>P-please take my """"""""""""""""""Sport"""""""""""""""""""" seriously guys
Reddit is the other way
>if you make money playing basketball but watch baseball you deserve to be fired!
Real question here, why doesnt Riot steal the whole compendium idea?
Its like free cash
At least that guy fishes for (You)s on a site that's fully geared towards it.
>people pay to watch esports
>people actually donate to streamers
These scum should be wiped from the face of the earth
Did the Dota thing end yet?
Who won
Digital chaos
Chinese memesters
Because its Anti-Consumer.
The kind of morons who play DotA2 and support Valve no matter what bullshit they pull will gladly drop millions into Compendiums. No other company in the world would get away with paid matchmaking, paid hero updates and paid legitimate maphacks.
I'd rather buy a winners skin set than pay $10 for a bunch of common cosmetics every cunt and their mother will use, none of which are actually good.
Riot also doesnt need to. They could easily make every yearly Championship skin add to the prize pool, but why would they? Why would they make the fans pay for the winners prize in a free game? Compendiums started because Valve had no intention of giving DotA2 a decent prize pool and shoved it on to the people dumb enough to play it competitively to pay for it, and still took a cut.
I haven't played since TI2 and even I know that's a shitty troll account
you know this is a parody account right
the avatar is blacksmith from heroes of newerth
because then they would need to actually do something
right now barely anyone watches worlds in comparison to TI because no teams really care, they're all on riots payroll, not to mention the strict meta/champ picking means you get champs with 80%+ pick rate and less than half the roster picked per tournament
as well as league tournaments not having things like booths/soundproofing
they're casual as fuck when it comes to both the game and the competitive scene
>say the complete opposite thing to reality for every point
>modern trolling!
Look buddy, even as a person that plays dota, literally everything that he said is true
>right now barely anyone watches worlds in comparison to TI because no teams really care
I mean I agree that if it had been riot instead of valve they would have been called jews from the get go.
>paid legitimate maphacks.
The fuck are you on
I don't get it.
Is there a certain site or community within LoLfags that actively tells you lies non-stop?
Nothing you said is even real.How the fuck can you be this brainwashed.
It's just video games, not a fucking ideology or country to root for, you can drop your bias.
He's obviously someone who plays Dota 2, he's talking about the compendium map with square trees that make some paths through trees easier to see.
Blizzard sells map remodels that let you see forest paths that your hero would walk through automatically either way. Apparently that's pay to win.
>>paid legitimate maphacks.
If you got enough levels in the compedium you got a special map skin, and on the left part of that map, the trees are perfectly arranged so that you could see every juke spot
However that was only in that specific spot, so it didn't matter as much
Valve keeps 75% from compendium sales. Riot keeps 99.9% from skin sales.
The fuck is wrong with you?
>Mirana isn't working out for us
>Better choose Mirana
That Slark performance deserved better.
>Asians winning in something involving computer software as proof
This was to be expected
>typing out The fuck is wrong with you?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA on a fucking image board, might as well said it in real life and we'd have heard it.
Oh ok I knew about that, it's just that that concept and maphacking are quite different.
Doesn't stop it from being bullshit though.
If you know so much about Reddit, why don't you go back there?
No one complained about the map but memers and people who fell for the meme.
It's not at all a concern, people just love to meme.
Why every time that a TI happens lolfags get asshurt, besides the shitload of money, because lol"pros" get a salary.
Mate I actually play dota, and it is a considerable problem.
It doesn't take people complaining about something for it to be a problem, people didn't complain about armlet bear, they don't complain about pudge ult still being heard in the fucking fog of war, they don't complain about how cosmetics have gone to shit, even though all of these are problems.
The map stuff is especially fucking bad since valve stopped people from using the pumpkin skin change (changing trees for pumpkins) ESPECIFICALLY because it was easier to see enemies in it.
And then they release a terrain that does it?
That is pretty fucking hard to get unless you pay?
If LoL did this people would be foaming at the mouth.
It's satire
>they don't complain about pudge ult still being heard in the fucking fog of war
But that's actually supposed to happen
>dota fans youtube.com
>Been away from dota for a year
>turn it on today
>they don't complain about pudge ult still being heard in the fucking fog of war
It works like that since WC3 dota.
I mean at this point it's impossible to know, there are things that happen since war3 dota and still were changed because they weren't supposed to happen.
For example, Tiny tossing juggernaut while he spins doesn't stop him from spinning anymore.
i didnt even know the tournament ended
Every time the Lol world series starts there is a huge attention about that but the DoTa 2 tournament was under the rdar for everybody except dotards
I tend to see the opposite trend
Maybe because I play dota, but in which month does LoL worlds get played?
fuck me if i know
I'm gonna try real hard to not call you a retard so here goes.
>people didn't complain about armlet bear
Like everything in Dota ever, it's a legit mechanic until Icefrog deems it unbalanced.And so it was removed.Do you remember fountain hooking?
>pudge ult still being heard in the fucking fog of war
That's how it works shithead
>how cosmetics have gone to shit
This is the first legit "problem" and I'm equally concerned.Best you can do is voice your opinion where it matters (ex: vote for sets you want in, don't buy sets that suck).
Good thing is that never takes away from the core game and how competetive it is, so there's that which is huge for me.
>map stuff
Idk if you're new or something but you can't fucking compare.
The pumpkin map gave a very real advantage and it was accesed only through shady modding.
The new map skin does not even have such a problem, you can't even compare the two.
>b-b-but the trees on the left radiant offlane side are more visible
Still doesn't give you an edge, don't even try to pull the "oh but I can clearly see the paths now and click where I want to go" because you could always do that.
LoLfags just love to pick on a factually superior game, they go on /d2g/ to spout that shit too.
I hoped that it was Fnatic vs Wings in GF.
>Like everything in Dota ever, it's a legit mechanic until Icefrog deems it unbalanced.And so it was removed.Do you remember fountain hooking?
Yes they were both bugs that weren't supposed to happen lmao.
>The pumpkin map gave a very real advantage and it was accesed only through shady modding.
>The new map skin does not even have such a problem, you can't even compare the two.
Mate, it's literally the same problem, the ability to see paths, it shouldn't happen, at the very least on principle.
It's actually really amusing how you seem to think that shady modding is somehow worse than BUYING IT
>Proof: A Chinese team will win it this year
why is this so funny
>fountain hooking
Oh man seeing the videos of TI3 and Loda being an autistic manbaby about it was golden. He's not even the one who lost to it
Because their client can't support something like that without crashing it. It's a adobe air after all
What are some heroes that seriously deserve buffs?
Razor comes to mind, he can't even do his job properly
lol i forgot about that
Maybe an actual launcher could be a compendium goal
I'm tempted to say Jakiro.
Still no replay support or even a option to watch the matches in game or even mic support.
Everything needs a third party program. Valve might be lazy but goddamn.
6.82 babbys will remember aegis aghs refresher razor in ti4
Doesnt that still work?
>Mate, it's literally the same problem, the ability to see paths, it shouldn't happen, at the very least on principle
Not that guy, but can explain that in any reasonable way why it shouldn't be a thing?
Eye of the Storm no longer stays after death before reincarnation. Sure aghs refresher works, but the whole thing was getting aegis on Razor and suiciding towers/rax
>If you make money and watch a differently coloured basketball match you deserve to be fired
Some time ago, people found a way to change the models of the trees, changing them to other things (like pumpkins) made it easier to see paths between them.
As a response, Valve prohibited such changes.
Later, valve releases a map change that changes the models of the trees, and it has the same "problem" as the pumpkins did in one part of the map.
This map change has to be paid for instead of being a change in the files that anyone can do for free.
I don't think that if a mod is prohibited for reason X, it is ok to later sell an item that has the same problem.
What if I told you that good Dota players already know where the juke paths are, and the people who don't are still going to mess it up anyway because they're just bad?
It's somewhat easier to see, sure, you can already just google the paths and learn them in 5 minutes. OR you could just know them by experience like the majority of players.
The only people who complain about Pay2Win map skin are shitslinging redditors and bad dota players
League of Legends's World Championship is rigged. Proof: A Korean team will win it this year.
>What if I told you that good Dota players already know where the juke paths are
How long was it since that pro was like "WHY CAN'T I BUY A BASHER ON SLARDAR!?"
How often do pro players completely forget about patch notes?
This isn't even an excuse.
>and the people who don't are still going to mess it up anyway because they're just bad?
How do you even mess it up if you are literally seeing the fucking paths?
And if that was the case, why prohibit it in the first place??
>It's somewhat easier to see, sure, you can already just google the paths and learn them in 5 minutes. OR you could just know them by experience like the majority of players.
"Like the majority of players" lmfao, you do realize that the average player is about 3k mmr right? not even people in 5k know them by heart (source: I am 5k)
You are trying to justify something because someone tickled your fanboyism and it's depressing.
The real question is - when dota players will get a new hero? When was the last one? Like a year ago?
I can't believe people are defending this kind of shit
lmfao how fitting
>Two new heroes just announced
>One is the first original dota 2 hero ever
Try harder next time
pls leave
Haha stay mad you fucking virgin anime faggot.
A ported one comes the 24th
a brand new one comes out in a few months
Unlord is literally coming out in 8 days.
And the Monkey King is coming out in Autumn...
Still crying
Idk how I'm fanboying exactly lol. Learning juke paths is pretty fucking basic though.
>This isn't even an excuse.
Ignorance is never an excuse, exactly!
>How do you even mess it up if you are literally seeing the fucking paths?
You can see the layout of the path, not the hero. There's still prediction involved if you're landing something like an aoe stun or Mirana arrow. If you think that seeing the outline of the path (which you can already do anyway) makes it a 100% confirmed kill for everyone from bad players to pros, then I guess you don't play much Dota. Oh, but you said you're 5k, nevermind!
Not entirely original tho
How much did it take Valve to make this new heroes ?
Are they also from original DOTA too?
>responding to blatant trolls
board is shit
Pitlord is
Monkey King isnt
Underlord is from the original Dota.
Monkey King was something Icefrog always wanted to do, he teased it through quests and "beta files" or something in dota but it never happened.
But it's finally coming in Dota 2.
You do know that guys avatar is blacksmith from HoN right?
They can't lmao
>How long was it since that pro was like "WHY CAN'T I BUY A BASHER ON SLARDAR!?"
You can buy basher on Slardar now, it's been like that for a year and a half, he just can't get bash procs.
He literally said it on his post dude
C'mon man
>tfw there was no Only King That Matters reveal
What was that faggot on Twitter talking about then?
>no Only King That Matters reveal
Wk got a new immortal that is just a piece of the Skelly
I shit you not
No nigger the tweet was right after Monkey King was revealed.
I thought we were going to get a third hero?
Everyone thought so.
How do we fix them?
Remove them
Riot Games
>HoN avatar
What does /d2g/ think about monkey king?
I don't really go there, for obvious reasons
No idea.
I was there during TI and it was
There wasn't any meaningful discussion. It was all maymays.
So it was just normal?
Good to hear
Idk, hyped?
One autist was spamming how monkey king is lazy done and shit tho.
Overall just happy about it.
>yfw your taste isn't shit enough to unironically play MOBAs
Is LoL the new SC2?
I enjoyed watching that game die.
The drama was priceless.
Mines detonate when destroyed unless you use a quelling blade