Nu-Sup Forums thinks this is better than the original

>nu-Sup Forums thinks this is better than the original

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>nu-Sup Forums
the word is "reddit"

>Nu-Sup Forums
I hate this nu-meme.

Is this a remake of the original? I haven't played it, is it worth it or can I skip it

gameplay wise, yes

A fine example of vidya kino. The original hasn't aged well at all.

>neo-Sup Forums uses neo-words like "nu"

no it's a prequel

It's a prequel.

Because it is.

Every time I play Human Revolution I enjoy it even more.

It's a fantastic game, but it'll never be as good as the original. Every mission had choices like whether or not to get the "upgrade" that fucks you over later.

That said, not getting that upgrade in the desperate hope they'd do something as cool as DX1 and being right felt amazing, like I'd been teleported back to 2000 for a little while. Watching Adam smugging all over that bitch was wonderful.

That, alone made DXMD an instant preorder. The fact the devs and Jensen's VA have been utterly BTFOing SJW/BLM faggots on social media is just icing on the cake.

I replayed the original DX just recently and was struck by how much better the experience system in that game is. You get an objective and you do it, that's it. You don't have to run around hacking every single thing or chasing down every enemy to get XP off them, and you can play how you want instead of having to be stealthy nonlethal melee only if you want the most XP. I wish HR was better in that regard.
That said the exploration XP got pretty stupid sometimes, since you needed to touch every way to get into a place to get maximum experience. But at least that was rare instead of being the entire game.

DX was good, yes, but don't get any reasonable person started on the game mechanics and level design. They were piss-poor and obsolete even at the release. Sup Forums just praises it continuously because: 1., Memes and 2., Fear of being insulted.
HR was a bit of a watered down sequel but actually had its standards related to quality. Some things didn't live up to the original (story, XP stuff) , the rest did that and more.

Obviously we don't speak about Invisible War or The Fall. The memes on them were correct.

>game mechanics and level design
>piss-poor and obsolete even at the release
what the fuck am i reading

A lot of the game mechanics are prettty dumb. I mean, just look at all the skills which are useless.
Not sure why he'd complain about level design though.

I recently wanted to play the original, but it seems to run with double speed or crashes randomly.

What kind of fix do I need? Is there some unofficial community patch?


i don't even think its good

Yeah I think the action based XP system in HR is a pretty glaring flaw. I really don't like that they have changed it in HR, hacking still seems to be pretty overpowered.

level design was 2complex4him hence why he enjoyed vent revolution more

>just look at all the skills which are useless.
All two of them?

combat is atrocious


which is included in GMDX if you also want to overhaul the game

Deus Exe and Direct 3D 10 Renderer, google both. Or though I haven't tried it yet (rebalances some things about the game)

Honestly, I believe the soundtrack for the original is so much better. Also, the original doesn't have takedowns. They're a cool gimmick and all but "press E to win" isn't great. The Dragon Sword does exist but even that takes a bit more effort than the takedowns.


why didn't I find out about that mod sooner?

fuck I could have had more of an excuse to replay DX1 just before MD instead of focusing on my backlog

I mean, if you try to be objective about it, it is better in pretty much every way that matters.

>level design

Ocarina of time was an influential game. There are a lot of people out there who would claim that it was one of the best games ever made. Take someone though who hadn't played it when it came out. Let them play Twilight Princess and Windwaker, then have them play OoT and they would probably have preferred the other two.

TL;DR nostalgia goggles.

Thanks lads, I guess I try it later tonight.

In all seriousness. This is my first playthrough. Is swimming a huge meme or should I really invest all my skill points into it?

Deus Ex will be a series with no bad games.

Invisible War didn't exist.

Yes, the mechanics don't feel natural at all. Go into X place all of the time, find Y quantity of thing to hack to get exact Z amount of goods to bust into A outpost in either B or C way, all of the time, with no variation whatsoever. Repeat this for all of the game.
HR was a step forward, even with its infinite go-into-vent-dude-lmao action.
Do you DX fanboys know more than memes?
>place crate to reach the top of the building
>huge empty corridors and places with random furniture and people
>enemy "bases" or hives are all circular places or buildings with the important stuff in the middle
Unimaginative and basic as fuck.
Doesn't change the fact that they still exist and the devs didn't plan out things correctly.


>The fact the devs and Jensen's VA have been utterly BTFOing SJW/BLM faggots on social media is just icing on the cake.

Invisible War wasn't bad.

You have a fair point, idk tho. I played HR first and then played the original, and honestly I like the original much better. My last playthrough of HR was years ago tho, so maybe I need to replay it.
I honestly don't like OoT or the other meme Zelda game tho. I can see why people would like them, but shit just ain't for me senpai.

Swimming has very few uses. You can even just cheese the long (optional) swimming routes with rebreathers and the regen aug if you have the energy.

>place crate to reach the top of the building
>huge empty corridors and places with random furniture and people
>enemy "bases" or hives are all circular places or buildings with the important stuff in the middle

So HR with less vents then?


>mentioning Invisible War as the bad game
The one mobile game that shall not be named is MUCH worse

After playing Deus Ex I wanted to play Human Revolution but everything which made Deus Ex great seemed to have been removed.

Im thinking of giving it a playthrough before the new game comes. Should I give it another go?

So you're just fucking with me because you don't know better, alright.
No publicity or marketing. IDK why.

>level design
HR's level design is pretty boring most of the time though. It's just corridors with vents as an optional route to avoid everything. I like DX's levels better.
DX is also superior in a bunch of other ways, like not having an awful hacking minigame and shit experience system, and having augmentations that are way more fun to use. And better enemy variety, which is kind of sad, given that its enemy variety is shit. It's just that HR manages to be even worse.
It's a huge meme.
You might want to upgrade it once though. It's very cheap and the starting swimming speed is astonishingly slow.

This isn't an amazing game but the original really really isn't that great. I played it when it was relevant and it didn't blow my mind or change my outlook on life. Hell it wasn't even my top 5 for the time. Retards on here overhype the living fuck out of everything.

The screencaps are better, but I don't have them. Maybe someone else can help.

>It's just that HR manages to be even worse.
Yeah this shit needs to be fixed. Give me aliens.

Would you rather have a dumb hype marketing campaign going on?

upgrade it once or twice, it's usefull for exploration. Other than that memes. Enjoy user and never forget: The first level is shit

>level design
fuck no, unless you're retarded
absolutely not

But nice try.

Human Revolution was pretty good but Mankind Divided looked like it was taking some cues from Dishonored and now I wish they'd just go all the way and make it cyberpunk Dishonored because that would fix the final real complaints I still have.

What's this, one of those pandering clickbait sites that sprung up like mushrooms in the wake of gamergate?

Guy asked for source, I gave what I could find, it has sourced and links to the tweets, why are you getting upset about it?

The level deisgn and pacing of the original are objectively better. The difference in "gunplay" is largely that HR totally removed RPG elements like gun skills, hardly feel comparable.

Who's getting upset?

You people are just itching to do the whole "lol, what, are you OFFENDED? Can't handle my edgy truth bombs? Muh free speech" routine aren't you?

If you're wondering, I'm getting upset now at what a tool you are.

it's a prequel as and but it has so many similarities with the original that it's basically a clone

I played HR before the original and you're so wrong that it's sad

>so many similarities with the original that it's basically a clone


You're the cancer killing Sup Forums.

I guess I should've been upset from the first because I could've known when you posted that link. A website that has a "culture war" section to bitch about "SJWs" is bound to be petty sensationalised tribalistic non-vidya bullshit.

>claims to not be mad
>continues to post responses, each one more butthurt than the last

Curb your autism, faggot.

>Blaarrrgh I'M NOT MAD!! YOUUUU'RE MAD!!

I don't remember all of them but the ones I do
>both games have a pilot that you can save but are left to die by default
>both games have chink parts
>both games have the company you work for disguised as the good guy

It's still a great game in its own right.

Can either of you even read?

It's like you're just reading off a script without realising I've gone off it already.

Those are some very broad similarities and they're all realised very differently between the two games.


>nostalgiafags think the opposite

All I've been seeing are nonstop threads by you autists.

I'm gonna rerun both games before Mankind Devided and make a list of them, will prolly make a thread if they seem to be very similar

Dismissive reaction images are always a safe choice when you're unsure to proceed, of course.

Don't you have any smug anime girls?

I like both.

But there are multiple threads per day. Not all reach bumb limit.

This guy knows.

>still responding instead of discussing the game
>still butthurt for no reason

Same here. I'm just glad DXHR was faithful to the original.

Yeah, it does look like it's actually turning into a serviceable Deus Ex thread, doesn't it?

Maybe you'll refrain from bringing your bullshit into it from now on? :^)

I like both too. But the original is clearly better

hello Sup Forumseddit

but Sarif is a good guy

>it's a sjw tumblrina vs Sup Forums goober episode

>implying this chain of replies didn't start because you got anally annihilated over a link

You gonna call it quits and actually discuss the topic now, you big baby?

>there's fucktards who can't enjoy both for different reasons

I just hope there's more tranq rifle ammo this time. I love sleep darting from a distance.


>implying this chain of replies didn't start because you got anally annihilated over a link
It started with someone bringing up their SJW bullshit.

>You gonna call it quits and actually discuss the topic now, you big baby?
What makes you think I haven't been all along?

>16 gb

Thats pretty common sentinment in Sup Forums.
>you like w3? Well Fuck You. Play Skyrim because it is So much better because it sold This many copies.

it's how devs retard proof the game since most gamers leave unnecessary programs open when playing video games and complain about performance

Please tell me there's no more super powered armor bosses in HR after the first one.

You could have ignored the link, and all these replies, but instead you can't resist shitting up the thread. Great job, dingdong, you really showed them.

Only 4 in total.

The original plays like garbage.

It takes two to tango, friend ;^)

But I'll be the bigger man, if you won't after this.

missing link one is a weak humanoid who talks shit and get hit for it

>liking more than 1 videogame of each genre/franchise
fucking indecisive faggot
pick a side cuck

there's more bosses but they aren't all Hans Grosse

It snuck up on me too, I'm just hoping to christ it isn't shit

>fuck no, unless you're retarded
>implying that the original had better gunplay than HR
Oh my lord

The other bosses are actually much worse since they run around everywhere so you can't just spam them in the face and kill them instantly. The first boss is the easy one.

I don't see a reason as to why I should initially dislike DX: Mankind Divided, what's with all the hate towards it? I read things like terrible animations through dialogue chats, but I don't recall HR ever having astounding animations either.

Every new game gets this treatment.

1) This is Sup Forums
2) It's a new game
3) It's probably gonna have Denuvo
need more?

nu is the worst meme since cuck

nu-Sup Forums instinctively hates every modern game except for Bloodborne and New Vegas

Even Bannerlord threads get shitposted in with negativity nowadays. This board literally wants nothing but more TORtanic's and will treat every new release like one