Only Sonic 06 and Dark Brotherhood are bad

>only Sonic 06 and Dark Brotherhood are bad
>The rest of the Sonic games are good
Haedox somehow managed to be more annoying than Sammy.

Other urls found in this thread:

>That avatar
Reminds me of a disgruntled Teddy Bear

Sonic Adventure
>Unplayable due to camera and controls

Sonic Adventure 2
>Unplayable due to camera and controls
>N64 graphics

when it comes to "gamers", theres two ends on the spectrum. one end is *drinks gamer fuel, gets 360 controller tattoo, streams MLG practice, is in a clan, epic hardcore etc.*

that guy is a perfect example of the other end. the adult-child end.

>At least half of the games must be bad

Sonic 2
Sonic R
Sonic Zero Gravity
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic 2006
Sonic Unleashed
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Colors
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic Advance 2,3
Sonic Adventure 1,2
Sonic Generations
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric
Sonic Riders
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Lost World
Sonic 4
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal

>Sonic 2

>sonic 2
>advance 2,3

What's bad about those games?

>His argument is that it's a great series.
>It relies on only two games being outright awful
>The rest he calls passable or just OK
>An indicator of his standards is calling Sonic Boom passable
So... this is the power of Autism!

None of these games are bad.

Everything about Sonic 2 is bad from the special stage (impossible to beat) to the level design, music and not being able to play as tails

>not being able to play as tails
You can.
>B-but you can't fly
Irrelevant and he can fly in the remake.

Let me score the 3D sonic games fairly

Sonic Colors
Sonic Adventure 1
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Colors
Sonic 2006
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic and the Black Knight

>Sonic 2006
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric
>Sonic Riders
>Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal
These games are indisputably awful. Sonic gets a bad wrap that's for sure, but these games make it understandable
>Dark Brotherhood

hell no

I like Shadow the Hedgehog. I just bought it again, actually. Zero fucks given.


which remake you idiot?

Is DS Colors that good?

The first sonic riders wasn't bad

Stop giving this guy views please.

The entire video is him proclaiming opinion as fact. It's like a conversation on Sup Forums.

He's shit. Stop advertising him.


This is some underrated bait, you should've posted this in a more alive thread.

This guy sounds like a know it all, I don't like him
Spotted the delusional sonicfag

That character is the most obnoxious YouTube Channel Mascot ever. It disgusts Me when I encounter it in comments.

Sorry I meant Sonic Heroes

>Sonic Adventure 1
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Unleashed
Sonic Unleashed isn't even close to being 4/10. It's a solid 7, and Colors is a 7 as well.

Games in this list that are actually bad:

Sonic 06
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric
Sonic and the Black Knight
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal

As you can see, it's not nearly as bad as it seems. The ratio is still in Sega's favor.

how can you play as tails in sonic 2?

>It's a solid 7

>looking at YouTube comments


also I'd argue Gaijin Goomba takes that title

Sonic has a LOT of mediocre/below average games too though

bump up colors you jackass to a 7

Yeah there's a ton of mediocre ones. Absolutely.

There are only 2 good sonic games

Sonic 3 and Sonic CD

The rest is below 6/10

shadow had some wonky physics and enemy sponges

>Sonic CD

if Sega really closed doors they could have sold their IP to a decent company like Microsoft and they could have made decent sonic games

Shadow the Hedgehog shouldn't even be counted. It's like putting Wario Land in a list of Mario games.

Granted, Wario Land is great and Shadow...isn't...but still.

It's experimental and provides a new way to play Sonic.

Sonic CD is amazing despite having to switch time to beat the game

The Werehog isn't even that bad. It's not something I wanna voluntarily pop in Unleashed to play exclusively, but they're not as bad as everyone says.

It's a main game.

Sonic 3&K you mean right? Sonic 3 on its own isn't that great.

I'm not so sure on that

they are so boring and that shitty battle theme that ruins the background music.
its just mediocre

That doesn't mean it's good

Where does the idea that sonic was ever amazing even come from? Replay the first few games and you will see how floaty the controls are, and how awkward the level design is.

Source plz

I honestly think Ow the Edge is worse than 06.

Sonic 1,2 and 3 received great reviews in the 90s

>Direct sequel to Heroes
>Focus on a main Sonic character
>No other 3D games were coming out until 06

I would assume whenever anyone says "Sonic 3" they mean S3&K

Why are all Sonic threads filled with retards presenting their opinions as facts? It's not standard Sup Forums levels of this shit either.


Couldn't even sit through that video.

I'm surprised he has any subs at all.

Sonic 3 is great on its own

I honestly can't understand liking either adventure games. Or shadow. Or Boom. Or Unleashed (I don't care that half is good half is the worst garbage ever). Or Sonic 4.

He said Sonic Generations is good

anyone who says Sonic Generations is good must be blacklisted.

It's decent, but it's not 3&K

Wario Land

>direct sequel to Super Mario Land 2
>Focus on a main Mario character
>No other 2D games were coming out until Yoshi's Island

>Unplayable due to camera and controls
Well meme'd

S&K is mostly filled with terrible levels design aside from Lava Reef and the soundtrack is inferior to 3.

am I wrong?

I always see this guy on top comments here and there, does he pay people to upvote his YouTube comments?

Wario Land wasn't release on a console.

he says what people want to hear

>Sonic games are good and the games people say sucks don't suck they're ok

It doesn't matter.

>SA1 has shitty controls
The Dreamcast version's controls are excellent.
>SA2 has N64 graphics
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Yeah it was a spinoff from heroes that's it really

>Its another "e-celeb we are meant to know but don't" thread
>Most people do know him
>mfw I'm old and out of touch

>The Dreamcast version's controls are excellent.

They tried to fix it on Gamecube and HD version but the control is just 1/10

>Hating on Flying Battery and Sky Sanctuary Zone

Easy way to fix sonic:

Make a Miles platformer in the way of Banjo and stop with the speed gimmick

Anyone agree?

So I guess Super Mario Land is a main title.

Tell me when Tails & Knuckles get their own standalone 3D adventure on console.

If I wanted to play Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 which port should get?

>Boom 3DS
Neither of these are bad games. Just mediocre.

I don't even like Sonic, but don't lump shovelware in with fucking abortions.

You had me at Banjo. But platformers are dead, as bad as I want them back.

That doesn't have to do with anything since Knuckles did get a spinoff too and it introduced the chaotix, and tails got several games for himself too

Abortion is at least a spectacle to watch mediocre might as well not exist in this world.

I don't think he's really known here outside of the video people are talking about.

Looked him up. How's this dude make a video like every 2 days? Also he has a video telling meanie heads to stop disliking his videos. Weird.

Dark Brotherhood isn't even THAT bad, soundtrack aside.

It's not amazing but it's better than tons of the other crap with Sonic's mug on it.

SA1's ports are terrible, and SA2's ports have a highly-superior multiplayer at the expense of a few minor glitches and slightly-inferior lighting.

>its a hey Sup Forums check out my opinions and youtube channel thread

>But platformers are dead

Because companies are stupid because they could make easy money if they make simple but fun platform games without speed or weapon gimmick

>Saying literally anything positive about a game on Sup Forums
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Sonic Adventure 2

Thats funny because sonic and k drags sonic 3 down and makes the game overly long


Literally WHO?

Ratchet made a shitfuck load of money despite being a budget game.

I mostly know him as "that one guy who shit all over Splatoon when it dropped just to be contrarian"

Ratchet is a 6/10 game...
Jak is also mediocre and made money because there is no competition

I think secret rings is good

360 for both, like always

The gamecube version feels less dated in a CRT

>But it's bad
Who gives a fuck you goalpost moving shit?

Insomniac has had consistent success with making money on their weapon-gimmick platformers for over a decade now, with the most recent one being a big hit despite being a budget game. It's crazy.

Because it had an audience and it was good, I can forgive the story and weird changes, the gameplay is top notch.

>Defending Unwiished

I mean I don't like Unleashed, but I can see why people like it. Unwiished is just straight up shovelware

b-but i liked it and i have the ps3 version too


Unleashed for the Wii was good. It made away with the hub and collectathon shit, getting to the levels was a lot more streamlined.

hubs were brief and well designed and only fucking idiots had trouble with collecting shit

>o...oh my god!! im literally triggered i have to pick up a medal! RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE XP

kill yourself

The R&C series is overall solid as fuck dude and the J&D games (1-3, X & Daxter) are all decent. You have no idea wtf you're talking about.