Are there any videogames that let me be an Olympic diver?

Are there any videogames that let me be an Olympic diver?

Its like Im really watching Free.

how about a Wing Diver?

mario and sonic probably

that was cute as fuck

Track and field you underage bitch

Anons please be sure to swim irl as well as in digital life because it's healthy for your body.

>Olympic diver

what did he mean by this?


>spending your entire life to win or lose by 0.25 points out of 10

fucking metal

>being THIS happy for getting bronze

>there are non-disabled people on Sup Forums who can't swim
I always think it's fucked up that people can't do simple things like swim, read, DP

>top 3 in the world

Strange. This doesn't look like soccer.

>tfw dont know how to swim

i enjoy drowning myself when I try

Humans naturally float user. Unless youre black all you have to do is just wave your arms and legs a little bit.

I'd be pretty happy too if I had a bf like that

>top 3 in the world

That's what everyone always tells me. I always drown. Doesn't matter if i'm laying on my back all lax, or trying to doggy paddle. I sink like a rock.

not even fat skinny as a twig

>win the bronze medal in Judo
>get mugged on the beach

Really makes you think

I'm surprised they didn't make out on camera

Wait, are they actually in a relationship?


>pool keeps turning colors
>contaminated with fuck knows what that now lies dormant in all these swimmers' bodies
>by next summer the the whole world is engulfed in south american super virus
>except for madagascar who closed their ports two weeks ago

>not even fat skinny as a twig

This is probs your issue; I had trouble learning how to passively float as a kid because I was underweight. You need to fill your lungs to float if you don't have some fat on you.

Oh! I'll try that.

Better than silver though, on some levels.
>Congratulations! You... almost won.

I love swimming, but with fins and a snorkel. I never mastered breathing while swimming

What's this feeling

your fag

>you will never have a cute Olympian diver bf

What about his fag?

Those are some qt boys :)

Shit became the Silent Cartographer

breathing with a snorkel horrifies me, its so hard to breathe

all i need is a pair of goggles

if im gonna be underwater all the time i might as well see where im going


No, the left one is gay but going out with a Hollywood jew twice his age.


This thread is pretty homo

Who has a sex tape and a dodgy penis


>tfw my town produced a silver medal olympic diver and a dude competing in World's Strongest Man

Not surprising. Gays are all degenerate and Jews are as well. Gay Jews are the worst of both worlds.


London 2012 by Sega

>giving a shit about sports

normie detected

>that guy on the left
Good thing he is a swimmer because he is flaming!

You're being redundant, dear.

Did they?

Not all Jews are gay. Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld and Roman Polanski are all good examples of straight Jews.

You bet


He is married, morons.

Labyrinth Zone got into Mario and Sonic at the Rio games I see.

I remember how it took ages for him to come out even though he was flaming

Is she a cuck?

He's married to the guy