Post ITT games where you play as the bad guy

Post ITT games where you play as the bad guy.

I'll start:



Aren't you the "chosen one" that some sex god casts magic on?

In the sequel you realize that one of the girls you "dated" ended up fucking her life up because of what you did to her in the previous game

a sex fairy helps you bang bitches, then you bang the fairy and the sex god

Figured that was what you might have thought, however.


oh fuck, I would shoot my foot just to have a threesome with Audrey and Kyanna

Audrey was going to end up a piece of shit no matter what. She was a grade A bitch. The only one I liked less was the catgirl.

shadow the hedgehog

Welp, wasn't aware of that.

Still, in the main game, the protag is still fucking around with like 8 different girls, including a single mother that assumes he's serious about their relationship so I still consider him to be kindof a douche

although, in his position, I'd still do the same exact thing

Stupid dev is trying to distance himself from hunipop since he doesn't want to be remembered as the guy who made the porn game. Well that porn game was pretty damn good and he should get over himself and make more.

She was pure though. She just acted like a bitch/slut as a self-defense mechanism.

catgirl was my least favorite because of how she talked

>because of what you did to her in the previous game

Took her out on nice dates she thanked me for until she was so enamored that she wanted me to fuck her? Can't blame me for her hating all men just because one broke her heart. Can't blame me because she decide to crawl into a coke hole instead of moving on and finding someone better.

If anyone is to blame its the goddamn sex fairy and the goddess of love that demanded all those panties. Nigga talk to my boss.

He likes both his games, he just didn't want people to assume Cam Studio was a sequel. I think he's gone on record saying he's making a sequel sometime.

Aiko is best girl

Man, how can you fuck up the sequel THAT badly. It's like playing a fucking mobile game. I mean, it's not like the first one was a fucking masterpiece but at least it looked like a proper game.

This desu

You don't really play as "the" bad guy but in Drakengard you're a psychopath who enjoys mass slaughter. Your party consists of a self loathing pedophile, a barren elf who eats children, a racist good-for-nothing priest, and a child who can't age.

He makes time for all of them though. It's a no harm, no foul kind of situation.

>a child who can't age
Yikes, wouldn't wanna hang around with that

>pretty damn good
Huniepop was mediocre as fuck and was missing over half the features that the devs proposed on the kickstarter page.
It's alright to like it, everyone has guilty pleasures for garbage, but don't say it's good because you liked it.


Every WW2 FPS.

inb4 marche

Its a question with Aiko
You have to tell her about the other girls and she doesnt really care
really its just their fault for not asking


Spec Ops: The Line
remember you're not supposed to self insert.
>m-muh loading screens
>implying it's not Walker's conscience asking him those questions

But you almost never play as the Japanese