Anyone else in the US who ordered still waiting for theirs?

Anyone else in the US who ordered still waiting for theirs?

General weeb game thread?

When this fails on the PS4 and Vita, will we get a steam release?

Really dumb that they don't have move support even though gal gun 1 on PS3 had.

Guess we got to wait for gal gun 3.

I've been deliberating on what sort of Vita I should buy for my second system. I've been really wanting to explore the Japanese PSN a bit and my current Vita is treading on 5 years old soon.

I've been thinking about maybe getting this white Ys VIII LE system, but I could also just grab a sony refurb 2000 for $120 and spend the other $120 on games.

Alternatively I could blow the money all on imports and buy a second Vita later, but I have a feeling if I don't buy that Ys VIII Vita soon I'll regret it, since it's sure to sell out very very soon.

>LEs sold out so they created another type of LE
Either way, I think a PC version would be better, just for mouse support.

Honestly don't own a move and wouldn't buy one for it if it was supported, but shit that they didn't add it regardless.

Oh yeah, how is Caladrius Blaze? I've been meaning to request a copy from Play-Asia but I'm curious if anyone has played it yet.

I turned my old 8gb card into a PSN account and hadn't bought anything on it yet. I was interested in Bullet Girls, but buying it from Amazon Japan is $10+ cheaper and I'll get a physical copy.

Digital is a bit more convenient sometimes, and it's been getting annoying when I can't really use the DLC I get from pre-ordering a game. Also, with a Japanese PSN I can play PSO2 on the Vita.

Bought it off PSN, was a lot more fun than I was expecting. Still need to get 1 million mote mote points, I've gotten very close and it's a little annoying. I'm surprised you could date the NPCs as well, honestly.

Yurina best NPC.

I don't really mind weeb games artstyle, but almost all of them have such boring gameplay. I could just watch anime or ecchi or hentai anyways.

Wondering if I should cancel and just get another version or digital, but it says it's processing still. I hadn't gotten an e-mail back from Rice Digital about it either.

As soon as I do I'll regret it.

Understandable. Some of them just feel unique to play and, as I've said before, some are like sugary candy, they're bad for you, but you just want something sweet occasionally.

It's usually the story content that makes me stay, not just the art (although it helps). Like, the Neptunia games are just meh-tier level JRPGs but I do like seeing what antics the characters get up to next and that motivates me to keep playing and get to the next scene. And I think that's something people overlook about these games. They see cute girl fanservice and go "Well why not look at porn or something then?" I'm not here to fap, I'm here to see cute girls do cute things until my heart stops beating from all the sugar.

>I'm here to see cute girls do cute things until my heart stops beating from all the sugar.

Trillion is breaking my heart regardless.


I'm aware of that misprint, hope mine has it when it comes in.

Is this why it's not sold in Australia?

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Post weebshit vidya you guys are looking to buy in the near future, for me
>Mary Skelter
>MeiQ Labyrinth of Doom
>7th Dragon (either 2020, 2020 ii, or Code VFD)
>Boku no Natsuyasumi

>Valkyrie Drive
Preordered LEs

Dunno what else to look forward to. I try to support companies that bring stuff over without completely raping them, so not Criminal Girls 2. Signed up for the Monster Monpiece Steam beta, despite I bought it for $4 on my Vita and still hadn't touched it.

I find it hard to be persuaded into buying LEs these days, since they tend to be samey-same
And my money/room space is limited. Unless the bonuses are premium, e.g. artbook is hardcover, or there's a steelcase.

I like to get LEs to niche games, that's about it. Didn't realize til after I ordered, that MeiQ came with a oppai mousepad.

were EB literally the only place that you could get it from in australia? because they were the only ones who pulled it, it wasn't banned outright

Oh god, Trillion. It's great, isn't it? It's a great idea, throwing heroines at a near unbeatable monster. I tossed Perpell at Trillion first since I don't like lolis but by the time D-Day rolled around I actually thought of her as my daughterfu. She did pretty well, but... well, you never know what you're doing with your first character right?

>Valkyrie Drive
>Black Rose Valkyrie

I've been thinking of Mary Skelter too. What's the "gimmick" for that one?

While I had some of the plot spoiled beforehand, I still wish I hadn't sent Mammon in first.

I'm looking forward to Recolove

While on the subject, I hope this gets some sort of English sub/localization.

Looking forward to Neptune VS Sega, as well as whatever the hell Cyberdimension is supposed to be.

Pretty good game, will buy again.