>video game gets a sequel
>returning characters have different voice actors
Video game gets a sequel
Other urls found in this thread:
>voice actor for a prominent character got murdered before the expansion
>they're written out of existence
Literally the worse thing. That's when you know the publisher is a turbojew.
Is this really worth shitposting over?
Stephen Shellen is a paranoid schizophrenic who dislikes augmentation, so he personally decided not to return.
In addition to this he made up some nonsense about only being offered $400, but he has a history of lying about things so that's probably a lie too
>New game
>Main characters voice actor went through puberty and now sounds completely different
>sequel is made by a different studio and plays completely differently
Eidos wanted Stephen Shellen to return as David Sarif's voice, it was him who didn't want to return because, according to him, Eidos didn't have his back when that "fruit flies" video spread and everyone thought he was legit crazy, even though he had worked for them for so long.
>Different voice actor for main character for no reason
>Old VA wants to do it, likes the role.
>Old VA isn't some big union VA so cost likely isn't issue
>Fans shit up all streams and social media about it
>Company blocks/ignores it all
>Does this despite the marketing campaign revolving around this character's return.
Fucking Capcom.
he does legitimately have mental problems though
just look at his facebook page or something and he reads off like a paranoid schizophrenic
>he personally decided not to return
but that's wrong
>video game gets a sequel
>same actors return, but voice different characters
cant you tell its a completely different VA?
>tfw Lucius DeBeers and Morgan Everett got their VAs changed
I would have loved to hear the cringey original voice acting in the new ones. At least Bob Page is back.
>Video game prequel
>bigger variety of enemies and weapons
he s-sounds the s-same
Remember when Voice Actors tried to get more money from games by claiming they deserve more money the more the game sells?
How did that go?
I'll hand it to his replacement, he at least tried to imitate Sarif's cadence a bit (unlike Everett's new voice) but it is definitely a different guy.
kek, no one gives a shit about VA. They just make games worse because of retards who cant be bothered to read
t, weeaboo cuck
Voice acting fucking killed the WRPG. I hate JRGPs anyways.
>game gets new mode and MEET THE video
>can't get original guy to do new lines
>character inexplicably sounds different
Do we know if Pritchard is returning yet? His voice actor is the only one I care about.
>More options make games worse
thankfully I've already convinced myself that with the fall of Sarif industries he opted to get a voice change aug to help make life a bit easier.
Is it canon? Probably not. But I don't really care.
A lot of VAs get kind of screwed, but they go overboard with their entitlement. Do they really think they're that integral to a product?
>he plays Western "games"
when you start modeling characters after actors faces and doing mocap shit with them...yes I think they get slightly more integral.
Except when every line has to be voiced you get less options you dumb fuck
That doesn't make any sense
Voice acting costs money, takes tons of development time, and requires you to get the script essentially set in stone before you try and animate or even try to move out of alpha.
This means you get less dialogue in your game. Less choices in how you respond. Less NPCs. Less actual gameplay.
And for what? 90% of the voice acting sucks anyways.
Integral enough to warrant an increasing portion of the revenue? Not a chance. They can replace the actor and create a new one without many customers caring at all. It's rare that a particular actor could push a video game, like they would in a film. Jimmy Jerk is Main Character? Nobody gives a fuck.
>This means you get less dialogue in your game. Less choices in how you respond. Less NPCs. Less actual gameplay.
The Illuminati killed Shellen because he discovered the truth about augment fruitflies.
Yes, thank you for backing me up. Deus Ex has some infamously bad voice acting.
Imagine if they had spent that money on polishing the game a tiny bit or adding in some extra NPCs and dialogue choices.
Deus Ex is already 11/10, it could have been 12/10!
What game?
I hope this is a rough cut or something. The lip syncing is worse than a fucking kung fu dub.
This is the definition of a contrarian opinion
For JRPGS it could be called optional but in WRPGs it hurts dialogue trees
>they can replace the actor
Im not sure you read my post.
Once you use a voice actor to capture movement and model faces, they become more than just the "voice actor".
You can change the character's voice but you cannot change the actor that the faces or based off of or the movement.
>Sequel to video game
>Main character is now vaccinated
He's right, though. Having voice acting inherently limits how much you can write, ESPECIALLY if you voice every single character.
Ok, how exactly did shitty voice acting improve Deus Ex?
His was the epitome of really good shitty voice work. Pritchard's fantastic.
Why do you think so many modern RPGs with full voice acting have shit for dialogue options? Deus Ex is actually pretty good at it I think but having full voice acting does limit dialogue the majority of the time.
why shill on Sup Forums when the memes do it for you?
A lot of RPGs don't have EVERY character voiced
>Ok, how exactly did shitty voice acting improve Deus Ex?
What makes you think if they cut it the game would have been VASTLY improved
In fact what makes you think it took out a huge chunk of their budget, it's not like they got Bruce Willis on set
I still can't play infamous 2 because of this.
I bet you enjoyed fallout 4's voiced protag and dialog wheel
You caught me, the anti voice acting guild has been paying me to shill against VA
I've never played Fallout 4
What you're talking doesn't seem relevant. An actor would already be locked into a contract before modeling is done so they can't bargain with that. In a sequel it is entirely possible to replace that actor with adjustments to the character's model - you do not necessarily have to use the previous actors mocap or voice even if the model is still in his likeness.
None of this is really integral enough to warrant the type of compensation they're asking for.
I...dont have a clue what that has to do with anything I said.
I guess your's was a rhetorical question?
Everything in life is worth shitposting over.
Frank West or Dante?
>an actor would be locked into a contract so they cant bargain with that
Not the user youre replying to but I do have an experience in the acting field.
Contracts made are not "you WILL get paid this much. END OF STORY" kinds of deals. There are ways to discuss them with whoever is directing the project. Several actors I know just say fuck you to contracts and nothing bad happens to them. There's more wiggle room than you think.
If I were a studio head and hired an actor to provide his likeness only for him to start bartering for ridiculous things like percentage of revenue once the time investment had been made, I'd probably just have him killed.
But you're not a studio head and that's not how they think.
but you're not far off
>Make an HD port of a game.
>Get whole new cast and fuck everything up.
>Most of old cast willing to do voices after being screwed, for the fans.
>video game gets a sequel
>the only thing it has in common with the original is shitting on the cast
>Different developers make a spin-off game
>Next game in the main series doesn't acknowledge it at all
>top 2 favorite games of all time have the same ambient music and sounds
FUCK you. The voice acting made Deus Ex great you cunt.
As much as missing Sarif hurts, Bob Page triggers me more. At least in the opening cinematic. I cannot buy that voice coming from that anime pretty-boy face. Also he had black hair for some reason.
It's a positive thing when the next game is a Bethesda title.
fucking canadian cucks
bring back TJ Rotolo for Frank West
What is Silent Hill 2? Almost.
>implying Capcom is even making a Devil May Cry 5
>said spinoff game is not connected to the shitty main series games
>it's pure and untainted, widely known as the best in the series
It's not as bad as when Bruce Lee died and they decided to actually put his corpse in the movie and it was from a real funeral of everybody crying, and the actor playing "bruce lee" had shots of him from different angles so you didn't know it was him.
>game gets a sequel
>only returning character is an Easter egg that isn't voiced
>you kill him if you find him
What game am I?
Game of Death?
I didn't know this and that strangely makes me angry.
This made me realize the entire voice cast of KH3 will be different as fuck.
Diablo 2
>No Chris Lee
>No Chris Lee ever again