You have 10 seconds to tell Ibuki why aren't you playing SFV right now, user

You have 10 seconds to tell Ibuki why aren't you playing SFV right now, user

Lobby up: Whirligig pw:1111

I'm at work :( think you guys are still gonna be playing in like 3 hours

is the lobby still whirligig? the guy left

I'll keep it up

I dunno who it defaulted to, give me a sec

Joinan, can't promise I can go for long tho.
also not guaranteeing quality play, I might suck

I dont have the game

Because its shit and i only bought it for 20 bucks to pass time until KOFXV is out

I'm super shit.

Lobby is RedStephen now

I live in the middle of Oklahoma with a wifi wireless connection because I live with my parents and the past two times I've tried playing online my game has dropped down to the single digits. Talking like 7 fps.

I don't want to ruin other people's fun so I just watch videos of people playing instead.

>PS4 player
>been on the journey to 1 million fight money since launch
>beat the general story on both difficulties
>viewed all of the demonstrations and tutorials
>cleared all 21 trials
>cleared all 21 character stories
>cleared Easy and Normal Survival with all 21 characters so far
>cleared Hard with Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Cammy, Nash, Bison, Karin, and Rashid
>cleared Extreme with Ryu, cleared it with Ken yesterday
>at 950k+ Fight Money
>only need to clear Extreme one more time, then doing everything with Urien will be enough to net 1 million

Why do you have stars?

I'm so glad I'll never have to play SFV ever again shortly

you cancerous fucks.

>ultra silver
I'm scared

>that overhead

We /wrastlan/ now

Fucking chopped

becuase it sucks

Fucking Christ I'm such a bad Alex.

Don't worry, I'm pretty shit.

>Noe just standing still at the end
Poor guy.

snanta here
nah man dont beat yourself up
just practice

missed the other thread

What's the approximate skill level of everyone here?

Main Ryu, hit Gold back in March and been permacasuals since

I'm bad at fighting games. How do I gitgud Sup Forums?

I've been playing him since launch and 3S

since his launch

Thought I was KOd

Rookies, bronzes and silvers.

Because I suck at fighting games. If fighting game skill translated to actual fighting skill, Dan could whip my ass without even breaking a sweat.

Also, I don't own a PS4 or a good enough PC to run it.

>that super armor
>that parry
Fuck I wish I knew what half of Alex's shit did

Ok. I'll go back to Karin.

oh, fair enough then

Super bronze scrub here.
I mostly bounce between Alex and Necalli, and I'm looking foward to Urien just because he looks cool.

>get parry with Alex
>freeze up and don't capitalize on it
I wish my reaction times weren't piss awful.

i gotta watch them toes

Sup Forums gold m8

waiting for blanka

Because I, like most people, would rather do absolutely nothing than playing street fighter v. Fuck that trash.

Your game sucks.

Is anybody willing to teach me the game?

im on pc we have crossplay tough so not that it matters

Too much wait time between matches. Game isn't fun enough.

Even at Gold, I don't claim to be great, but I'll jump in if any of you need Ryu match up practice

If not, I've always wanted to play Chun and Laura and I've only palyed Chun like 3 times online, and Laura none at all, so I could always use the opportunity to learn them against others still trying to learn.

Somebody gimme the lobby information, I'm coming on.

My toaster can't run it and I don't have a PS4.
I'll probably get SFV with KOFXIV once I get one.

It's just casual matches man, jump in.

its full at the moment

99 sec first to 1
pw 1111

Someone make a second lobby?

Good shit there stephen, gonna steal some of what I just saw

shit man, thats impressive
I gave up on doing going for 1 mil fm at least until the daily challenges
I just wanted the new characters too much to not spend fm on them

Getting on!

Im playing 3 and 4

Practice. Thats all you need. Don't focus on combos or heavy set ups when you first pick up a character, instead focus on your fundamentals. Get use to the characters moves, reactions, and just their general play style. PRACTICE THEIR SPECIAL MOVES AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. Throwing out a shoryu or DP should feel like its second nature and come out naturally. Once you get your basics downpat, then start learning the match up. But never skip that first step. Too many of my friends that were beast in 4 are utter trash in V and can barely break into silver because they focus only on the flashy set ups and never got their normals down


Damn if noe ran it back after that parry I would've shit bricks

>that super parry
also if you want a tip, try not to activate vtrigger untill youre doing a combo, it allows for sick resets like hp-trigger-mp chop-powerbomb

Because she's the worst designed girl in the series and even as far as her premise goes Soulcalibur did "slutty ninja" first and did it better.

>full lobby
make another one?

Game takes like two minutes to find a match, and wins/losses are frequently dropped from the servers which are still having issues. The game is a money sink and it would've been better if they just released Super/Ultra versions of the game, it came out too early and even after its first season pass it still doesn't have enough content compared to SFIV vanilla, which came out eight years ago.

The artstyle works well for certain characters (Ryu, Bison, Chun-Li, Zangief), but everybody else looks like they're made of clay with horrible texture resolutions. I'm not saying that all of SFIV's models were amazing, but 30 FPS background characters is absolutely inexcusable for a fighting game. I can't think of a single other fighting game that does this.

The Fight Money system in its current iteration is completely unsustainable except for the most diehard of players (Probably the .01 percent of people who play for four hours every day and win all the time). If you win every one of your matches, even factoring in character level ups, it will require you around 1500 wins in order to unlock one fucking character. And if you're playing at that level then you're going to be buying the characters anyway. There is no reason for this to be there besides trick new players into thinking that they don't have to spend any more than the 60 dollars they paid as long as they can play consistently. Could Daily Challenges alleviate this? Maybe, but right now the system is trash.

Survival Mode is a dumpster fire of a mode, and locking colors behind completely random AI that reads your inputs and must be heavily exploited or purchased individually with grinded/real money is ridiculous. Nobody thinks this mode is fun in any way, and has only been included to get more money instead of being a satisfying mode to play.

So yeah, fuck SFV, at least for the next year or so until Capcom gets its shit together and makes everything besides the actual gameplay more casual and wallet friendly.

Time to get my shit pushed in by the super gold.

u make one i wont do it

I'm going for the trophy is the reason why I want it, so good thing is that FM is cumulative, so no loss over spending on the characters.

The daily challenges definitely would have helped. There was a point where I lost all hope because I hadn't beaten Survival with anyone since Alex dropped, then I ended up doing Hard with Karin and Rashid, then Ken on Extreme within a month, so now I'm right there.

>jumping in on a guile

Because it's kusoge desu

Because I suck

Tried it with SSF4 and I sucked

Foolishly thought I would have the drive and motivation to improve in 5 and I was wrong

I'm just too old and casual i guess


I'm up lads, wish me luck

Thanks. I suck at hit confirming, but I'm trying.

I panicked.

Please stop that Guile.

Thanks senpai. Is getting s fight stick a necessity or can I do well enough without one?

If I can't jump in on freedom, what do I do other than try walking him into the corner?

It's all about what you practice on.
As long as you have a gamepad with a not shitty d-pad you're good if you're comfortable with that.
I have a stick since I used to play at arcades all the time as a kid

Playing Pokken instead. It's better.

Fuck, I thought I was close enough for the super to hit him before he finished the boom but it probably wouldn't have done it anyway. Inb4 Harry sweeps the whole lounge all night

This Guile is just gonna stomp everyone, isn't he?

Ken is the chosen one?

because capcom ruined karin

what do you need help with? I can run a few games if you have some matchup problems but Im not super good with everyone

got a lobby up goys username KMOD_G pass 7777

dont want too

I fucking give up. How do I find this fucking lobby, guys? RedStephen, right? I can look up the player but I don't know how to specify for the battle lounge. CFN: LordNuva.

Shit, its cumulative? I guess I actually can aim to get it eventually, thats great to know

it's full apparently.

Join Redstephen's first, we just got one more spot freed up (and thank god we did, that Guile meant business)

It's full, look at the post a couple above yours instead. Just search for battle lounges with a pw.

search lobbies with password filter on

Go to search battle lounge, pw on, 99 sec, and then scroll through and look for RedStephen and join.
I think we're full? So instead do the same but with

probably full join mine, KMOD_G 7777

Its full apparently

wew, forward dash grab ken blew me the fuck up. ggs

Figures that the one day Sup Forums is actually organizing lobbies my modem shits out and won't have a new one until Tuesday


I'd rather have Guile back

Because Ibuki is dumbed down booty tier in SFV. Missing a bunch of moves much like other returning characters. Also 8 frames.

>ex dp from 10 feet away

Well as long as it works.

Waiting for my boys Urien and Hugo.

Until then I'm not playing.

2 free slots in the RedStephen lobby

how so?

fuck my internet, sorry for lag.

>damn near all of my mixups got blown up
Fuck. Gg

The RedStephen lobby has 2 spots open. PW 1111

Hopefully if these faggots don't get bored in a week we'll have regular lounges like the smashfags have