>For your role in prematurely sounding the Horde's retreat, dooming the entire offensive, and possibly damning the entire planet to the Legion, we hereby award you, NPC who is the most terrified individual in the entire Horde to die and the least likely to sacrifice herself for anything living, the title of Warchief and Leader of the Horde.
>May you lead us to a victory someday.
For your role in prematurely sounding the Horde's retreat, dooming the entire offensive...
Yeah lets forget the whole massive army from behind that would have killed literally everyone.
Honestly I'm surprised she didn't just let them all die and raise the dead to fight again.
Not a fan of sylvannas but she was ordered to retreat
my biggest issue is when you talk to her after the quest she implies the only reason she hasn't killed you is because you did decently at the broken shore
like what the hell bitch settle down.
Let's not forget that the Alliance was minutes away from victory when she suddenly pulled half of Azeroth's army away with no warning
Horde got BTFO by trash mobs without names. Are you feeling rustled?
I wish blizz wasn't so hell bent on treating every player like the hope of the entire world. Can't we just be nobodies again.
They were minutes away from getting destroyed
They could hardly take one of those bosses let alone all of them at once.
>horde and alliance have airships
>seem capable of lobbing explosives at distant targets
>regardless of vortex meteors, could conceivably bombard that island without getting close
Not a wowfag
Why didn't they sink the island with explosives?
And the horde couldn't even handle nameless trash mobs, GG banshee queen
One demon aint diddly, but a thousand demonds is a whole lotta diddly user
What a blatantly sexist outfit, does Blizzard think we're still in the '50s?
I know this was bait but oh well
it was pretty much destined to fail from the start, if the horde didn't retreat both sides would of died. It doesn't really matter if the alliance managed to kill gul'dan or even stopped the portal, there was literally hundreds, if not thousands of demons on broken sure as well as other portals being opened around broken isles. The horde would of been overrun and then all them demons would of overflowed on to the alliance leaving no one alive.
answer please
Drowning them/stranding them on a pile or rubble would've been perfect
>What are air units
>that outfit
their trash mobs user, don't get to upset
I meant that people still treated women like objects in the 50s, you shitlord
Things to be taken care of by nimbler/specialized aircraft so your bombers can kill/strand/drown an army located on one island.
I'd like to see you take on 50 trash mobs at once in HFC :^)
Would still be out numbered, go and actually watch the legion reveal trailer.
What's really sexist is that she doesn't have decent abs in that picture.
Did the alliance under estimate the forces they'd be facing?
Don't automatons of some sort exist in this world? Why didn't the gnomes/goblins collaborate on some sort of self guided aerial suicide bombers or perhaps bipedal one that can be launcher toward the island then detonate on arrival?
>Horde doesn't even know how to use AOE attacks
Ally have maybe 3 airships and goblins only have zeppelins, didn't you see all the demon bats or what Gul'dan was capable of?
That's because the shaman they brought forgot to take his elemental viagra
you're right user, vol'jin was a better warchief, the dude who literally did nothing since wc3. yawn
They do, but we're talking about a space demon army so large that it's conquered most of the known galaxy.
The only hope is to shut down the portal to cut them off.
>NPC dies
>we all have healing and resurrection spells available to us
The horde and alliance both have limited numbers because their from 1 world, the legion has conquered hundreds of worlds and has millions of demons on the ready to attack.
Sylvanas literally saved the day and Azeroth you dumb faggot. The whole invasion was terribly planned from the start and the battle was unwinnable.
>hurrr let's keep on fighting, get killed within seconds, lose all our adventurers, a huge chunk of faction leaders and leave Azeroth in an even shittier position.
At least props to the Horde for holding out for as long as they did against the bulk of the Legion and an armada of spaceships, while the Alliance fought a few trash mobs.
You retards fail to see fact that this whole failure was plotted to ensure the Illidari.
> Invade outland 10 years ago
> Only won because of the Illidari
> Locked Illidari up
> 2 main leaders die + countless heroes
You do know lore wise that only a select few characters can actually resurrect right and resurrects are only in game for gameplay sake right?
>Legion is a well-armed, mechanized, giant invasion force who horribly outnumbers the Horde and the Alliance.
>Appoint a ranger-general as warchief, who is use to using guerilla tactics against larger forces, and has been doing this for a long time.
it's pottery.
They seemed unprepared to attack at all. They had perhaps a technological edge they weren't equipped to take advantage of.
If they couldn't press a range advantage or a numbers advantage or a firepower advantage, why did they attack at all.
if they couldn't even defend against that, then they should've retreated immediately, just a waste of lives
and what about shamans? can't they manipulate the weather? why weren't the bats fried by bolts of lightning as they were summoned?
That was clear at least. I'm just thinking, these big strong groups...one large but concentrated enemy...no one was capable of delivering/casting the equivalent of a nuke on a stretch of island?
>> Only won because of the Illidari
We won because we cleared everything out
Your applying real life logic to a video game that has fantasy elements to it
WoW ranged weapons have always been notoriously short-ranged. There's never been any tech shown that reaches beyond a reasonable closing distance.
>Blizzard writing
Why is anyone surprised? If they were smart they would have made a veteran orc like Saurfang or Eitrigg into War chief. Even some new blood like Baine would have made a better and more interesting War chief.
What's he doing holding MY weapon?
> elect Saurfang
> next day he declares peace on Alliance and does everything in his power to work together
The next thing you know is Humans stealing our women and our Jobs
>appoint ranger general as warchief who couldn't guerilla tactics her way out of my ass playing Warcraft 3
>why attack with no advantage
Because if you don't close that portal then they will keep on coming through until there's so many it's impossible to fight.
The legion have every one of those advantages, as mortals the only thing player factions have going for them is good magic and huge balls.
How did it work out for her ? :^)
Ironic feministposting is shitposting just like sincere femiistposting.
>Bilgewater Battalion offers its soldiers resurrections in return for docking their pay
Yeah, nah
As someone who hasn't been playing in a while. From what I gather the legion btfo'd every other faction?
>There's never been any tech shown that reaches beyond a reasonable closing distance.
Very well
The power levels seem so high catching wisps of lore as I do, that I'm genuinely surprised nothing/no one can that the horde or alliance can call on can turn a sink an island.
>every named demon at the same time
>trash mobs
well I mean, in the end arthas is dead and she's warchief so pretty good I guess.
10,000 years of imprisonment sounds pretty good seeing that pic desu senpai
If only one of the sides had developed some sort of island-flattening super weapon. An amazing bomb or something.
For power, they could harness mana. Some sort of Mana Bomb, as it were.
But no, such a thing would never happen in WoW...
Generally you need some kind of artifact to do damage of that scale and because it's WoW that means sending players out to quest for it.
Horde have access to mana bombs but no way to really get one into the island without getting ripped apart by bats, also the warchief that used them is dead and Vol'Jin isn't really big on arcane magic.
>They don't even do anything
>in the end arthas is dead and she's warchief so pretty good I guess.
The fuck does that have to do with her gorilla tactics ?
> so summer cant even check for sameposting
Now we fucking dead senpai
why does he wear the mask
>minutes away from victory
Is this what alliance children actually believe?
Where's Rafaam during all this. Of anybody, he or the league of explorers should have one of them Art-E-Facts to spare.
That was probably their original plan but did you not see over 90% of their fleet get destroyed in the first 5 minutes?
>because you ran away you get to be Warchief
They tried to catch the Legion by surprise and secure the island. They didn't know the Legion had an invasion force already garrisoned. That's why the horde retreated.
>Warchief literally tells you to retreat
>Voljin has a wound oozing fel gunk
>Voljin saying a spirit told him to make Sylvanas warchief
>Literally the same setup as KJ tricking Ner'zhul
>Sylvanas literally employed a dreadlord to run her plague corps
>Currently employs Valkyr and giving off Lich King vibes
I don't know why anyone is actually acting like Voljin was in the right state of mind
Yeah, well, I wonder what the heroes of azeroth will do to win this time
>Lets work together with the Forsaken and fight the Scourge
Bolvar dies
>Lets work together with the Forsaken and fight the Legion
Varian dies
Old stale trick, and yet I keep falling for it.
He's a Hearthstone-only character. He doesn't exist in WoW.
>Guldan imprisoned and being used as a power source
>Khadgar tells us to free him so we can close the portal and stop the Iron Horde's advance, even though we just spend the next few weeks curbstomping them
>Sends us on meaningless errands while he "tracks" Gul'dan
>Gul'dan, a known traitor, was going to betray the Legion until Khadgar's tenacity makes him rethink his plans and rejoin Kil'Jaeden
Reminder that Khadgar is a faggot and a Balnazzar in disguise
Because the orcs have been bastions of sound tactics and military planning. They haven't won a fight since the first war.
He's the leader of the orcs now. Making him warchief would be retarded when none of the other races ever interacted with him. At least Garrosh was helping lead everyone in Northrend
say ok dedi
rip in peps pupper ;_;
Quest for pieces of a magic artifact that sinks the island once together is easily the most likely.
Literal faggot
>Make the guy that nobody trust and, the faction that you have a shaky ceasefire with, thinks betrayed your representative
Thanks Vol'jin
>announced Nefarian's death in Orgrimmar and put his head on a pike
>leads the Horde forces during the Ahn' Qiraj shit
>in charge of the Kor'kan in Northerend and second in command to Garrosh
>eventually took command of the Northerend forces
>commander of the gunship that assaulted Icecrown
>Probably does some other shit
Sure he hasn't done as much as faction leaders but he's just about the most important Horde leader outside of them.
>does nothing for years as warchief
>the day comes where he finally has to do something
>he just sucks and dies
>before he dies he completely ruins the Horde with his last breath
Must have been his master plan all along to fuck the Horde over.
But da spirits told him to pick Sylvanas, mon
I want to fuck Sylvanas.
>Legion has spaceships now
>don't just park them all over one capital and blow it up before moving on to the next
See, when the Lich King didn't dump all his Necropoli onto one place, he at least had the shitty excuse of wanting to give people the false hope they could beat him. The Legion just wants to exterminate everyone
Oh, too bad, he's got some neat artifacts.
Fuck you, I trust her.
I need to stop fapping so much to sylvanas
>we hereby award you, NPC who is the most terrified individual in the entire Horde to die and the least likely to sacrifice herself for anything living, the title of Warchief and Leader of the Horde.
And how exactly is that a bad thing?
>and pets
That's so mean mayne
Maybe they need something to lock onto to warp in?
I'm sure you could asspull something
Don't be so sure about that
you suck
This shit again
>Titan have super advanced technology and travel the stars searching for worldsouls
>Sargeras doesn't just fly to Azeroth when the Titans have already been here