Seek A Way Out thread.
>favorite character
>favorite Zero
>best girl
>worst girl
>favorite twist
>rate each game
Seek A Way Out thread.
>favorite character
>favorite Zero
>best girl
>worst girl
>favorite twist
>rate each game
It's hard to boil my opinions down to one choice.
I never played a Zero Escape game but it seems interesting. I like Saw and puzzles and I don't mind story heavy games.
Should I start with this one? I can't find a copy of the first two anywhere here, I can only import them for a lot of money.
You most certainly should NOT.
You'll be completely and totally lost. These are games you absolutely must play in order. Just find them online if no stores have them. Oddly enough, the stores in my town always seem to have them now, even though they never have them on release date. I guess people still trade in good games instead of saving them.
They are very expensive online too. I live in Europe and I could either import them from Japan or US, or play tons of money for an already imported copy where shipping costs twice more than the game.
Considering the quality and uniqueness of the game, I'd call it a worthwhile investment.
Regardless, you really shouldn't play them out of order. They all have really good stories and twists that require them to be played in order, and for the most part, the gameplay gets more refined as the games go on. I highly recommend the series, but definitely wait until you can play them in order.
>who keeps killing everyone
>it's actually two different killers
>one is just a troubled kid
>one is a hero that tried to sacrifice himself before
>this character is a selfish prick
>all those murders? it was all him
>hey guys have you heard of the heart killer?
>she freely walked on about killing some people when she felt like it
>the details? don't worry about them, they're irrelevant
First game is easy to acquire on emulator. No need to worry about the second game yet.
Or watch a letsplay of it...
Akane and Aoi
Phi in ZTD outfit
I love Akane's plan in 999 and the way that she manages to not only get revenge by ensuring the deaths of all the original kidnapping co-consiprators, but also does so without ever getting her hands dirty, manipulating ace into killing all of his former cohorts and exposing how much of a monster he is to the entire world. It's the best kind of revenge.
9/10 until ending, then 7/10
>>favorite character
>>favorite Zero
Zero Jr.
>>best girl
>>worst girl
Alice, followed closely by Mira
>>favorite twist
Dio simply being an asshole the whole time.
>>rate each game
VLR > ZTD = 999
>favorite character
>favorite Zero
>best girl
>worst girl
>favorite twist
Finding out we are actually on the moon and the earth is red and fucked.
>rate each game
999 10/10
VLR 10/10
Bonus categories:
>best boy
Young Sigma
>worst boy
>favorite puzzle room
>ost ranking
999 10/10
VLR 10/10
>Favorite character
>Favorite Zero
>Best girl
>Worst girl
>Favorite twist
The first time Sigma removes K's mask, to reveal Sigmas face underneath. Was a massive mind-fuck the first time. Also, Tenmyoji being Junpei. In retrospect, perhaps it should have been obvious, but it still got me first time, and was neat. VLR had the best twists.
>Rate each game
999: 9/10
VLR: 8.5/10
ZTD: 7/10
>>best boy
>Young Sigma
There was never a young Sigma
At least you have young mind or young body Sigma.
Samefaggin. Huh, guess I'll do the bonus's from as well.
>Best boy
999 Junpei/VLR Sigma
>Worst boy
Eric. Fucker needed to man up.
>Favorite puzzle room
GIVE ME A (P)!!!
I agree with your ost ranking. Nothing to add.
Bonus bonus category:
Unpopular opinions:
I rather liked ZTD Junpei, as well as Phi, and Sigma, despite peoples complaints of them. And while I recognize some of ZTD Akanes bullshit, I still didn't mind her quite as much as most people.
I'll do the bonus as well.
>Best boy
VLR Sigma or Sean
>Worst boy
Eric, by a LONG shot
>favorite puzzle room
I like making cocktails and serving drinks
Unpopular Opinions:
I, too, liked ZTD Junpei, Sigma, and Phi. Also, I suppose loving ZTD in general is an unpopular opinion.
I meant VLR Sigma aka his young mind.
>favorite character
>favorite Zero
>best girl
>worst girl
>favorite twist
Pretty much the entire ending of VLR
>rate each game
999 9/10
VLR 10/10
ZTD 7.5/10
>best boy
>worst boy
>unpopular opinion
I think the pregnancy thing was pretty cute
>best boy
Carlos, no question
>worst boy
>favorite puzzle room
The Torture Room in 999 freaked me the fuck out. I had no idea at any point in that whether I was gonna end up killing Lotus or what could go wrong.
I guess an unpopular opinion is that I felt sympathy for eric, even when he was being a fuckhead.
Actually scratch that, worst boy literally has to be 9th man.
>favorite character
>favorite Zero
>best girl
Phi. Clover (both VLR and 999) is fine too.
>worst girl
Alice literally a calculator with boobs
>favorite twist
well, the entire ending of VLR really.
>rate each game
999: 9/10
VLR: 10/10
ZTD: 7/10