About to play Okami for the first time any tips?
About to play Okami for the first time any tips?
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get a job.
the game isnt over until you get all 13 powers
The bark button is very important
this, you WILL get the bad ending if you dont bark when the game tells you
circle button btw
Bark at everything
Feel free to zone out when Issun and the rest of the cast refuse to shut the fuck up
Don't hang onto your gold dust, you'll get more at pretty regular intervals
After you kill monsters, hit them with Power Slash during their death animations - they drop good shit that you'll want to collect for later
That's about it. Have fun.
I'm on a wii?
what the fuck user, even Kamiya said that the wii version is the worst version
get it on ps3 or ps2 if you are desperate
also watch the original ps2 credits of okami when you beat the game that isn't ps2
I was homebrewing my wii for something else, and realized I still hadn't played this yet.
Is it unplayable?
better classic
Ahh, ty, just what I was searching for this morning
no for some, you draw with the brush with wii remote and some say it works while others say it doesn't
kamiya hates it because i believe they removed a filter (and credits and their involvement in the game) that the ps2 used for the graphics then it was brought back on ps3
holy shit ps2 looks so ugly and blurry
Nah the wii looks worse.
I think that guy is right some particle effect or filter is straight up gone making it look... flat?
Rice paper filter in the PS2 version is why most prefer the original. It's more noticeable in the comparison videos
I'll do a rundown for you guys.
PS2 original can be emulated almost flawlessly. You can choose a) rice filter with minor ghosting or b) no rice filter(more color) without ghosting.
Wii version emulated has the best graphics. The wiimote takes some getting used to but it's the best way to play the game because drawing is much faster with it.
PS3 version is the PS2 version with a few filters you can choose from but none of them look like the PS2's filter. It also has motion controls for drawing but not for the combat like the Wii version does. That's not a good or bad thing really, just different.
There's also the difference in ending credits. PS2 version has the original best ending but you can just watch that on youtube. Also loading screens had minigames on PS2 and I think Wii but not on PS3, not a big deal though.
Jesus Christ, fucking Okami.
I have put 52 hours into this game two years ago, didn't play it for one week and suddenly lost all motivation to go on. Haven't touched it since, maybe i'll try again this year.
OP, don't expect much challenge, the combat in this game is very simple and easy. But prepare yourself for one of the beautiest and comfiest games you'll ever see.
The game is absolutely gorgeous, very stylized, comfy, has a nice soundtrack and an interesting story, that despite looking somewhat cliche and childish at first, has interesting twists and gets pretty grimdark later.
Rao was my waifu. ;_;
Why do I suck at this drawing tutorial guys?
you playing wii?
You'll get used to it.
im sorry, get used to it or pirate the ps2 version.
maybe buy the ps3 version
controls are slower with control sticks but i find it more accurate, but thats just me
Oh, and i forgot.
Get ready to a lot of collecting and a long ass game.
Am I supposed to be connecting the dots or drawing the dragon?
You can fail to draw a bomb 4 times before succeeding once with the analogs, and it's easier to gauge depth with the motion controls. When you get the hang of it you don't make mistakes though.
Do your best to power through the first 15 hours. It is incredibly slow and tedious, but after it opens up more, the game just gets absolutely amazing. It's an extremely long, wonderful game. Treasure it.
Draw a dot on the stars.
You're just supposed to dot in the missing stars.
That worked.
I was getting the impression that she drew the dot and failed.
Rip have dun getting frustrated as fuck drawing things over and over forever when it takes a second on ps2 or 3
Anons pls, you don't have to lie to get people to bark at everything
As soon as they learn there's a dedicated bark button, they're going to bark at everything anyway
>You can fail to draw a bomb 4 times before succeeding once with the analogs
maybe at the beginning, but i learned you need to make sure to connect the lines. i dont know, drawing lines felt easier with analog controls for me
Pay a lot of fucking attention to NPCs, there's like a million little sidequests that are easy as fuck to miss.
There's a button to hold to draw straight lines on Wii.
I've never once failed to draw a bomb on PS2.
The real knack is in figuring out that drawing a tiny bomb draws it further away, and a big bomb places it nearer the screen.
shit, now i feel dumb
>The real knack is in figuring out that drawing a tiny bomb draws it further away, and a big bomb places it nearer the screen.
wow, i never knew. thats really creative
no? just play it
i never get these threads
It's supposed to be a sly way of jumpstarting discussion about a game without explicitly saying "Let's talk about game", because that never fucking works.
how the fuck are you supposed to decide which version to play then
Thanks, did the PS2 version have ghosting?
Delete your thread and play it blind you fucking faggot
Wii U version when?
It's the one game that would actually work with that ridiculous gamepad. They were made for each other
Maybe I just suck with analogs then. I'm a god with the wii mote though.
Well I play emulated PS2 personally for fps uncapping and because I don't know how to use my wii mote on pc. Some people would want ps3 for the additional filters it offers or because they can't emulate.
No it's some bug with the new fix for the rice filter. It should be fixed Soon™. If you play in software mode you have the rice filter and no ghosting but lots of aliasing.
It could work on PC too.
Oh I see.
I feel bad for spoiling stuff so I rarely reply to these.
There's nothing you could potentially need to know to play Okami, it holds your hand.
Combat is meh, but flashy. Bosses are meh. The tiny mission is meh. It's a meh game, a lot of backtracking.
>playing Okami for the gameplayu
the dungeons are pretty average too.
they implement it well into the environment but they never reach zelda good
user please
I didn't even notice the ghosting since Ammy always had a similar kind of aura about her but it's there. Just on her by the way.
>user please
It's the most beautiful game ever created visually, that alone makes any problems with the gameplay an afterthought
who /free mcboot/ here? Thoughts?
how empty must your life be to call Okami a "meh" game
well i can't ague with that
mcboot is great
its a meh game, but an experience to appreciate
kamiya's worst combat system and holds your hand to the point that its almost as bad as skyward sword
How does it feel on Wii if you emulate the Wiimote with say a touch pad?
>adventure/zelda game has worse combat than straight up action games
Really makes you think
nothing stopping them from having a better combat system. the issue is the priority of the developers i believe
does it work on PS2's that have failed disc laser thingy's? e.g. if loading from a hdd instead?
>if loading from a hdd
you mean from a fat ps2? yeah it should work
I don't have a touch pad so I don't know. I tried using my mouse for the wii version but that didn't work for me. I heard it was possible to do it well but I don't know how.
I think I was being fooled.
The most exciting thing in the Okami combat is the counter move.
this webm makes me so mad
>Tfw it's been 10 years
Use a Reflector as your sub weapon, parry enemy attacks, and proceed to izuna drop all pathetic enemies
Would've had it but the last time I tried, I got a GH copy of 007 AUF and thought it wouldn't make a difference. This was 2013 or 2014, it was recent so unless I wanted to deal with eBay and find an original copy, it wasn't gonna happen.
Eventually I'll just emulate ps2 games when I save up for a PC.
PS2 emulation is still a mess, just buy a free mcboot memory card or the hdd exploit..
It's how the champs play.
Realize Ammy is best waifu.
Stare at the butthole like a child in sex ed.
Bark everywhere.
Be dog.
>The monk plays a flute and wears that basket thing over his head.
I already like the game. :3
I'm surprised people didn't mention this game when discussing The Witness, he ripped almost every element of the painting.
he's ruining the experience
I'm experiencing the same thing just 5 times the speed. Gotta go fast.
Of course. By the first few minutes, you start ignoring all the experiences until something new happens. Rinse and repeat.
Fuck your meme threads and actually play the game.
As fucking ALWAYS, for ALL GAMES, play the game on the original console it was first released on and you literally can't go wrong.
Ports almost always fuck things up.
I love this game, I love thsee charming renditions of Japan.
Reminds me of mystical ninja youtu.be
This game was a fucking fever dream. Wish n64 emulation wasn't garbage.
Zelda has better combat than just about every straight up action game, it's just that there are no enemies that are hard enough to take advantage of this.