ITT: Games that will never have actual discussion
ITT: Games that will never have actual discussion
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Add all other VideoGames to the list and I agree.
Fuck off retard.
It makes me sad that we'll never have an on-topic Tomba thread with more than 150 posts thanks to some literal autist.
I love pokemon XD
I think most people who played XD left Sup Forums long ago. In regards to Mario, Pannenkoek is actually doing interesting things with the game, but people just reduce his efforts to catchphrases
Fuck off
Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite.
but these aren't games
Not vidya
What's wrong with Tomba 2?
Well Tomba 2 was fucking retarded. Nothing made sense, and was discussed to death over a decade ago.
I would really prefer if you didn't post
>tfw thought it was funny at first when i noticed pokemon XD had XD in it's title in this age of XD
>tfw people keep repeating the same unfunny joke every single time it's brought up
There's shit tons of serious on topic discussions for Mario 64 though...
The Chibi ordeal.
Age of empires II : The african kingdoms.
Why can't Sup Forums talk about Tomba?
And, as for SM64 - sure, there is some BUT FIRST and """"Henry"""" spam, but those threads actually talk a lot about the game and its mechanics.
I also like pokemon Gale of Darkness XD
This one definitely counts.
Donkey Kong 64
And also because nobody ever heard about it until that happened.
I literally made 2 threads with no replies.
How about characters who can't have an actual discussion.
Breath of Fire series.
I'm playing I right now, made a thread about it on /vr/ and some retard started spamming katt pictures, apparently he spams in every BoF thread for no reason and mods do absolutely nothing about it.
The mods are even bigger faggots than that guy.
>does the exact same shit he's complaining about and calling autistic
Just kill yourself, you are too stupid to live
Yoshi, easy.
Also, meta knight
Shadow the Edgelordhog
He was doing the XD thing, which relates to Pokemon, as a joke, then complains about not being able to have Tomba threads because of AGDQ? Those aren't the same thing.
Makes me sad we won't be able to discuss about Pokemon Gale of Darkness, it was the first console game I owned.
I love age of empires II, and even I can't talk about this seriously.
Colosseum was better anyway.
wait a second sir
so you're saying
we were of african descent?
How fucking dense are you
Can't have XD threads because people spam XD jokes
Can't have Tomba 2 threads because of AGDQ spam
I need to keep playing breath of fire 4.
Can't have these two different threads about two different games for two different reasons? That's what I said.
How is it? It's been on my list for a while.
No Man's Sky
Really? Why?
Fucking fantastic and with fucking fantastic animation.
BoT 2 especially is a mindfuck.
Fuck you fucking fucks
t. Alberto Barbosa
1 and 2 are alright, 3 and 4 are great.
If you're gonna play the first two, get the translation patches because the official translations are borderline incomprehensible.
This one hurts, Cordelia a cute. Perflat waifu. Severa makes a good daughter too.
Does this game have a general on /vg/?
Because it was once really popular and considered the greatest game ever made so contrarians will always be here to make meme criticisms.
Check my post on /vr/
I'm the OP and i explained how i felt about the game.
Unfortunately people started shitting up the thread when a guy spammed katt pictures.
Now, looking at the thread again, it seems that some idiot having pointless arguments with the spammer was shitting up even harder than him, but that could be him samefagging as well.
The thread simply became a mess and i left it.
Holy fuck I hate that guy. If you want to trigger him then you can spam Nina pictures, but once he shows up the thread takes a noticeable downturn in quality.
Damn, i don't know how to do this.
Here is the thread:
Yandere Simulator
Shin Megami Tensei.
Hoyposters are LITERALLY scum.
>Ctrl F
> Under
> zero results
Huh, guess all the autism surrounding that has died down.
Holy shit I've completly forgot about hipster bowser.
This whole fucking series, specifically this game. Unless the thread is centered around Adachi, the only mildly interesting part of the story, it's just constant waifu shitposting, literally regurgitating the same images and the exact same words post for post every thread
Beat me to it. Atlus games are cursed due to their autistic fans
This board can only be assblasted about one mediocre game at a time and its NMS for now.
You would have better luck discussing SMT1/2 over Persona1/2
Thoughts on how Sup Forums will act while P5 is out?
Pokemon XD's "Battle CD" system was rad as shit; anyone know of any other turn-based RPGs with "puzzle battles" of that particular sort?
Immediately spoil the ending then post the exact same pictures of the exact same girls with the exact same words 3 threads a day until Persona 5: Crimson and Persona 5: Karaoke Wars comes out
We will be back for a week when part 2 releases. Then its back into hibernation for the rest of the decade
Y'know, I'm sure I've played at least three or four but I can't bring them to mind right now.
I'll keep thinking.
Rule fucking two
>Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Get the fuck out.
>Meta Knight
What the fuck happened? Borb was just a joke in a single fucking comic and suddenly everyone is like "XD BORB YOU ARE A LE BORB XD" like, Jesus fucking Christ, that's some 9fag tier bullshit.
Why is Sup Forums so fucking shit?
Why can't I leave?
SMT4 has a 12 or so puzzle battle scenarios
SMT does them sometimes.
Its just Persona fans being faggots
SRW J has one but that's an SRPG sorta deal and unlocks over time.
It's literally impossible to leave. I hate /asp/ with a burning passion, but I still go back, even though it is 99.9% shitposting with no moderation
Pokemon LOL xD
no love for Brave Fencer Musashi. They really should put it on PSN
The Persona series is nothing to brag about really. A good challenge but once you get over the story you're left with a mediocre game. Fans hyped it to fucking hell though
I agree with you.
What's funny is that people usually say >reddit or >go back to 9fag, but there's no much difference between current Sup Forums and reddit or 9fag.
Persona had a gay character? Never played the series.
haha what do yoshi's farts smell like
What did you expect from what was essentially a lot of people's first VN?
P4 has Kanji, a delinquent who is scared of women and likes sewing.
People think he's gay despite the fact that he obviously wants to fug the reverse trap character (unless you cuck him first, that is).
2 but people usually refer to Kanji as being the fag when he clearly isnt
The only other candidate in this thread for "games that can literally never be discussed on Sup Forums" is ()
You can make a thread for any one of these four games at any time of day and they'll be just as full of cancerous fucks who deserve bans posting the exact same memes as the last thread and will usually die within 50 or so posts.
However if you just make an AoE2 thread and don't use the promo art for the expansion pack, the thread might actually survive.
Just because the game is shit on () or spoilers are posted () does not mean you can't have threads.
Whoopsie, for the spoiler portion I meant to direct to ().
Spoilers for AoEII
the Africans were Kangs
Mario 64 gets half a discussion
how could you forget?
SMT threads are ruined by things other than spoilers
Elitism only takes over the threads half the time
I loved Tomba 2, I still play through it once or twice a year. I dont get why v hates it.