Discuss the expansion and its pre-patch. Post your mogs, and your UIs. Talk about the lore.
RIP Varian.
Discuss the expansion and its pre-patch. Post your mogs, and your UIs. Talk about the lore.
RIP Varian.
Other urls found in this thread:
Alliance master race.
>want to play alliance
>all my friends play Horde
Yeah okay this expansion is shit when is Legion coming out
>mfw played horde in vanilla so was horde loyal until i stopped playing
>now wish I had played Alliance.
if wow wasn't garbage for 5 years at least, Id have rerolled ally
Should I buy legion? I hated WoD and Cata but MoP was alright.
I wanna play a demon hunter but I don't know if I wanna play it for 60 euros
>Discuss the expansion and its pre-patch. Post your mogs, and your UIs. Talk about the lore.
-> /vg/
Any tips for getting 30 waves on Endless Healer?
Is it harder or easier now that the pre-patch is out?
Have you seen that thread?
It's fucking abominable, good luck trying to talk about video games on /vg/.
>Have you seen that thread?
I don't care wow discussion belong to wow general, go away shill.
So what's happening in the alliance? Is Genn High King now? I know Anduin is the king of Stormwind but High King is a different title.
Are you poor or something? And it's only 40 Euro.
Go jerk off in one of the multitude of NMS threads you fucking autist.
Discussing wow lore is like discussing the plot of a bad porn movie.
Why even do it.
The Alliance is not a race. Faction pride in a video game is incredibly pathetic.
During one Blizzcon, attendees started spitting on each other for the Alliance/Horde Shirts and Logos they wore.
Anduin is High King
>Discussion of new games not allowed on Sup Forums
who /Sith Orc/ here?
Keep yer feet on the ground
its 45 euro plus another 13 euro for sub time
You mean Hordefags starting spitting on people for daring to wear Alliance shirts to Hordecon
Nobody really trusts Genn enough. Anduin will get a shot at it first and if he cocks it up, it's up for grabs between a whole lot of people, bot just Genn.
Can I interest you in a payment plan?
What the hell is up with Maiev's voice in Legion, Did she get a throat injury?
now that's a good mog right there
>new game
Again, go away shill.
Because victory or retreat!
Post good UIs
Considering Legion isn't released I'd say its pretty new yeah
>this is an outfit you can raid in without losing any stats
what was Blizzard thinking?
Her Legion voice sounds closer to her WC3 voice. She sounded strange in TBC.
t. FFaggot who thinks his game is superior. Go Mi'Qill yourself bitch
What's wrong with that?
I dont' remember her voice sounding like that in Frozen Throne
I'll never understand people who like Elv.
It's clunky and ugly. Worse than Default.
No it isn't? That's a cosmetic set
I look like a slut
not a combatant
What do you prefer?
It's still different but closer than it was.
Voice actors change when they bring back characters after so long.
It was both. This Anti-Horde false-flagging is getting out of hand. Knock it off, it's pathetic.
new for WoW, not for video games, which means -> /vg/.
and? this is a fucking vidya faggot
So? You don't have to wear it
So put some clothes on? or is Blizzard holding a gun to your head forcing you to wear that outfit?
Go away, faggot.
don't tell me what to do, mum
Bartender and quartz is enough
Only aftyer you shill.
I just said, I prefer default to Elv.
If you want a pretty UI just get something you can customize and tailor to your own liking.
Something like WeakAuras will literally let you do whatever you want if you have hours of free time to set it up.
You're the one shilling WoW faggot
I love when people who haven't played recently try to assert their outdated knowledge as fact.
Is LFR gone yet?
>literally hundreds of armors to choose from
>specifically choose the one that makes you look like a slut
>complain about it
people like you are why we can't have nice things
Sadly no.
There isn't a single good reason for its existence.
>asking blizzshills to leave Sup Forums
Nice reverse Chris.
it's a transmog set, not meant for raiding
Fuck you Pagle choke on these lunkers you piece of shit just give me my water walking mount cunt.
r8 my shitty cosplay. Bracelets should be silver and all the clothes more black, but this game lacks any truly black clothing.
>Alliance Liking Celebrities
>Muscular, good looking
>Loyal to the heroic faction
>Horde Liking Celebrities
>Fat, ugly
>Typically part of overrated death metal bands and doesn't even write his own lyrics
>Likes Horde cause they're edgy
>Hates Blood elves because ther so gay lol
rly makes u think
game is still trash, why bother playing?
>want to join a guild with my friends
>they're all on a pvp server
>asking blizzshills to leave Sup Forums
>while it's obvious as hell he's a WoW shill too and he's using reverse psychology
>"no! I'm not a shill! trust me! you're the shill!"
Please go away.
>its one of those misterbibs found his way to Sup Forums eps.
>wow lore Youtuber
>has a thick as fuck accent I just can't listen to
Only guy I like is Hirumaredx
What did they mean by this?
Sheev approves.
>wannabe janitor
>Can't even do it for free
>listening to youtube lore channels
Man just do what they do, and go to wowwiki.
That's like the third Tauren subspecies?
Treason? Have you lost your mind, Arthas?
>STILL no playable Taunka
I wouldn't be surprised if the remaining WoW team straight up forgot about them.
another subrace you cant play as
Just made a DK, and I wanna get to the end game as fast as possible. Haven't played in months.
Quickest leveling? I heard something about those invasions but they seem to have long ass timers
Demon Hunters literally have a tattoo option.
I don't mind it, my friends that i used to raid with don't anymore so its nice to still experience the content. You still get your shiny achievements and crap for doing the real versions, what's the deal?
Go blood dk with heirlooms and spam dungeons
>moved on Saturday
>no Internet till Tuesday
Demon Hunters are literally level 100 when they finished their starting quest chain.
>Dark Iron Dwarves are now officially part of the Alliance
>still cant play as them
>You come get da voodoo
>stay away from da voodoo
what did she mean by this?
What was the problem with the Yungol?
"Dear Vol'Jin,
I keep hearing your people warn me to "stay away from the voodoo," but a troll woman told me something to the effect of "come get the voodoo". I'm getting mixed messages here. What am I supposed to do for real?
Listen, mon. Sometimes, people call good t'ings bad t'ings. Y'eva heard somebody say "do da bad t'ing"? Ain't no bad t'ing!
Ya, mon, ya stay away from da voodoo, but if a troll lady say she wantcha ta come get da voodoo, you go get da voodoo. Ya big idiot."
How have they still not let any race be with any faction yet? OR at least sub-sections of races that can join w/e they want
Perfect time to do it would be now since the whole of Azeroth is fighting together vs the Legion. Closest thing we got was be able to sign up as a mercenary in battlegrounds.
Sometimes progression requires you to enter LFR, if you don't get gear or legendary dragon dildoes from LFR you can fall behind.
If it didn't exist then that wouldn't be the case.
>my friends that i used to raid with don't anymore so its nice to still experience the content
Youtube exists for a reason.
I don't have Legion pre-ordered.
Alright, I guess...
>tfw Legion would be the perfect expansion to introduce playable Vrykul
fuck u blizz i just wanna be a norse warrior
also they should be horde of course
TMorph my friend. But unfortunately it's the horde environments that I got tired of.
WoD is a piece of shit, but when I started setting up my fucking garrison in a tundra with the same old leather huts and bullshit, fuck it.
What addons do you use? Haven't played since early cata and i forget what i had. Plus some are now features
Ugly as sin and infinitely less cool than mogu/mantid.
Is it honestly worth getting back into? Played WoD and it was alright. I have 3-4 hours a day after work that I can spend playing, sometimes more or less on the weekends.
Is it worth it?
Slap on Heirlooms. Park your ass in a flying mount and sit above the invasion site. Collect free xp.
Apart from Recruit A Friend, it's the fastest way to level.
Tag Boss enemies once to get Nethershards when they die.
fuck off
>mfw warriors get forced into this cringeworthy norse mythology crap
Man what happened to just being buff as fuck warriors that can bench mountains?
Our new king is lewd