Let's add a character that counters everything and has no counter

>let's add a character that counters everything and has no counter

jesus youre a crybaby bitch tit

torbjorn and winston fuck him over hardcore

>genji's balance remains unchanged since the game launched
>months after launch
"Genji is overpowered! WTF Riot?? Plz nerf"

>spam shuriken peeking in and out of cover until turret dies
>if torb tries to repair it spam shuriken at him

>just dash away lmao nice try catching me monkey
>meanwhile i'll spam shuriken at you filling my ult meter

Torb's turret is fragile as fuck
Winston can easily be evaded with dashing and climbing over obstacles, or the Genjis with good aim can even kill him before the zapping kills them
Plus team mates

Why did you post this again?

>implying a change made to other characters don't affect the entire roster

Nothing more satisfying than playing Mei and catching a Genji with his dash on cooldown. I like when they try to panic counter the spray.

-50hp. Literally all he needs. As a ninja he should be a glass cannon anyway

>Because people dont realise how broken something is right away this means it isnt broken

Doubly true for a hero with a higher skill cap like Genji

When 2/3rds of the playerbase miss shurikens constantly and only get their ult charge from dashing and melee'ing, nobody is gonna realise how good genji is until the good players have started maining him

You may as well have said
>shoot him
>he die

I think Mei and Winston counter him pretty good, especially Mei.

they already did that in beta, it was terrible

>entire pro matches and higher level matches
>revolves around some faggot spamming shurikens
>spams left click
>spams dash

also he shouldnt be immune to headshots when double jumping, fuck your flip

also his deflect shouldnt be fucking retarded

also his shurikens should have damage falloff and shouldnt have the hanzo tier hit box.

>lets add a character that supposedly takes skill but his ult is melee which can't be blocked and you don't need to aim because it has a huge ass range

>shoot him
>he deflects
>he dashes away and waits for his deflect to comeback


>very good players are using genji to beat less skillful players
I don't see how this means he is broken. If he requires skill to access the parts that make people complain, isn't that just a high skill ceiling?

No character should be that mobile. That's my argument.

Counter argument is to, of course, get gud and go with characters that are meant to slowfuck Genji like any of the tank classes.

can you spot the people who dont play competitive

let's add tanks who can insta-kill 200hp heroes.

Being chased by a Winston means Winston is doing your job and you'r e not.

Also lol repair the turret you fucking moron, Genji can't his both the turret and Torb.

speaking as a genji main the only thing i think that needs to be changed is reset on kill with the dash

Torbjorn's turret doesn't die to a single reflect (like most Bastions) and the Shurikens require repeated peeking to do the job. If it's in a good position/the Torb is near the turret, it's not going down.

Genji has a single dash, Winston has WAY more mobility with his huge jumps, and Winston outdamages Genji by a wide margin at close range while still having a large health pool.

Your argument is bad and so are you.

He deflects 90% of the weapons/attacks in the god damn game. I really don't like that he has a monopoly on so many attacks and gets to get away with having 200hp on top of it.

However I feel the Genji player should be able to cancel out of Reflect at any moment. Utilization as a potential flank instead of "lol I'm gonna dash you right after this shit is over".

The people who think that Torb is ever worth taking there?
Who don't think that Genjis can easily fuck off and hide behind their team mates?

I really just think he shouldn't be able to reflect melee attacks. That's about it.

who the hell bothers with comp? queue times are long enough as it is. I don't want to wait 10 minutes for comp queues in this dead game.

you mean
>get hit with shurikens in the back for 60-80 damage
>turn around
>he's deflecting
>if you shoot him you die
>if you don't shoot him he dash+shuriken+melee combos you
>and you die

You're both talking like the Genji's team mates aren't there
Any two players focusing a turret that doesn't get Cored up is dead, full stop
And Winston is very easy to focus, especially when he leaps in

>1v1 vacuums
The turret will die.
Not by Genji, but it'll get fucked by the rest of his team.
Torb is garbage.

>>shoot him
>not playing reinhardt, zarya, or symmetra using non projectile weapons


In beta he was a completely different hero

>Dash did damage over time
>Melee did 50 damage
>Shurikens did 20% more damage

>tfw level 70 in comp
>90% of games at this level come down to who has the better genji
>The better genji is almost always on the other team
end my suffering

>McCree nerfed because he can get a guaranteed kill on anyone
>Roadhog is in the same situation, with the benefit of having the highest HP in the game and able to heal himself

I like Torb but he's a waste of a slot.

I've always wanted Torbjorn's turret to get hit by -50hp. Hitting it's range would make it worthless and I don't think Blizzard wanted to make it lock on and then fire because, well, that'd be too easy of a fix. But hitting it's fucking health would've been fine.

Instead they made him virtually unviable.

>has no counter

Defense heroes are wastes of slots


At a certain level everyone knows how to counter him and there's absolutely nothing he can contribute. He might be good for getting a kill or two at the beginning before they realize there's a Torb/Turrent but in the long run he's never useful.

Roadhog is a counter to everyone though.

>he thinks junkrat is a waste of a slot

I never understood this. Torb is always the main obstacle that tears my team apart. Maybe its because Im so low ranked that no one knows how to adequately deal with. People on here shit talk him but I always lose against him.

But then he avoids you.

Do you even play this game?

Honestly all he needs is an increase in turret recharge/build time because 7 seconds is way too fast

Get better internet bro I don't wait more than 30 seconds to get in a match.

could also be that you're playing on Xbone in which case you just fucked yourself on that one.

JR is fine but he could really be considered an offense hero, or at least that's how everyone plays him

>ITT: dude just pick the garbage can character to counter him!
Obviously Genji isn't the problem.
It's just that his counters are fucking awful and are easily managed by other characters on the team.

I have a gut feeling that Blizzard wants to nerf Roadhog, but they're scared to do it due to potential outcry from shitters who "main" him because they can't get kills playing anything else.

Roadhog is piss easy to kill as Tracer.

Avoid his chain and he literally can't do anything to you.

I hate Roadhog. Reaper is his best counter but even then he loses to Roadhog every time if he's damanged in anyway once he gets hooked. Reaper can only survive against him at full health.

That;s a funny picture of Zarya

10-15 seconds would've been preferable. While I agree it's something he needed I don't think it was *just* that.

Also Torbjorn's should be punished for not sharing their armor with other players. Holy fucking shit that's annoying.

Why the fuck does it matter if he avoids you, the important thing is that he doesn't kill you and by making him run you've done that. Stop being a shitter

>dash away
But Winston can monkey leap towards Genji and land on him causing damage

>Playing tracer alot
>Always get caught in Junkrat traps
Holy fuck, i even try to look for them now and they still catch me off guard, how do i git gud?

his turret does 56 dps

you can literally stand in front of it and win 1v1 with most heroes.

Not him but it's usually the torbjorn who is turtling behind the turret that kills me

Genji counters are garbage all around, while he's top tier.
Sure seems balanced

>Reinhardt e 1 shots turret
>almost every character can hit the turret from out of range
>Any tank could run up and deal with it easily
>Can shoulder peak it constantly so it can't hit you
There's literally a million ways to take down the turret. It is so low hp and low armor that it shouldn't be a problem ever really. Even it's damage isn't that great.
The only real thing torb has going for him is that his shotgun can one-hit most characters in the game if you get a meat shot, and his armor pack is pretty good. Other than that though he really has nothing going for him.

Thats not the point I was making

The point I was making was that high skill heroes wouldn't be as instantly obviously 'Broken' as a lower skill, easier to play hero

e.g. if Bastion did wayyyy too much damage, that shit would be obvious immediately. Because all you have to do is go into sentry mode, sit still, and spray at people.

So people would catch on to bastion's power rather quickly

Genji on the other hand, is a much higher skilled capped hero with more difficult aiming requirements.

Bad players wont realise he's good because they cant play him properly themselves, and only play with other bad people that cant play Genji.

There's also the fallacy that high skill heroes attract that goes something like:

>He's not broken, he's just high skill cap and I'm really, really good!

Can Winston climb walls?

>Switch to Widow
>Get in position
It shouldn't take you more than 2-3 shots to destroy a level 2 turret with her.

Yes but there is hardly ever a time you get a 1v1 with a turret. Usually they are right behind the point, its impossible to fight it with torb itself or the rest of the team maiming you. Plus it has a really long range making attacking choking points impossible without a reinhardt because it just does a constant stream of damage + the other 6 memebers of the team.

If you want my input on how to maybe fix torb, I'd say increase the turrets damage or health but make it so it can't turn 360 degrees around.

>Blizzard nerfed Torb for consoles
>Torb is now OBJECTIVELY the worst class available
Thanks Blizzard. Not like you could have just nerfed the turret's lock on speed.

Winston destroys Genji with his massive, throbbing Harambe ape dong.

I'm not sure if you're memeing or just autistic

How would you even nerf Zarya? I honestly wouldn't know how to balance her feeling like I'd be fucking her up completely.

Meta is all about which team has the better Genji, he's unnecessary and weeb as fuck

>he doesn't kill you, the tank
>meanwhile he can solo the other 4 heroes on your team

Once again, do you even play this game?

ah shit ya got me

increase shield cooldowns by a few seconds.

>mfw permanently stuck between rank 33 and 36 because everyone in low rank sucks complete dick at the game
>started ranked at 49
>constant shit teams bring me down
>don't know enough people to form a group with
>rage quitters are running rampant recently


Then you pick reaper, zenyatta, Zarya, or D.va to shit all over the stupid monkey.

I don't think he's a problem I sit think his ultimate is. It lasts too long for something that does 150 damage and basically forces your Zenyatta to use his ult which still gives the Genji the chance to kill at least one teammate AND costs your team a valuable resource to counter ONE ultimate so the enemy team doesn't need to worry about Zenyatta completly neutralizing a push

it already has a decent enough delay that you can just peek and shoot without taking damage, what would nerfing that do?

I feel like her lock on for giving teammates shields can be a lot better
Also if she could get the thing where she can see teammates and their health through walls like supports that would be nice
And if it was more noticeable when you stop having a shield
blizzard pls buff ;_;

All I can say is keep your eyes peeled.

In general tracer should avoid junkrat at all costs.

WInston counters him, but all the meta heroes counter winston

I'm stuck in 59 and it's the same shit. I just hope I get paired with rank 65+ instead of 59-

> Assuming [email protected] will ever swap from Genji 103 hours played to counter Winston

Winston's good at least.

But Mei is shit, and Junkrat's now that great, viable, but not that great. If Junrkat got buffed he'd be a great hero to pick against him. Hell he'd be an amazing hero for the meta with zen in every game with how rip-tire counters Transcendance perfectly

Make her beam be affected by armor like every other beam weapon in the game rather than being a special snowflake cannon for no reason

She has 400 hp (200 of which regenerates) as well as a 200 hp shield bubble, while not being that much bigger than other heroes unlike the rest of the tanks.

She has no excuse to be able to melt through Reinhardt and Dva like a hot knife through butter

If her niche is based around protecting allies with shields while being tanky, while having the best disabling setup ult in the game, let her do that.
Dont let her have a 190 dps hitscan beam that reaches halfway across the map on top of that

Why are people suddenly bitching about Genji? Or this another meme?

Blizzard reneged on the whole "both platforms will have their own patches" thing. Now whatever happens on one end is going to get thrown to the next one so they can monitor bullshit. If it's a PC issue, it affects everyone. If it's a console issue then it's magically a PC issue now.

Fucking silly. If a character is problematic when playing with a particular set of controls then balance them appropriately. Don't shit on the other community for the discrepancies another is having.


Kekanon is that you

Lower cooldown and shield health. Blocking 200 is OP but waiting ten seconds for shield means everyone will focus you the instant they see your shield pop.


Fuck off. She's already borderline too strong

its a stationary target.

>has no counter
you're right. she really doesn't.
jesus fuck OP just get good.

>tfw I can kill him as fucking mei on defense regardless of whether or not she is a counter to him
>tfw no face

Thats not true tho. Turrets haven't been nerfed on PC

>But Winston can monkey leap towards Genji and land on him causing damage
this is usually needed to initiate the attack given genji is rarely up in the face of your team

Because now that people learned to play him, players realise how bullshit he is.

I don't know who that is, sorry.

>he doesn't kill you the tank
>the tank
No shit he doesn't kill you, you're a tank.
If he avoids you as rein, put up shield or dash away. Armor also takes away 5 damage from everything so his shurikens are pretty useless unless he has really great aim while also running from your giant hammer that can two shot him
If he avoids you as zarya put up shield and launch grenade
If he avoids you as symmetra launch energy orb

Stop pretending genji is some sort of Godlike character and learn to counter or literally just stay with your team and if your team dies then run or just die because at that point more than just genji will be attacking you

>implying you won't get BTFO by any of the characters listed due to the fact that they're in practically every match now.
This isn't a 1v1 game.
You're going to run into a Winston Counter.

>Picking a terrible hero in a vain attempt to counter a good hero, who can always just save his dash so she can never freeze him

Nigga what exactly is Mei gonna do plodding around with her freeze ray when Genji is peppering her with shurikens on the rooftop?

She not only WONT counter genji, but she'll be shit against everyone else too

>whine about Genji whos only good when his ult is up

>not about mcree whos good at ALL TIMES

>start off good
>throughout the course of several games you rank down
>continue to rank down
>at an embarassingly low rank where any decent player can just 1v6 the enemy team and climb out
>still losing

yep, its the teams you get paired with, definitely not just you