Guess what? I'm still having fun

Guess what? I'm still having fun.

No one cares.

post multitools or creatures op. do it.

I'm not

>using radians instead of celcius like normal humans

can someone explain me why this game runs worse than witcher 3

I thought I was having fun but its really not
wait till you get to the "end" lol so fucking disappointing. at least I didnt pay for it

the fuck did you manage to get to the center already? if you mean the atlas path, that's not the end user.

Do you have any "screenshots" or "WEBMs" that might convinve skeptical costum- err I mean posters?

RIP Spaceboy

Of the center? no I'm like in the mid 70k light years from it but the atlas path is Just 'creating' a new star in text, it doesn't do shit. though it does mark all black holes once you finish that path to help you get to center closer. but black holes only pop you 2,000 light years on average closer and break 1 item in your ship. In my experience almost always the warp drive upgrades. I have a bunch of screenshots of shit I've found on my center travelling though.

yeah i was referring to the atlas path. but all that suspense and youre given the same textbox "cinematic" as everything else in the game? come on. im done. I know the center just lets you continue in another galaxy from what ive read.

>continue. silly user, you lose your progress/items/ship if I recall correct, gotta start fresh m80. but yeah I mean the atlas path is a shit but not the 'end' technically. the end is just NG+

I'm glad you're having fun.
I will be waiting three months and I will be having fun for half the cost :^)

Oh no you won't.

I waited well over a year to have cheaper fun with E:D. It ain't happening. I've long since lost interest.

I read that you lose your ship and have to start over but you keep your "knowledge" (so i guess all the blueprint).. I spent all day today getting a 48 slot ship, im not starting over just to grind and repeat the same shit over and over. whats the actual ending?

I don't mind the goofy looking Doctor Moreau animals, but why does every single planet in this game look exactly the same?

Stop abusing the spoiler tag. Thanks.

And you're still the one.

>this thread

Fucking Reddit

oh that's I guess slightly less shit then. still won't be doing it since I finally found a cool looking multitool but I don't think there is one senpai. The anomoly guys technically end around 10 visits if you talk to the korvax one he'll talk about how it's over and you need to go to the center, end it. etc. So I guess New game + is the true end, atlas path is just 'canon' for whoever goes and starts the game later or heads to the next galaxy like "oh you totally birthed this new galaxy bro! look at YOUR galaxy! YOU did this!" or something like that. It's a prequel to the end desu.
I don't want to spoil the 'game' for someone who might actually want to discover the 'story' and 'ending' for themselves user.

these xbox 360 ground textures


Did this game bomb or what? I haven't really read reviews other than Sup Forums shitposts. If it's bombing it will drop in price.
Also how's Elite Dangerous? I might pick that up if it's not expensive as fuck.
I'm in Canada and new games are now priced at $80 and I'm just not fucking paying it

I'm not sorry.

What type of building system would work? I'm thinking rust/ark style where you place the bits individually and just attach them but I'm assuming it'll be fallout 4 prefab shit style given how the game turned out vs. the trailers shown.

haha i agree

I pirated it and had fun for about 4 hours. Then all of the fun dissipates as you visit more planets with nothing on them.

Its a shame they worked so much and didnt put in anything interesting. Its just "Space engine:Now with rocks and generic fps template! And worse graphics!"

Paying 60 bucks for that is insane lol. You can download Space Engine for free.

Thanks man!

We enjoyed making the game.

I wish was as easy to please as you.

200 units have been deposited into your account

you made shitty game, good luck in the future lol

Good job lying for hype sake! Kill yourself.

Wow, youre so fucking entitled. Whats wrong with Gamers nowadays?

Sean never said he wouldnt lie, so I dont know why people expect him not to. Jesus Christ quit just expecting so much, fuck. The games exactly what I expected, console master race.

This. I mihgt have actually pirated the game even if look so fucking bad. Like the whole point of the game is to experience stuff, and I don't want to experience it in a laggy ps2 manner

I rather play Spore tbqhfamalam

Guess what? Chicken fish LOL

me too.

here is my little space bug ship.