Gun that is pretty much completely open with all the mechanics outside

>gun that is pretty much completely open with all the mechanics outside
>put a silencer on it
>its now quiet

Fallout 4 was a shit game yet I have 300 hours in it.

What sorcery is this.

It's fallout wtf do you expect

>snip a wire or two
>gun is now completely useless


how far can bethesda go with shit gameplay etc. until even normies stop eating that?

I'm surprised you didn't kill yourself, those 300 hours could have been spent playing better games. But now you'll look back and see that you wasted your time on a piece of shit.

Every gun should be completely useless after eating a bullet you moron

Really far, because nobody ever played TES for the gameplay and F4 has good gameplay.

>utilizes magnets to propel projectiles
>requires silencer at all

>gun that is pretty much completely open with all the mechanics outside
>it is a highly advanced military weapon
>soldiers once used it in the Great War

Bethesda has the addiction formula down.

daily reminder that they destroyed everything cool about Fallout, including the gauss rifle. it even sounds bad. also looks very stupid. no one would design a rail gun that bulky unless your target was planets or ships.

>energy weapons
>needing a suppressor
>having recoil

They made the coolest power armor, and Piper is the best friendly npc of the franchise.

The silencer makes the bullet go slower so it makes less noise. Like subsonic ammo.

how did it go from this

>and Piper is the best friendly npc of the franchise.

to this?

Fuck you, Piper is an annoying bag of trash.

In a conventional firearm, the silencer slows the expansion of propellant gas so as to reduce the noise. It may have an effect on muzzle velocity, but not enough to where that's the main component.

So, since a silencer works by slowing the expansion of gas from the muzzle, how does it work on a weapon that doesn't use chemical propellants?

you're just saying that because you think she's cute, user.



>create combat rifle
>ctrl+c ctrl+v
>upscale barrel, grip, leave rest unchanged
>change the barrel and magazine slightly
>voila combat shotgun

piper is equivalent of the fucking sims 2 maid. does whatever you want and falls in love with you after 2 conversations.

I spent around $550 buying all the limited editions of the game on release, pls bu//y me...

>uninsulated copper coils appear to be touching each other
Shouldn't this short out and not work at all?

All the guns on FO4 looked like complete shit

Guass Rifle went from being a GOAT weapon to a complete pile of crap

I thought it was the other way around. Which would explain the tapered barrel on the combat rifle.

Also, isn't it just the combat shotgun from F3 without the drum?

>boring, uninteresting design, ugly, looks weak, doesn't fit the retro-futuristic post-apoc themes because it just looks like a retarded AK

>looks like a powerful gun, interesting design that evokes 50s wackiness but with that grim post apocalyptic industrial edge, doesn't look out of place at all

I don't see the problem here.

It's probably insulated by a thin film of transparent plastic.
I don't dick around with electrical components to remember details, but people do sell and use insulated wire that look like it's just copper.

Suppressing the noise of a supersonic projectile, and the gas in the barrel ahead of it.

fo3 design is completely unrealistic but at least it looked iconic and pretty ok

sick arguments there slutboi
well duh. She also has a cute voice and is looking for the truth. Just look at that hat and that hair.
usually, companions in RPG do whatever you want.

What kills me is that it's based on a PPSh. Because in the Bethesda Fallout world, the US decided that their main service rifle should be modeled upon an open bolt WW2 submachinegun.

Nigga this isnt an assault rifle, there is no firing mode selector.

Also its underpowered and it sounds underwhelming

>it's not an assault rifle because it doesn't have an obscure feature only gun nerds know about
It's automatic, it's a rifle. What more do you want?

F3 has sorta good gameplay.
Its not great, but it has a lot of working stuff. Especially how the shitty TES melee combat works outside its system.
New Vegas improved on that.
And so did Fallout 4, which is amazing, because Bethesda games rarely do improve significantly.

The Fo4 "Assault Rifle" was supposed to be a maching gun, based on the Maxim watercooled designs.

There are incomplete meshes and textures in the game files of modern looking assault rifles (like the Chinese Fo3 version), but they just couldn't be fucked completing it.

The gun is not automatic, it requires and upgrade

Also if it was always automatic you wouldn't call it an «ASSAULT» rifle

looks like Lewis more than Maxim

>remove tiny, insignificant firing pin from conventional gun
>it doesnt fire

Why is there a folding stock screwed permanently into the folded position? When the gun already has a stock? What purpose does the piston assembly at the bottom of the gun serve? Why is there a heavy ass cylinder on the front end of the stock?

Selective fire


>thinking removing the firing of a weapon (even though 99% of the time they're internal) is as easy as clipping a wire


>octuple the file size but have 1/8 the weapon variety of NV

how do you even be this lazy

Nice, an unsubstantiated screenshot of a website that pedophiles are free to edit. I'm sure that's a credible source.

>talking about pedophiles
>on a cambodian papercraft bulletin board

Lazy shitters. Why did the reloading animations need to be shared?

Because with Bethesda we can never have nice things.

Seriously, how the fuck does this thing work?

This also breaks a lot of modded weapons because they have to share animations

Autism probably. By 20 I was completely and utterly done.

Biggest difference between traditional select-fire "assault rifles" and fully automatic "machine guns" are the type of cartridges and the calibre of the weapon.

Intermediate rifle rounds (5.56x45 NATO, 7.62x39R etc.) = assault rifle
Full power rifle rounds = (7.62x51 NATO, 7.62x54R etc.) = machine gun.

Then of course you have "light machine guns" which fire intermediate rounds and "battle rifles" that fire full powered rifle rounds.

Normies know this kind of shit, so Bethesda had no fucking excuses.

It just works

Did she die?

>Normies know this kind of shit, so Bethesda had no fucking excuses.
Does incompetence count as an excuse?

>Kinda like the institute laser weapons
>Models take half the fucking screen space


Then who was phone?


IIRC the (((assault rifle))) used 5.56x45

why does Bethesda forget the Plasma Defender exists? Is it because the Institute needs to remain "highly advanced" ?

Laziness rather than incompetence. Which is a bigger crime.

>institute bioweapons
>shoot at a guy and his limb blows the fuck off after a delay

Why was this not included todd?

Should have been called a light-machine gun then

This is incorrect.

The difference is in the role that they fill.

A machine-gun is a cartridge weapon that fires rounds automatically at a high cyclic rate with the intent of augmenting the firepower of infantry sections to assist them in achieving fire dominance, without being issued to every soldier.

An assault rifle is a cartridge weapon that fires rounds in semi-automatic or in fully-automatic or a fire mode resembling fully-automatic, issued to every rifleman.

You can break them down further, but there are full-power assault rifles like the G3 (battle rifle is a stupid term and I won't use it) or the old AK, and there are intermediate machineguns like the M249.

The sorcery of having shit taste

Ammo slides back into the fire mechanics in the lower tube. Except that the cover is suppose to be moveable, so its a manual way to move the ammo.
Shoot normally
Eject casing with no mechanism to do so
Repeat somehow

All it really needs is a kraut space magic electric motor to replace the reload lever.


The jump of weapon quality and realism from NV to 4 is so fucking jarring.

I swear Obsidian had someone from /k/ on the team or some shit because the firearms in New Vegas are top tier.

Then in 4 you just have these awful designs made by people who've never touched a gun in their life.

>battle rifle is stupid
>assault rifle isn't


Jesus Christ. You knew it was wrong though, so i forgive you. no i don't, you fucked up

Pipe weapons had potential but Beth fucked them up again.

They also become obsolete by the time you hit level 5.

>Piper is friendlier than Curie
She's not even best girl in her own game you faggot.

Can't wait for Skyrim 2 to have lightsabers and shit


not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls.

A crime against humanity even bigger than that of Harambe's murder.

My theorem is that the shells feed from the drum into the magazine tube where a system of hooks move them down the tube like a conveyor belt, loading them into the chamber. There is no bolt - the round is moved forward into battery and has a rising block action, like an old artillery piece. The conveyor is operated by gas pressure.

The Fallout 4 Assault Rifle was designed to be used by Power Armored troops. It was a weapon that was supposed to look right in the hands of the T-60.

It literally says this in the art book. It's not a gun made for standard infantry.

>hypersonic projectile

>Biggest difference between traditional select-fire "assault rifles" and fully automatic "machine guns" are the type of cartridges and the calibre of the weapon.
actually the difference is that MGs are used for full-automatic fire and suppression while ARs generally aren't used on full-auto, it's just an option.

I don't think it's fair to compare 7.62x39 to .308.

Josh just Did His Research (tm).

You don't need a fucking watercooler on a machine gun with a magazine shorter than my dick, also fuck Fallout 4, all the weapons are reversed with bolts on the wrong side which makes the game unplayable for me.

Thanks Pete!

Because battle rifles are assault rifles. There is no need to distinguish between a full power round select fire rifle and an intermediate round select fire rifle.

Somebody post the cap detailing how incompetent the institute is compared to other in universe factions.

Yet they still manage to be the only reasonable choice in 4

>leds nuge de insdidute :^>

Fucking why

when will harambe memes end

I try find every excuse to play the game, but right now, I'm happy enough with Pokemon Go. Just waiting for Nuka World to drop, smash through that and then I can finally uninstall the Fo4.

> Piper is the best friendly npc of the franchise.

You're joking, right. With all the top tier NPCs and companions in New Vegas, like Joshua Graham, Elijah, Dog/God, Dean Domino, Arcade Gannon and Raul, you pick Piper because she's a pretty waifu?


It's still retarded. They could have made a gun that looks good when being used by power armored troops that wasn't a water-cooled, semi-automatic, intermediate caliber piece of shit.

full-power rounds have greater range, penetration, report, and wounding capability

that's why the M240 is still in service, soldiers really like it

Well, one was a mistake and another dominates the military small arms nowadays, so maybe it is useful to differentiate them.

are you seriously surprised that a F4 babby is a retard?

>pokemon Go
literally cancer. I don't think you can be saved friend.

If they did research to make Alpha Protocol, all they would need to do, is to save it and re use it.


>Read Sawyer's blogs about New Vegas development
>As part of his research, he actually went travelling and camping in the Mojave desert for like two weeks
>literally went riding on his motorcycle and sleeping by a campfire in the desert just so he could get a sense of the atmosphere and geography

how can one man be so based?

They're not real energy weapons, they fire a bullet.

But she's not even pretty.