Does Sup Forums like king's bounty? This game is legitimately comfy and it has nice music.
Does Sup Forums like king's bounty? This game is legitimately comfy and it has nice music
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I wish there was actually something new instead of rehashes.
It's the closest thing we'll get to a new 3DO game.
Which King's Bounty should I play?
I hear it's made by slavs or something so I expect it to be fun
Armored princess
its alright but very grindy and gets really boring so I could never finish original or princess-something
Armored princess with the expansion is by far the best.
the first was fun
the combat system gets really tiring after a while
I actually uninstalled armored princess out of boredom
I guess it does get boring but it's such a nice game the only problem it has was new releases just kind of being more of the same.
It's based as fuck. Finished them all, pre-ordering the last 2. IDGAF
never beat the first one because i got bored
if only they had a town building mechanic like homm3
A worthy successor to Paul Romero, holy shit I forgot how good the OST was.
>Finished them all
Madman, they are all long as fuck and basically play the same so you should be burned out by the second one.
I finished them all too, AP multiple times.
Fuck my life.
wtf are you smoking
The Dark Side is the best. Actually every succesive game is better than the earlier games with unpatched Warriors of the North being exception.
I really haven't played the last one, should get to it.
What of the class balance?
As usual
Mage (Vampire) > Warrior (Orc) >>> Paladin (Succubus)
It's slightly balanced by giving Succubus better early units.
How come the Steam reviews are mixed?
Are people crying about DLC or some stupid shit like that?
>steam reviews
I expected better from people actually playing these games.
Well I haven't actually played these games so tell me why the reviews are mixed for that one and not the others
Hyperbolic Time Chamber
I don't read steam reviews.
That track was so good.
Me neither but since they say "mixed" there is clearly something wrong with the game that you are keeping from me
Other than the sequels being slightly repetitive, there's nothing really offensive to the games.
It was the same game released as it was in Early Access for like 4 months (can't remember) with some promises that were not held and minor patching.
yeah comfy as fuck but tedious as well
Is Dark Side much of an improvement to be worth returning to this game? I also got bored by grindy battles in the previous titles
Demons sure had cunt-tier skills/abilities in the previous games, can I be asshole too now?
I fuckin love this rebirth of the series. And yeah it was legit comfy back on the Genesis, too. I remember playing it in a converted garage during a thunderstorm with people who were probably drug dealers now that I think about it..
Kind of feel like it peaked at AP and went downhill from there.
But then again I haven't played the WotN (with expansion, without it was meh) and DS yet.
Nah, Dark side is tedious and boring. You're on a perpetual quest to find three of X to obtain Y, and you need three of Y to obtain Z and you need three of Z to win the game. Maps are tiny dark corridor labyrinths filled with plethora of very hard to impossible mobs, main characters have no presence, humor is tired and music is utterly forgettable. It's still a decent game if too dragged out, but it's nowhere near Legend and Princess.
I only tried the first one, it had interesting concepts such as marriage and kids, with bonus to a race and stats. Combat and gameplay surrounding it, run around grinding up and getting more and better troops on the maps got old fast. Even more so you cud fuck yourself completely be running out of troops to buy? Especially bad with good troops that enemy can 1 shot in first turn in combat with spells. However I got the appeal, there is tactics in dealing with it and finding replacement or alternative ways of doing it after plan A folds. So it's a good game, but not for me. Also the combats cud really draw out in length, I guess you cud not save during it? It's a common gaming sin in my eyes though.
So for someone like me hating heroes of might and magic 6 and 7 or whatever they call it, there is only one really good game out and that is Age of Wonders 3. Looks a bit like a civ game, but with depth and feel of a heroes series. A lot of classes, races, campaigns where you can pick slight variations in your story depending on who you support. Also it got a good map and mod editor. Only reason there isn't more content there is because people have let it slip past their radar.
Age of Wonders 3 is trash
not enough unit variety to be a good SRPG
shitty city building options so it's not a good straight 4X either
I guess I can shill a little in a dieing thread for a dieing genre of games.
Pic is random map editor, and yes you can play as halflings with pony cavalry.
Eador: Masters of the Broken World is enjoyable for a select niche but that niche is likely to be in this thread
I've only played armored princess but it was the biggest timesink I've ever played.
Didn't even beat it.
You're trash! AoW3 with both exp packs is GOD TIER
Any Dom 4 bros in here?
I can agree building option don't have that much depth, however you get unique buildings for dwellings etc. cleared out in your territories which again gives makes your units more unique. Such as having a Hearth of the Volcano in your ownership can make your race who fucking hate volcanic terrain, love it. If in is within a city limit all your units trained there can immolate enemies on attack. Having a Lost City gives you a Chinese dragon like unit with heal, etc.
So saying there isn't enough unit variety goes to show you have not played it, or at least not with all expansions out. There are is 9 races, who got their own line-up of units unique their race and on top of it you pick class among 7 which gives you units depending on race and class, how many fucking units do you need? Oh you pick masteries which might grant you even more units such as Fire or Grey Guardian. And then we got Dragons, Giants, Archons/Revenants, Fairies, Naga, Merfolk, Elementals, and general stuff like animales, machines and monsters.
Have you even kept up since release? They've updated it massively since with free content and expansions. It's way different these days.
Hell yeah. I don't play it nearly as much as i should but it's an amazing game.
It is a good game but it lacks some mechanics which could balance it a bit. Like health/damage correlation when you can weaken units by attacking them. It could have helped toning down some high tier units. As of now they are too strong and unless you can kill them in one turn you have to face their full strength even if they have only 1 hp left. I personally think this is the only thing lacking as other mechanics (flanking, 3 action point system, ranged penalties, hard counters, only one spell per turn) are suggesting more positiong and not just nuking one or two most dangerous units. Healing magic would also be more worthwhile and summons wouldn't be so shit as you'll have more options to whittle down your opponent before the fight starts. Eador had similar mechanic (apart from morale and stamina) and it was great at helping you to deal with terminator-tier creatures and heroes.
Own it, but have not played a lot of it after run into fun bugs which upped difficulty every time I loaded. Also was a bit slow paced,however xp with Imperial units is coming, so might play it more then.
Katauri's King's Bounty is really not that great overall, it's even more casual than your average HoMM game with trite artstyle and passable humor.
It's only praised because we haven't had a good big Heroes game in a while and you should really stop playing after Armored Princess campaign.
Is Armored Princess any good?
Nigger, I'm not him, but Dark Side is objectively the best game in the series because of unit variety and the abundance of special abilities each unit has. The game is all about combat and combat is where Dark Side shines. Everything else is literally irrelevant.
It's the second best game in the series, right after Dark Side. People claiming, that the original is better, have a severe case of nostalgia goggles.
King's Bounty: The Legend or Armored Princess are the best, start with either.
The other ones are buggy, unfinished and rushed pieces of shit but they are still pretty good if you really like the series. Don't start with them.
I don't get what is going on this screen
I hate new games for this
Terrible IQ aside, you dum
Yeah it can turn to a tier 4 fest after a while, because of that. Heard talk of mod about it on the forums, but have not actually seen one that makes damage effect units directly...
If I remember right, developers went with this style of combat so that aoe damage spells was not kings of combat. Since there is few spells that outright kill unit stacks with some xp on them, it's better to kill a unit completely then harm 4-5 units a little since they don't lose anything other then hp. And besides plenty of units have debuffs on attack that does the same.
By the way, when I say Armored Princess I mean with the expansion Crossworlds included.
Also AP is actually a continuation of the story in The Legend so if you care about that play it first. It's not required but you might be a bit confused at first otherwise.
>filled with plethora of very hard to impossible mobs
So, basically, you're arguing that a game focusing on pure tactical turn based combat alone is shit, because it's too difficult and requires actual brain activity to win battles?
Unironically neck yourself, shitter.
Dark Side is garbage, get your head out of your ass.
62 hours for completing Legend and 45 hours for Armored Princess
Barely started Warriors and haven't even touched Dark Side.
Might be true yeah, but they do fill a spot
Your taste is garbage, get your ass off my dick.
It has the best unit variety, best unit special ability variety and is the hardest game in the franchise. Since the series focuses purely on combat with story being literally an afterthought, it makes it the best game in the franchise. Only autistic manchild shitters call it shit, because it didn't have enough "muh atmosphere" and "muh humor".
PS: Kill yourself. you fucking mongoloid.
>It has the best unit variety, best unit special ability variety
Yeah, and it has the worst everything else so fuck off. You are objectively wrong and you know it or you wouldn't be so damn defensive about it.
I found AoW3 to be very uninspired and dropped it quickly (still have it installed though)
I like Civs and HoM games.
>everything else
Everything else doesn't matter, you fucking retard. The series focuses on tactical turn based battles and Dark Side offers the best experience in this area. Everything else is irrelevant, including your shitty opinion.
Eador remake is shit, play the original instead. It's comfier, too.
Crossworlds and Armored Princess is basically the same thing, right?
Crossworlds is upgraded Armored Princess. There's literally no reason to own the original armored princess.
Then why do these jews keep selling it? I was confused and bought both.
>Then why do these jews keep selling it?
Because they're Russians. Never trust a fucking commie snownigger, even when they make good games.
There's no economy part, but all in all, I like it better that way. Unless you play MP, HoMM is all about battles and exploration, and 'strategy' layer only gets in way.
> 'strategy' layer only gets in way.
Generic random skirmishes are literally won through strategy alone with combat being merely a proxy. What the fuck are you talking about?
I played Crossworlds a bit. Beat the 1st island than went to the next one. When I realized I couldnt kill anything anymore I stopped playing. Whats with the bullshit difficulty spike?.
>Generic random skirmishes are literally won through strategy alone
Not him, but that's why King's Bounty is superior, because you cannot simply overpower encounters through sheer army size obtained via gathering shitloads of resources and sitting for weeks in your castle, building an army. King's Bounty forces you to win fights through tactics alone and the Insane difficulty ALWAYS has you fighting at a disadvantage.
Armored Princess is $10 and Crossworlds is $20.
Crossworlds in rebalance, plus Rage Spirits powers added in form of spells, and some minicampaigns. If you completed AP and want to play Crossworlds version, I'd say you wait for it to be on sale, since it's often at -75%
>Whats with the bullshit difficulty spike?.
Unless you're playing on Insane, you have no right to complain.
> you cannot simply overpower encounters through sheer army size obtained via gathering shitloads of resources and sitting for weeks in your castle,
You will never be allowed to do this against a decent AI (which is granted only present in some of the games) or a competent player.
>decent AI
>in HoMM
Doesn't exist, unless you replace "decent" with "cheating piece of shit".
>competent player
Yes, you can, especially on XL maps, where players only meet each other after shitloads of turns when they already have maxed out everything.
Start with The Legend, anything later will rape your ass if you haven't learned to abuse the system to squeeze every possible drop of advantage out of it, don't let the cutesy graphics fool you.
It's not like there have been huge upgrades between the games, they all play the same with minor enhancements.
>Doesn't exist, unless you replace "decent" with "cheating piece of shit".
But KB having overwhelming enemy numbers at higher difficulties is suddenly okay. Uh huh. I understand it now.
>Yes, you can, especially on XL maps, where players only meet each other after shitloads of turns when they already have maxed out everything.
So then you're both at even grounds and what matters is how well you do reaching each other which is completely reliant on strategy.
3/10 could probably get a clueless person with that
>they all play the same with minor enhancements.
Which, after 4 games that are essentially identical, is getting really, really old.
I love King's bounty, but my enthusiasm for it has waned considerably with each new title being nothing but a large expansion pack. They really need to do an overhaul.
>developers went with this style of combat so that aoe damage spells was not kings of combat
They went a long way to water down magic system in the game. I hardly find that a problem since pure magic classes (sorcerer, arch druid) are the weakest in the game and have hard time compensating for their shit unit roster. Because of that you mostly cast buffs on your most precious veterans who can butcher their way through anything. By the way debuffs can fail because of high magic resistance and attacking spells are mitigated by elemental resistance. I haven't been playing AoW 3 for a long time now but can hardly remember wothwhile spells allowing me nuking high tier enemies so I have to disagree with you as of now. Overall magic system is much less satisfying than in AoW2 but it is so mostly due to that arbitrary 1 spell per turn restriction (as if you didn't have limited casting points already).
find way to minimize loses, since this game is ALWAYS about winning with minimal loses.
Easiest way is to find unit that is always avaliable in large numbers, gather reserves, and lead battle so enemy's attacks concentrate on it.
Generally, learn units special skills and combat bonuses, and try to combine them with avaliable skills, spells or items to ake them even more powerful.
For example Bears.
Get tactics upgraded, cast haste on them, make them use speed bonus and they will reach enemy's front units in one turn. They good armor and HP, get your defence, and some defence items, and they can take severe beating, cathcing attention of most melee units. And they get bonus to critical hit after taking damage, so whoever strikes them first is going to feel it. 2nd round starts, and you cast stone skin on them, making them even harder to kill. And they are almost always avaliable in large numbers in Human and Barbarian areas.
I like it, it's fun.
It has the most ways/strategies/exploits to cheese out fights I've ever seen in a game.
I can't imagine playing anything other than mage though.
>But KB having overwhelming enemy numbers at higher difficulties is okay.
Yes, it is, because you cannot beat those overwhelming enemy numbers by just sitting on your ass raking in gold and skipping week after week while building an army. You have to beat those odds with sheer skill and wit.
>So then you're both at even grounds and what matters is how well you do reaching each other which is completely reliant on strategy.
>completely reliant on strategy
Exactly, because the disparity in army size between two players on XL maps due to strategy (i.e. resource management, rapid exploration and town building) can be so vast, that it can literally decide the outcome of the fight when these two players meet, leaving pretty much nothing to tactical decision in combat.
Again, King's Bounty is superior, when it comes to actual combat gameplay, because it focuses on pure tactical battles while removing the "strategic" aka town building part, that can have a fuckHUGE impact on combat in HoMM.
Which class is the easiest for the beginner?
>Yes, it is, because you cannot beat those overwhelming enemy numbers by just sitting on your ass raking in gold and skipping week after week while building an army.
So why are you assuming the enemy numbers are static again?
not sure how number of mobs is problem in KB
In KB strength of composition of enemy armies and heroes is randomized at start of game, along with units and items avaliable at merchants. It's completely up to player to prepare himself and pick opponents he's ready to fight.
>Spend half the game looking for good gear.
>Finally get the set I want at the end of the game
>No new game plus
Fucking kill me
unless you disregard controling resources and castle upgrades, you'll easily outproduce enemies, and eventually curbstomp them.
Which is no doubt the most proper strategy that ever existed, just not something I find interesting gameplay wise.
It's not a problem but KB also has player progression and you can build up yourself before engaging in more difficult battles, I don't see how it's any different from a HoMM game at all.
Because the enemy number increase is miniscule, compared to the army growth of an entire fucking castle. Have you even played HoMM games?
What I get out of this is that you're basically never played Heroes at a difficult level and at best you just did initial RoE campaigns or something like that which are intentionally introductory level difficulty.
1v7 AI game cannot be won by turtling.
PVP game cannot be won by turtling.
Any decent challenging map cannot be won by turtling, in fact rushing is almost always preferred as long as you can minimize losses while doing so.
Shows how much you know.
>and you can build up yourself before engaging in more difficult battles
Yes, you can, but, unlike HoMM, you're ALWAYS dealing with limited resources in KB and on harder difficulties - very limited exploration space, because you're going to get raped if you make one wrong step and fight something you're not 101% prepared to.
The enemies have castles too, dipshit.
Sometimes there are whole areas of easier enemies and new stores/treasures guarded by an overleveled unit that you need to kite and walk past.
Get the best units and items you can, fill up your army slots and pick a fight with everything, sometimes "very hard" enemies are easier to beat than hard, it all depends on unit composition.
Got try playing a 1v7 FFA game on 200% and try turtling.
You'll get rekt by the second month.
Bests strategy in those games is actually to rush and attack your opponent as fast as possible with minimal losses.
>1v7 AI game cannot be won by turtling
>PVP game cannot be won by turtling
Wrong. Small maps can be easily won by turtling against rush-happy opponents.
>Any decent challenging map cannot be won by turtling
haha, holy shit, you're fucking retarded. Any SP map in HoMM can be won by simply turtling and outgrowing enemy non-hero stacks.
Shows how much you know.
>outgrowing enemy non-hero stacks.
>non-hero stacks
Because those are the only opponents in the game right? Holy shit you're stupid.
looks like a homm knockoff
Unless you're completely brain dead, you will always build faster new units than an AI, ven a cheating one and you can easily outgrow them even on small maps via rushing to build more powerful units alone.
Stop being shit at the game.
A very good and overlooked game, not to mention a must play for Heroes fans
I hope they make a proper sequel and not put all their efforts in that F2P shit
The series is dead and doesn't need any more sequels. Dark Side was the pinnacle of the series with the biggest number and variety of units, biggest variety of special abilities and the hardest campaign. How are you going to improve the series further? Add more variety, or maybe improve the story and characters, which always an afterthought and not the focus of the games?
Darkside is hot garbage, from the get go, it's lifeless, clunky, and obviously made in a single vodka fueled afternoon.