Let's have a cozy Starbound thread

Let's have a cozy Starbound thread.

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I like both.

The Glitch in this photo seems to be exploring wearing non-glitch equipment.

I had a character named Strange Old Man.

With every reboot I made him slightly older. He died 2 versions ago. Now he's a pale white Novakid.

Is there even a reason to build your own colony?
I finished the story mod and unlike with Terraria, I don't feel any need to play it more. I made a single house in one of those vulcanic planets and it feels pointless.
Terraria NPC have some use, these guys don't.

too burned out after playing hundreds of hours in Early Access to pick it up again, especially when there's still no content.

>last played on my birthday

You can have a crew now, I guess you can hire from the people that pay you rent.

Soldiers beam down and bitch about how fast you walk.

A tailor can change the default uniform of all your crew.

Haven't found anyone else yet.

Same. They've removed more than they added.

Happy birthday!

General merchants and unique merchants that sells weird things. They also give you gifts which on rare occasions can be rare clothing. They give out quests and upon completion there's a chance they'll join your crew.

Yeah, I know you can get a crew, but they are useless since they deal like no damage at all and die pretty fast. At best they are a temporary distraction for the enemy.

But it all feels pointless. I finished the game and made a single room colony only afterwards. I recruited a penguin to test it out and stopped bringing him along with me.

It doesn't seem worth the trouble of making a good looking colony.

Is this game worth playing again? I didn't bother getting a refund from the Early Access phase and got pretty burnt out on them wiping saves with each update. How far has it come after all this time? Is there good mods?

Yes, its worth playing.

I haven't got the need for any mods yet.

They put in a fleshed out Story mode that's pretty okay and some achievements but everything else is more or less the same.
/spawnnpc human nakedvillager

There is a shitload of mods. That fix all the idiotic decision Chucklfuck made.
I finished the story mode and the whole experience is me at best.
Combat is pretty dull, exploration is dull because you will rarely find anything to make you think "wow". You will see the same random structures over and over and over again.
Underground is now better than it was, but it's nowhere near Terraria.

Crafting is god awful. It actually takes time to craft stuff, but you can't leave the window. Imagine crafting 500 ingots of whatever and you have to stay there. But ingots are fast-ish. Imagine crafting 500 of fired bricks that each takes almost a second. It's in a furnace, but fuck you, you can't leave it.

Also only Novakids can craft guns. But can't craft melee. Other can craft melee but not guns.

There is magic... well, staffs. They are shit.

And you can get a whole 12 fps in the Arc when you open the door.

The game isn't really bad, but it's not good either. Too many small awful things that ruin the overall experience.

>is me at best.

Also loot is pretty boring as well. Swords are objectively superior to axes, hammers and spears. And you will rarely find them. And when you do find them, they deal like 0.3 dps more than the one you have.

You have pickaxes and drills that have low durability, but by the time you explore your 2nd or 3rd planet you will be able to upgrade your matter manipulator to be way better than they are.



So now that no man's buy turned out to be a disaster people can actually talk about this game again?

this game is ok but its boring.

like I boot it up knowing I am going to pointlessly grind and yet it is still somewhat entertaining

The more I read about NMS the more it sounds like a bad Starbound now in 3D. And Starbound is bad on its own.
How the fuck did they fuck up NMS so much?

tfw my laptop is too shitty to run it
I'm so fucking glad im getting a new one soon.
Life is suffering.
