King of Fighters XIV

Did you pre-order the fighting game of the year?

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That's not Street Fighter V.

Of course, getting the deluxe edition

Me too

Is that a PS2 game?



capcom is never going to release that daily fight money thing are they?

Yeah, preordered the burn to fight edition. Other than enjoying the game I can't wait to look through the artbook. I always wondered what it was like owning one until I got pic related. It was nice. The art looks nicer on paper and seeing the characters doing daily life stuff outside of fighting makes them much more human and relateable. I wonder what the book will include other than character designs.


Only if it's on PC.



So, confirmed special BGMs so far:

>Terry vs Geese plays Geese's theme
>Kula vs Angel plays Kula's 2000 theme
>Kensou vs Athena plays a vocal version of their theme

There were rumors awhile back of Kyo vs Iori playing New Order too, but you'd think that would be one of the first things people found out.

>Iori and Kyo will never get Sadistic Eyes and Tears back, respectively
>Fatal Fury will never get Big Shot
Fuckin why SNK

I've never played King of FIghters before but love fighting games.

I want to try it, but I can't find a single character that interests me. I must have some trash taste or something.

>tfw still no broken street dates near me

I can't make it another week, I need this now.

why dont you play the game first instead on judging based on design

I wonder what other themes are hidden in the game. Any footage of the vocal version of the psycho soldier team theme yet?

>they used Kula's 2000 theme for Kula vs Angel instead of Diamond Dust
Kill me.

>but I can't find a single character that interests me. I must have some trash taste or something.

Definitely, your taste is bad

I only like Big Shot as terry's theme, as a general Fatal fury theme no

If you can't find a single character you like from a cast of 50 then you have some trash taste.


Interests you in what sense? As a character (personality and visuals?) Or moveset-wise? No matter who you play, there's someone for everyone. Who do you play in other fighting games?

>not being interested in Geese

Same. We waited for so long, but it feels like this will gonna be the longest week of all.

New Order isn't a rumor, it definitely plays for Kyo v Iori.

>tfw we got excited as fuck with each new teaser trailer
>tfw we got hype as fuck with Team Mexico trailer
>tfw we discussed about other Snk games and their lore

It feels like we actually talk about videogames in this board for once

Okay, that's good, I just hadn't heard any word about it since people started getting the game.

Pretty much just by design, since I'm waiting to actually get the game to judge by movesets.

In Tekken I played Kazuya/Jun/Bruce
SF: Urien/Makoto
BB: Litchi/Kokonoe
GG: Dizzy/Millia/Ramlethal
SC: Seong Mina
Skullgirls: Double/Eliza/Fukua

someone actually plays litchi on this board besides me? heh

>Urien and Makoto
>Seong Mina


AngelxKoD is my new OTP

laughing at
>Seong Mina

Lets go, we throwing hands. I cant let this one go.


Any more of these?

I'll try to get as close as I can in terms of design (mostly personality,) but not everything will translate:




Of course, none of this is 1:1, but I tried to either fit with character themes or how relative they might be to each other in terms of personality. Only one that's super off is Makoto/Yuri, but KoFXIV doesn't feature May Lee.

Go team Art of Fighting.

Thanks, at least I know who to check out first now.

Mian is cute as hell.

luong does kinda work for litchi in the straight through attacks translating to snake legs in terms of direction at least, but that is as far as it goes

ella es mia!

Not yet, How is Geese alive? Mature and Vice make sense since they are practically haunting Iori, but Geese? Dude has been dead for a bit.

I hope they stick around

also, BODY GA

I have, looking forward to when it comes out

i dont think i would recommend angel for anyone who has never played kof or at least any game with her in it before but thats me

he was never dead in KoF's timeline

i'm gonna wait until the price drops on that one like i did with cpex and previous games before it and still make a pink square within a few days

>he was never dead in KoF's timeline
Max Impact was its own thing then too? I could have sworn the South City shenanigans and Art of Fighting stories where parallel to KOF.

Dude, why didn't you ask this question back in KOF96 when Geese was clearly alive there as well?

max impact is it's own thing and honestly might as well not even exsist any more,fatal fury and art of fighting have some tie in though,kof is also kind of it's own thing but takes place between some of the fatal fury games

It's confusing. In the KoF Another Day anime Rock has a dream where he falls off Geese Tower like his father did when he fought Terry. That sort of implies he's dead. Then again he's alive in KoF 96.

maximum impact has nothing to do with mainline kof at all

I was jamming out to :
I mean i'm glad he can be used more Geese is just a badass. Just half of the time when you played as Billy and his story lines just tied to him missing Geese or Geese haunting him or some shit.

Literally the only thing SNK did was make sure their shitty are wasn't as bad as Bengus' rejected drafts.

Everything else is fucking awful. Quite possibly the worst fighting game of the year if Injustice 2 doesn't come out in 2016.

Has the main theme leaked yet?

What is it called anyway?

Those PS2 graphics though.

worst how?

i think it's called follow me and if it has it's probably been yanked off youtube already

Do you mean the full version of this?

>Geese is alive in mainline KOF
>Terry has his son as his sandwich slave boy

2002UM soundtrack was kinda experimental. It was a one time thing.

You can somewhat hear it in the Japan Expo interview.

played the demo

they should have stuck to 2D


And released the game in 2020 with 20 characters. 2D is great but expensive and time-consuning. I hope they develop better and faster 2D methods in the near future since that's what 2D fighting games should have.

This would be nice, but the number of 2D/pixel artists is dwindling as time goes. I think Oda mentioned that part of the reason they went 3D other than cash was that they couldn't find enough 2D artists that would keep up. Either way as long as it feels/plays like the older games I'm fine with polygons.

why? ill just pay for it when it comes out

Why are people hyped for this game ?
It's obviously gonna be dead on arrival.


you should've been dead on arrival desu

From my experience with the demo and from what others have said, it really is just like the older games, so who gives a shit if the graphics aren't super high quality?

Some songs:

Antonov Super Arena
Tachi bou ke Vocal Version
Kim Team
Villains Team
Another World Team

>so who gives a shit if the graphics aren't super high quality?

capcom fags

The truth hurts.
Nobody is going to play your game anons, tourneyfags are one thing, a crowded community, active players, that's another.

It's actually embarrassing to watch all this attempt to imitate capcom's way to create hype with a game that barely looks better than Tekken 4...

>It's actually embarrassing to watch all this attempt to imitate capcom's way to create hype
What way would that be? I don't see SNK paying well known players to throw games against shitty rappers on stream.

maryfag pls go, we know it's you


That's what I mean. I'm happy with it and most people who have played it are happy with it, it may not be the prettiest, but if it's successful it will lay a good foundation that SNK can keep building from. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


Antonov and the assistant director best characters.

The sound in Kim's theme is way too low.

here is (you)r headpat

So that's what the vocal version sounds like. Could've done without the autotune or whatever the hell it's called. Thanks to that the only sentence I could clearly make out was the first one, everything else it's bit's and pieces.

>What way would that be? I don't see SNK paying well known players to throw games against shitty rappers on stream.
In every way, they couldn't pay a low quality rapper, since they don't have any money left.

It's funny to see you all deluded faggots hyping for this piece of shit that people already forgot, then getting hurt when somebody tells you how it is.

everyone fuck off with the ps2 meme, let me tell you something, the graphics only look awful in the character select and in the victory pose, in the game where it matters it looks normal. if you can't get past this and enjoy a magnificent fighting game you are a basic bitch and most likely underage


Literally burning on the inside

Shouldn't you be in bed already? You can't stay up forever when summer vacation is almost over.
start from 0:38

Really wish they stuck with sprites or went with the GG method of cell shaded models. Cause this game looks like fucking ass.

Even the gameplay that I have seen looks completely dumbed down and slow as hell compared to other KoF games. The animations look terrible, models look terrible, and the confirms are all simplistic to the point where in actual games where there were two KoF pros playing all they did was spam projectiles until they could get a jab into super.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Burning on the inside.mp3 fucking when?

Does the game only come with the instrumental version? This is pissing me off, where's the song? I have waited a year

Demo was more fun than I expected and I can't not support SNK making a comeback to console, so of course.

This is the better Clark picture.

jumping and running are about the same speed as the antecessors.

Kek you can't even spell ancestors? Fuck off spic.

>you get a rez! and you get a rez!
>everyone gets a rez!

the most ready man in nxt.