Nuka World Trailer is out!
>betheshit's nu-fallout
When the fuck is Fallout 4 bundled with all the DLC coming out so Todd doesn't rape my wallet.
I'm still waiting for the inevitable GOTY edition so I can pirate it and play FO4 modded.
Same with Skyrim Remastered. May as well wait for that seeing as it's got 64bit support.
*not covered by the Season pass™
pirate it?
>you know what fallout 4 needs?
>even MORE raiders for the player to kill
I'm actually a bit surprised. Showed a lot of new content. Enemies too
well this time you seem to help raiders
you can become a raider by the look of it
Can you pirate the DLC and still get achievements for it?
>a Nuka-Cola Power Armor
>a bottle cap mascot
How much more of "this is Fallout™. Look at how Fallout™ our Fallout™ game is" are they going to throw at us? At least this is the last of the DLC. Bethesda can't make Fallout any worse.
The worst part is I know that it's going to be full of ghouls and monsters to kill. No game altering choices, well written characters and stories to pursue... Fucking lame.
Was hoping we'd get a look at Gage. I hope she's a qt.
Looks pretty fun honestly.
Far Harbor was already really good.
>he cares about achievements
More like Nu-Ka World amirite
>2d is mostly dead but video games and movies keep dragging it out for lu ebin jokes
Kill me
Also cool a tremors reference and Gun skins
Maybe might get his one.
you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.
I can't wait for no new power armor besides a fucking paint job
>Fallout 4
I just want this game to die. I want Bethesda to die.
capy sounds like mickymouse
I'm hyped af :DD
Looks like the 50$ season pass won't be a waste after all
>How much more of "this is Fallout™. Look at how Fallout™ our Fallout™ game is" are they going to throw at us?
I don't know the devs that did that shit stopped making them after 2.........
He does fucking not. He sounds what like someone who has only heard their uncles impressions of mickey mouse would think mickey mouse would sound like.
>2d is mostly dead
Compared to when?
I'm pretty sure more 2D animation is being produced for both film and games than ever before.
trainwiz btfo
I know what you mean, I like nuka cola and bottle caps as much as any fallout fan but fuck this DLC seems like a joke taken way too far.
When the song started I started to cringe, it's just painfully blatant
>Bought FO4 physical.
>Bought the season pass
>my PS4 is now rejecting all disc.
Just fuck my shit up.
Sounds like your average Sup Forums poster to me.
>bought it for pc
No regrets
This trailer is epitome of what fallout game shouldn't be.
i'm not going to get this, but it looks quite fun
i always enjoy theme-park levels and stupid shit like that
>download speed is ass (about 300kb/s at its absolute best)
>buy PC version physical so I can install from disc
>all it does it validate on Steam and then download anyway
Holy fuck what am I reading. These complaints are so odd.
And if Obsidian did the exact same thing they would hail it as the second coming of Christ.
>300kb/s at its absolute best
How's that even possible? Are you a third worlder?
Even in our Central European shithole you can get a 20/2 or 40/4 DSL connection for ~18$/month basically anywhere bar the smallest villages and a 100+ optic connection in most big cities for the same price.
I live in America, but in the middle of nowhere in a forest
War, war never changes™. *wink*
They only say it three times in the intro. Twice book-ending the opening monologue, which is how it's always been, and then a third time to show you that it was Nate practicing a speech.
I get what you mean but
>Sup Forums hailing anything instead of just constant complaining for attention
I used to get 300kb/s in my old UK village town of Lavendon, then I had 1-2Mb/s after Fibre got installed.
Now that I live in great billing, I get 4-5MB/s.
Post yfw you didn't fall for the Fallout 4 meme.
F1 > F2 > F4 > F:NV > F3
Deal with it
you're the worst, let todd rape your wallet, you most certainly deserve it.
NV > 2 = 4 > 1 > 3
This is exactly what I'm talking about. The shit some of you do/say boggles my mind.
Fair enough.
But I really can't agree with placing NV so high.
>More Settlement shit
Do people actually like this broken-ass mode?
What about Tactics
Is this a new settlement? It's obviously not the Red Rocket in the base game.
>yo nig can you pirate still get dem achievements
this cannot be real
Between NV and 3.
It was fun, but more in the vein of Jagged Alliance than Fallout.
1 = 2 > NV > 3 > 4
4 is not an RPG and therefore it should be at the bottom of any list where it belongs
2 wasn't really that good. 1 beats it by a long shot.
>4 is not an RPG and therefore it should be at the bottom of any list where it belongs
looks shit. what is this gay shit?
Fallout 4
todd stop.
Literally yes
I bought the game but not the DLCs and have all the achievements
May I remind you that Bethesda games handle DLCs like mods
Havent even finished the base game.
Fallout 4 was a mistake.
wow congrats on nabbing those achievements junior
Im giving its the players only base in the outskirts of Nuka World.
Maybe reddit would suit you better?
man i should watch memento again.
Was that a daedroth at :50? lol
What ABOUT Tactics?
So since there is working rollercoasters, what are the chances that the carts are a hat your character wears like in 3.
You're fucking retarted... it's
Everything is propelled by invisible silent explosions.
your nu-meme is getting nu-old, nu-user. LMAO XDDD
Looks fun and cool. But its not Fallout.
>XD look a song about nuka cola le wacky 50s
Wonder if they're gonna reference New Vegas with the cowboy area.
nice """""""""RPG""""""""" there bethesda
>complaining about the wacky 50s aesthetic from practically all the games
What the fuck is wrong with you, this is exactly like what Disney was like with its theme parks back in the day, what did you think it'd be like you idiots?
What does that even fucking mean? What would you raid?
Did you ever play Stalker Clear Sky where you could join up with whatever faction and they'd periodically send out patrols and try to take over the other faction camps and you could help out? From the sounds of things that's how this might go.
Wait, i thought its a story dlc?
Its just a fucking new settle building fucking content?
Fuck this.
Reskins, remodels, a few new items, more FALLOUT™ and more SETTLEMENTS!!!111!!11!!!
yeh but that advertisement cola girl will surely draw in a lot of shekels
>it's settlement shit, again
>I have glaucoma
This looks really, really boring.
>literally 5 seconds of settlement decorations shown
Calm down kid.
What's the deal with FO4 and its subpar DLC? Both FO3 and NV had 4 decently fleshed out 'mini story' packs yet FO4 has like what...1.5? Far Harbor and then I'm hesitant to label this as one of them since it seems focused on settling. You'd think given the quick dropoff in number of people playing FO4 after about a month that some side story DLCs would be the perfect thing to keep people playing.
Jesus Christ that YT comment section is god awful.
Let me quote one:
>I feel sorry for bethesda really. no matter how cool this DLC is chodes will complain that it sucks because of earlier mistakes... while fully supporting other things full of mistakes.
How.. how is this a logical argument? You're comparing people complaining about legitimate problems with the game yet retort to them supporting other games..? What?
>some people are like Flys it doesn't matter if it's good shit or bad shit to them... it's just shit.
What is a 'fly's'? Flies, as in more than one fly? Oh, okay.
He goes on to suggest his sudden hate for the game.
>I for one am looking forward to the new dlc... as soon as my Xbox is working again...
my new goal is to kill a mirelurk queen with the paddle ball.
Boy, what a goal. Man, you should have been in partnership with Bethesda for their achievement section. That would've been a great one.
>144 people liked this fools post.
You're fucking autistic
But literally ever DLC except Far Harbor was settlement shit?
Well the fuckers do have 2 other projects besides TES6 in the works atm. My bet is on them finishing up with this Nuka World, working on a GOTY edition by winter and then moving on completely.
>Thinking that Bethesda would make a single reference to an Obsidian game
Didn't happen in the base game, sure as hell not gonna happen in this one.
>mfw it turns out they hired him to make parts of it
Seriously that attention whoring faggot needs to die. Just don't go looking at his Twitter, you'll get cancer and hate him more.
Bethesdadrone logic, ladies and gentrlemen.
>At least this is the last of the DLC
Didnt they increase the price of the season pass because they're making more DLC than first planned?
Far Harbor had a couple of settlements and new decorations in it too, the Nuka-World trailer showed off the different sections of the park, new armor, weapons and factions, what's your point?
Wait never mind I was thinking about that other attention whore buff.
they're just fucking with us at this point aren't they?
That it's going to be as bad as Far Harbor with 2 confirmed settlement shit dlc in the future