 and have had three BSODs so far.

Twice in Mad Max and once in furmark.

DDU + reinstall twice and a simple Google search confirms that a lot of Nvidia users have been having issues since Windows 10 launched.

Stop turning it on you're making it worse


Windows 8 bluescreens on my laptop all the fucking time, it blows


What shilling master did you study under?


>got windows 10 at work

>its a piece of shit

like what are they thinking



So far I noticed that rolling back to a previous driver completely prevents this blue screen from appearing. This makes me think it's due to a shitty AMD driver.

i really fucking hate getting these screens. i had windows 10 and got like 5 of them. i solved one of them and got different errors. so i just reverted back to factory and i like 8.1 better than 10 now, at least on this laptop.

Why am I supposed to concern myself with issues that don't affect me now?

>got new laptop because the 7 year old one finally died
>windows 10 pre-installed
Alright, I'll go fuck myself.

It'll work after it's bluelit once. Been trying to fiqure out why it's been happening forever and still not a goddamn clue. Only thing i could possibly think would be motherboard killing itself.

>mfw Nvidia's drivers are like AMD's now

>mfw been using 10 since forever now and never had a single fucking issue

Yeah, I have. Pro on release, now switched to Enterprise. Takes some time to uninstall and disable some garbage but then it just works. And works pretty well. So yeah.

At least we got More years of support

Windows 10 is such a mess. Its antivirus hogs my shit so often I ended up downloading Avira, which isn't anywhere near as annoying so that says a lot. Now it wanted to interrupt my shit twice in two days to update, the second time it took ~20 minutes to reach 30% so I ended up restarting it so it would stop trying.
Not to mention that Windows has always liked throwing prompts in front of everything else, especially when typing so you end up accidentally doing something you don't want.

An OS should be there for the user, not the other way around.


Is Windows 7 still worth using? How's the compatibility? I'm building a PC and was thinking of getting 7.

AFAIK everything works just fine, just be sure to have an iso with SP1 integrated for UEFI compatibility.

You better hope DX12 doesn't take off

>He bought an AMD

Agree with sexy skeleton. Installed legit, not pirate shit version fresh on SSD. Runs smooths as a muthafucka

Dx 12. Stay off the edge fags.

Windows 7 is the modern XP. It's going to be supported for a while yet.
Funnily enough, that probably means Vista is going to live longer than you'd expect too.

>yfw they've always been like that

Up-to-date meaning everything straight from Windows Update, right?

>Guinea pig for testing out Windows 10 at work
>It's fucking everything up
Just kill me

do i really need wangblows 10 for vr?

post madobe

Have they stopped that forced update shit yet?

Why would they?

Or did you mean upgrade? Yeah, that stopped.

But you need at least 8 to use Virtual Desktop

>Note: Currently DOES work on Win 7, despite requirements saying it doesn't.

>Download and install the anniversary update
>Get stuck in an endless loop of BSODs saying CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED
>Go back to 1511
>Everything works again

My Xbone does this to me sometimes. Best thing is it keeps you in a party until it restarts to apply the update, so you can still talk to people and listen to them suffer for losing a teammate.

>"can you back up that claim?"
>says it's literally everywhere
>"b-but it's not affecting me therefore you're still wrong!!"

Holy fuck it's like you completely forgot what your original argument is you cuckmeister.

Even if it does it would be a bad experience under Windows 7 because it doesn't support reading the screen buffers directly
You basically have to download a screen shot from the GPU and upload the screen shot back onto the GPU to display it
This is somewhat laggy, juddery and causes constant CPU load doing nothing

>upgrading to Win10

Not even once, they'll pry my Win7 from my cold dead hands

Enjoy having to replace that shit constantly every other year or so.

Not him, but if you know the quirks behind an SSD and what makes it fail, you can make it last as long as an HDD.

There are no "quirks" apart from not hitting it with a hammer during installation. This SSD is now two and a half years old and it's nominally rated at 80 TB host writes, and that's an extremely conservative estimate anyway and the vast majority of drives will last far beyond that.

>tfw windows 7

You have a good chance of your SSD dying if you take up more than 75% capacity (25% must be kept empty).

Constant writing/rewriting to it in a short timespan will also hurt its health, whittling it down more and more.

>Enjoy having to replace that shit constantly every other year or so.


Not for long.

Had this pop up out of nowhere last week, haven't had problems since.

>You have a good chance of your SSD dying if you take up more than 75% capacity (25% must be kept empty).
Keeping the drive full doesn't magically kill it, and the overprovisioning exists to prevent the issues in the first place. Sure, keeping some space empty is a good idea, but it's recommended on regular HDDs as well.
>Constant writing/rewriting to it in a short timespan will also hurt its health, whittling it down more and more.
Using a product will wear it known? Who would've thought. Also the controller tries to balance writes across the different cells to promote even NAND wear, so repeatedly spamming rewrite operations won't start digging a hole in the thing. Nifty, eh?

I seriously don't understand where the whole "SSDs are fragile" meme started anyway. Sure, the early Sandforce 2 drives were extremely good at bricking themselves, but that was due to shitty programming making the drives explode on their own and not because of users forgetting some arcane song, dance and incense routine they had to perform while installing new software.

Everything was fine on my Windows 10 until

After an update it told me it was missing some important system file and had to go into auto repair/set up

But when it asked me what keyboard format I had, the mouse and keyboard wouldn't work at all.

Thank god my HP assistant shit could restore my Windows 7.

yes you can, i've done it multiple times

maybe your frankenstein computer is just a piece of shit and windows 10 helped you realize that

I dunno, but that does clear up a lot of fears I've had for my first SSD. Thanks user.

I'm just a fencesitter passing by.

Someone fucking help me

Every time I try to shut down my computer, on 8.1, it tries updating. Not to Windows 10 since that free period is over, but I've had updates turned off since last October and I don't understand why this is happening.

It first happened July 28th when somehow it changed itself to automatically update. I fixed the setting and uninstalled every update it forced on me but now it tries to update every time, even though my settings are still on "never update."

What the fuck can I do?

>Enjoy having to replace that shit constantly every other year or so.
>not having 70 dollarydoos/euro to spare for new SSD by then

install gentoo

don't shut off your computer

>own windows 10
>no problems

For me only build 10.0.10074 was trully unstable

Other than that - best windows ever

Windows 10 is a lot worse, but you're still being tracked even if you fucked around in Win 7.

Yeah, the best way to deal with SSDs is just using it like a normal PC and not getting all spooked by the stories. As long as you don't go out of your way to try and abuse it, you'll be fine.

850 EVO is covered under warranty for up to 150 Terabytes written. What the fuck are you doing with your SSD?

I could understand not upgrading 7 to 10, but not upgrading 8.1>10?? What were you thinking?

>forced updates without your consent
>can't turn off some of the telemetry bullshit

8.1 is shit but it's not as shit as 10. I'm only using 8.1 because it's what this prebuilt laptop came with and I didn't want to try pirating an OS due to the risk of getting some bootleg Chinese version with a ton of malware.

user, you don't pirate a whole OS like that. You use something to fool the OS into thinking that it's a legit, registered copy.

>I didn't want to try pirating an OS due to the risk of getting some bootleg Chinese version with a ton of malware
Literal retard.

Software development and downloading porn.

>can't turn off some of the telemetry bullshit
>big brother is spying on me I'm defenseless reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Anyway I bet you post on this shit-ass site without VPN

What's the best operating system, Sup Forums?

>A streamer is a retard who can't even disable his automatic updates
This would affect him in Windows 7 too. Just because he's mentally retarded doesn't mean you can blame the OS.

>we're just collecting data

#1 spyware OS for life

The difference is that the telemetry can be effectively removed from 7. There is no way to shut it off in 10.

Is Windows 10 the new Vista?

What's wrong with Windows 10? It performs way better than any other version of Windows, and it has a better UI/UX. If your concern is the stalker shit Microsoft is pulling then ditch Windows altogether. You're not safe on 7.

Combination of new Vista, and new ME.

where does this performance myth come from? at best it runs the same, at worst (i.e. when all the extra background services start doing stuff) it runs slower. The start menu search alone is slow enough to drive me insane

Because it still has compatibility issues out the ass and is buggy as fuck.

It's not a myth. Developers have lower level access. And systems programs are better implemented. It's also lighter.

Again, the main concern among critics of Windows 10 is that it invade privacy with ridiculous data mining procedures. However, these same people will turn around and boot up their Windows 7 machines. Do you not realize that Windows 7 is now just as bad?

more myths? developers still use the same APIs as before. Or are you claiming the new UWP "apps" are lower level? that's pretty laughable, it's the opposite, especially with the DRM layer

in my experience it's slower than win 7, and that's comparing a fresh install to a well used win 7.

The telemetry updates can be removed from 7.


people complain why they do all sorts of weird mods with their pc and then cry when windows 10 doesnt work on their make shift pc whatever it is

>old windows 7 computer keeps dying within minutes of turning it on
>need to buy new laptop
>everything has windows 10 pre-installed
How do I go back.

>windows 10 is updating
>stream is still going


wonder how much linux paid him