It's doomed, isn't it?

It's doomed, isn't it?

is it near completion? is this the year of C&D'ed nintendo fangames?

The team behind it said that it's pretty minimally a Mother game in terms of references and such and if a C&D did happen they would just remove the few things in the game and rename it and release it as a new game.

I would be fine if the game had a different title. Calling it Mother 4 really comes off as arrogant especially when Shigesato Itoi said he didn't want any sequels.

he said let the fans make it

No he didn't, you're either intellectually dishonest with yourself or deeply retarded if you really think that's what he meant by that interview.

>it's another "he said the fans can make Mother 4" thread

He said fans could make games that inspired them or felt like Mother, to him (Itoi) his life that he is living is Mother 4, the loss of a good friend, the world that is ever changing around him, and the interactions he has.

He did not, nor has he ever stated what you faggots think he said.

>"But someone said he's okay with the game."
A literal nobody that has no ties to him, yes.

Ill see if they ever actualy release it

>it's another cutscene based game

I have a feeling it's going to be utter garbage.

Why does neo-Sup Forums have such a hateboner for fan projects?

They bitch and moan about Nintendo not releasing games that aren't Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon but when the fans deliver something that's everything they wanted like AM2R or Project M, all they can do is spout "ITS DISHONEST >:("

Is neo-Sup Forums just caught in a never-ending cycle of being triggered by everything around them? Because I'm just sitting here going "eh, I'll give it a shot when it comes out."

There are several RPG Maker games using Mother 2/3 style graphics that may as well have the same title. They really need to give a different title.

I think AM2R was amazing and when I heard it was going to be finally released I was hyped for it.

This however is a different case. I don't think this is worth much.

First off, you are a petty faggot. Second, you are wrong. He never said he didn't want any sequels, he said he can't make any himself and if there ever was to be a sequel, it would be fan made.

You are blatantly wrong.

>reading comprehension

>make trailer in 2013 saying 2014
>say in 2014 2015
>then never say anything
it's never coming out and you know it

You don't think it's worth much.

It doesn't mean that I, or others, share in that sentiment.

>intellectually dishonest with yourself
Word salad. Also he never said he didn't want any sequels, retard.

All I see is some faggot bitching about the name.

It lines up with neo-Sup Forums being in a neverending cycle of being triggered.

>Itoi himself blessed this fangame you guys, no really let me show you this interview


I'm just saying, am I not supposed to dislike what I see? Is everyone who disagrees with something or doesn't think it's good automatically triggered? Do you need to put me in that group of people who think that fangames are shit? Yeah, others might care for it. And a vast majority of people won't even give a rat's ass, what's your point?

>bitching about a name means you hate fan projects
>puts words in people's mouth to win arguments
>uses buzzwords like neo-Sup Forums and triggered

Why do you not like the game?

The answer determines whether you're triggered or just stating a fair opinion.

>walks animation is really slow despite player movement being much faster than the animation making it look really awkward and stilted


Keep in mind, I've seen neo-Sup Forums shitting on other fan projects too so it's not just people here bitching about a name.

Even if Itoi didn't want people making sequels (which he does, because he feels that he'll never make another one and that he'd like to see a new imagining of Mother because he's not a total prick), why the fuck do people care so much about what Itoi thinks? Do people care what Sakamoto thinks about AM2R? How about Miyamoto and the hundreds of Mario fangames?

What is it about Mother that makes it so goddamn horrible to name your fangame with a number that the series itself will NEVER REACH?

It isn't doomed because they said if Nintendo ever DMCA'd the project, they'd change the name and whatever necessary elements within the story to adhere to Nintendo's demands.

They also said that this would free them from the strict guidelines that they perceive to be required for a Mother game.

If they feel that making a Mother game requires restrictions then why does Leo smoke?

>and if a C&D did happen they would just remove the few things in the game and rename it and release it as a new game.

why not just fucking rename it now in the first place, literally no one is okay with them calling it mother fucking 4

I'm perfectly fine with it. It seems a bit overconfident for a fan sequel to use that name but... you know, it's just a name.

>Me and three people ITT hate the name, so that means nobody else is allowed to have an opinion.

Stay triggered nigga, nobody else cares but you.

>yfw another Nintentoddler fangame of a dead franchise gets C&D'd again

>Sup Forums strawpolls

You're a fucking imbecile.

i hope it will be good

Why would somebody bother twisting the results of a Strawpoll result with like five hundred entries? That's perfectly reasonable for the average thread on Sup Forums.

Would you rather a Reddit strawpoll?

Fuck outta here.

If one side can bot votes, so can the other.

Getting triggered over how little people share your opinion is just straight up pathetic senpai.

I think my two biggest issues are the writing and the constant need to take bits and pieces from 2 games which were very different. It's sort of like making another entry in the final fantasy series. You know there are core elements there, but the next final fantasy is not just a model swap with different maps. Earthbound and Mother 3 are games that have very little in common despite both being developed by the same people, and this is kind of the opposite.

I also do generally think it's a bit harder to fuck up a 2D metroid, specially when you take most elements and try to copypaste them and the most difficult part would be level design and progression, while Mother games are usually all about the story as the gameplay is really barebones (aside from one gimmick in each game) and this part is awful easy to fuck up.


I disagree but understand where you're coming from.

At the very least, you're not triggered.

It's called Mother 4.

They are too arrogant to change the name.

He said he wanted to see someone else make Mother 4 so he could experience it from the outside, not that he wanted some nerdy fans to make some cheap knockoff and call it Mother 4.

>Sup Forums hates AM2R
What the hell? Not only Sup Forums isn't a single person, but I thought people generally liked it. I think you only like to read what appeals to your shitty vision of the world where "muh neo-Sup Forums" is a thing

I just want it to release so I can play another Earthbound styled game since Nintendo literaly doesnt give a fuck about Mother

I dont care about the game but honestly they should change it and sell the game for profit on Steam, same goes for Super Smash Flash 2

Stay mad

Another game?
If nintendo AGAIN lets it finish and go on the web first before pseudo shutting it down I'll seriously assume that they actually deliberately wait to give the creators of fangames the possibility to release it first, meaning they are not bad at all.

Calling it Mother 4 doesn't really help their case.

They do like it. The AM2R threads are like 10% hate, which is an incredible ratio for Sup Forums

>why not just fucking rename it now in the first place, literally no one is okay with them calling it mother fucking 4

Sup Forums had a poll about this, and the sheer majority either didn't mind it, or didn't mind it but preferred a name change.

>Not only Sup Forums isn't a single person, but I thought people generally liked it.

You'll always find those assholes who are really really really loyal to Nintendo and hate anything that makes them look bad.

v1 had a bigger majority of people who didn't mind the name.

Who gives a fuck what some anons think. Nintendo will pull the plug on anything using their copyright no matter what creators intentions are.
That is the point.

are the devs tumblr/sjw-y?

It's the Earthbound fandom so yeah, the tumblr/nu-male is implied.

Not sure, but the underlying tones and parts of the fanbase are pretty much there

Why don't they just change the name and sell it on Steam for loads of money? Then you could have people becoming a fan of your own IP instead of just a fan game. It worked for Toby Fox.

>literally no one is okay with them calling it mother fucking 4
>Who gives a fuck what some anons think
I'm assuming you can see the problem with your argument?

I do think they'd need to change some elements for that to work. I mean they even have the same fucking font. The style of the game is way too similar as well.

See for instance, I would have encouraged the creator of AM2R to make his own thing instead, but that would surely take more work (many assets in that game are taken directly from the official stuff). I would still love the fuck out of that, because I'm looking forward to play Ghost Song.

What even is your argument?
I'm saying it'll get taken down by Nintendo if they release it as Mother 4. If they call it something else they may potentially be fine to release it.

Is this nu-fun?

Nintendo will take it down regardless.

Honestly, seriously, stop and consider the type of company that Nintendo is and realize that whether or not they change the name, they will be DMCA'd regardless for being a fangame.

At this point, just call it Mother 4 and whatever happens, happens.

I'm confused as to why people think it's going to be taken down. Nintendo and the Mother 4 team already had a run-in but instead of an entire C&D the only problem Nintendo had was their donation page, which they got rid of.

Someone is clearly protecting them at Nintendo, otherwise they would have been nuked then and there.

Most of Sup Forums liked AM2R, problem is that like most fan projects, the creators often hop on Sup Forums to shill the games/thing they did, and they always without exception go ''We fans do what Nintendon't which is to give things WE WANT'', which is obnoxious to say the least.

Why is it every giga retard making a fan project says something like 'end of 2013 ;)' then radio silence till 2014 where we find out there life fucking exploded and everyone around them has cancer or some shit.

Nintendo mafia?

Hey, that happened a lot with indie games too.

>Sorry guys, someone in our team just left
>Sorry guys, exams
>Sorry guys, my mom got sick
>Sorry guys, we don't have enough money to have fun while hiring some nigroes to do our job

And things like "well, we have to do eeeeeeeeeeeeverything from scratch now, so this will take more than a few months. Or years."

Are they asking for money on Patreon? If so I give them 2 hours.

Nintendo and the Earthbound community have an unspoken agreement to let this thing through: as stated before, they are fully aware of its development and were only objecting to people donating it.

The Mother 4 team is doing this for free without any money for it whatsoever, so I bet that's a big reason why it's taking so long.

They had a donation page, but Nintendo asked them to take it down or get shut down, and since they still wanted to make the project they just took down the donation option. Also kind of proves someone is protecting them at Nintendo since they didn't just get shut down immediately.

That's not the point, you fucking retard.
The point is avoiding being taken down because of copyright claims.

The game looks charming and the art style is objectively top notch. If you really think by appearances this will be a shitty game you would probably better enjoy the washed out randomly generated graphics of no man's sky.

What is it about EarthBound that attracts this kind of people?

I haven't seen anything to indicate so.

But then again, it's Mother 3 that has the Magypsies.

Being a procastinator myself I can tell that in most cases it's never as grave as it sounds, they're just putting on a show to gain more attention

I love Earthbound to death but the people who are really associated with the fandom are always fucking oversensitive cunts so yeah probably.

i don't want another Mother game
it's a perfect series and it needs no new entries

Then why say "nobody wants it named mother 4" if that's not the point of the post or true

Good thing this isn't a Mother game then.

I have no idea and I've been a fan of this series forever. I think it's because of how "different" and "underrated" it is and so people who want to be "different" flock to it but as a result make it seem overrated and shitty with their preaching. Usually people who want to be "different" are also incredibly overemotional, hypersensitive and impulsive so if they gain a bit of power the entire group ends up associated with those people due to them being the most vocal and immediately censoring any conflicting opinion.

It makes me ashamed to say I like these games.

Yeah I know. I followed projects like Two Brothers. Not only did they take for fucking ever to explain the situation (which is basically "guy just left and we had to work things out") they focused on making some other game that is looking pretty stupid and every 2-3 or maybe 6 fucking months they're like "oh we'll have something soon, next month or something". Fuck that.

if you won't even attempt to understand what someone is saying then you're beyond help.

Indeed, I'd say it's that combined with people projecting over the games themselves, EarthBound with Tony and Mother 3 with the Magypsies, something that was intended as the butt of a joke is taken seriously by most people in the fandom because they don't understand random-access japanese humor

And out of all that mess, of course, came Undertale

Undertale just made the situation worse. It wasn't a bad game, not great or anything, but the cancerous fandom was so bad that it actually deterred a fuckton of people from actually playing the game. It's going to be viewed as a meme game forever because of those oversensitive loud fuckheads that couldn't keep it in their pants; ontop of the fact that it's now tied to Earthbound because of the inspiration that led to it a lot of people lump them into the same group. It's not fair, but I can't say I blame them.

Maybe, but more likely because it becomes vaporware than because of any interference by Nintendo.

To be honest the game outright invites those kind of people in, we have not one or two, but at least 4 characters that start off goofy and seemingly harmless but turn to anime bad guys, 3 different occasions of forced homosex, twice played as a really unfunny joke and the last time played as straight as it can be which is just fucking awful.

Also the entire story revolves around death of the innocent, overcoming yourself in a sappy emotional way, and the whole ''mercy'' thing which has no substance since it's all left to the superficial anime-tier drama, as well as lifting dialog straight from EarthBound

I liked the game, but it is what it is, and it could only have spawned the fanbase it had by its own means.

AM2R is a humble fan remake. Mother 4 is a fan game trying to pass as an official game. The arrogancy of M4 devs is what puts a lot of people off.

>wanting a quality fangame to be taken down
>hating video games this passionately

Never change neo Sup Forums

Can't argue with any of that.

I liked some of the sappy moments but portraying self defense as a bad thing was really dumb on his part.

>being a blatant liar
Would people really do that? Lie to incite argument?

The people who have that much of a problem with its name are brain dead. It's not a great name, but bitching about it in EVERY SINGLE THREAD is annoying. You're just as arrogant for assuming Itoi gives any shits about some people trying to continue his dead games' legacy.

>believing any of Sup Forums's rampant shitposting

I have the feeling this shit got cucked by Undertale hard. They must be reworking everything.

>Yeah I know. I followed projects like Two Brothers
>they're working on their hipster meme game instead of remaking their actual interesting game
>Chromophore or whatever was announced 2-3 years ago

>game is on a custom engine

/agdg/ would be proud


Every fucking time. Can't we just have one discussion about our hopes and opinions for the game rather than a shit flinging session over the name?

I figure its probably the same thing that makes them sperg out about the name

its autism. The answer is always autism.

He didn't say that at all

He didn't say this either

He essentially said he envied the players and wanted to be one, that someone else made mother, because we experience only the finished product. He thinks the player experience is the final piece. He also likes meeting people who played the game.

Then he said some sappy esoteric line that living our lives is mother 4.

So from that I'm sure he'd like to play a mother game made professionally or by fans. He's more likely to hear about it with a name like Mother 4.

These arguments that they are trying to pass the game off as an official mother game are retarded. No one is going to play mother 4 and believe nintendo made it. No one is going to believe mother 4 is apart of the mother canon. No one is going to believe it's as worthy of recognition as the real 3 games.

>We fans do what Nintendon't which is to give things WE WANT'', which is obnoxious to say the least.

Games are so easy to make now, and nintendo is showing no signs of getting back in touch, that this can only become more true in the future. If the writing is good in mother 4 it'll be as well received as am2r.

Man, dead Nintendo IPs have the worst fanbases, I'm noticing.

>Kirby is doing fantastic for years
>Kirby fans are a great fanbase

>dead or technically dead series like Metroid, Paper Mario and Mother
>they're rabid permavirgib autists gnawing at each other's necks

Feature creep and the never ending cycle of polish

Basically a team member will make 10% Of shit look really awesome, then the rest of the game has to be brought up to that quality. This is repeated forever.

Also it's tempting to get your game out there and see what people think. But it's also over. The praise will last a few weeks at best, then it's forgotten about. And now you have nothing fun to work on.

Put people into a shitty situation and they instantly turn bad.

Zelda fanbase is one of the most nurtured, and also cancerous.

>Don't worry here's some more Hyrule Warriors stuff
>Ok fine have some fucking four swords
>Ok fine fuck you I guess here's some fucking Majora's Mask since you keep asking for it goddamn