How many timeless classics has Nintendo made this gen?

How many timeless classics has Nintendo made this gen?

How many franchises have they destroyed beyond salvage?

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How many timeless classics has anyone made this gen?

>How many timeless classics has Nintendo made this gen?

That can't be judged right now

How many franchises have they destroyed beyond salvage?


>timeless classics
Wonderful 101
Dong Freeze
Kid Icarus Uprising
Xenoblade Chronicles X

Interestingly, out of those only 1 was made by an EAD studio. And Splatoon was made by the noobies on the team. Really shows how out of touch the rest of them are.

EAD has been busy with Zelda Breath of the Wild for the entirety of the Wii U's lifespan. The rest of their games suffered for it, but it can be forgiven if BotW turns out to be the best Zelda game ever.

>How many franchises have they destroyed beyond salvage?
Paper Mario with SS and CS
Metroid with Federation Force
Star Fox with SF0
Warioware with G&W
Chibi-Robo with Ziplash

Paper Mario with SS and CS

Metroid with Federation Force

Chibi-Robo with Ziplash


Uncharted 4

The only one you'll need for the rest of your life. Bloodborne.

I can agree with this list, though I'd put them as must-haves of last gen rather than classics of all time.

>How many franchises have they destroyed beyond salvage?

>what is Star Fox
>what is Paper Mario

I dont know what a zelda game is supposed to be. but given what they did with SS I cant have much faith. That game is a fucking chore. especially the desert jesus.

no franchise is beyond salvage you shiteater

Did Tabata have a role in Metroid and Chibi-Robo

EAD isn't Intelligent Systems


Star Fox isn't any more destroyed now than it was before.

Considering Zero is even worse than Command, it kinda is.

How many timeless classics have been made in the past two generations of games?

last gen?

Red Dead Redemption
Dark Souls
Binding of Isaac
Earth Defense Force 2017
Super Mario Galaxy
Phoenix Wright
Elite Beat Agents

Fallout 4 was pretty great, hope it gets remastered in a few years to be fully realized with the hardware potential available then

literally nobody gives a shit about it.

Kid Icarus and, uh...

You are literally wrong

Last gen was fantastic in retrospective

We all thought everything was terrible while we were actually living in the last good videogame era.

This gen sucks so much ass. There's barely 2 truly outstanding videogames per console.

I'd call these games average at best. Far from must-haves, let alone timeless classics.

Smash, Splatoon, Mario Kart, Dong Freeze. 3D World wasn't bad either.

This gen's pretty shit on all fronts, desu. I only own 2 PS4 exclusives; Unsharted Bore sucks ass but Bloodborne is great.

Witcher 3 will be remembered as one of the best games ever made
Give it a couple years and people will realize how bad ass rainbow six siege is

Nintendo doesn't make timeless classics anymore, they simply remake them and sell the same game over and over again.

They are actively trying to destroy the console market in favor of mobile gaming.

Probably one of the worst companies there is and Nintendo is nothing like it used to be. Come NX I will forget that this shit bowl called Nintendo even exist. I hope they tank in the future or get bombed.

I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy them as much as I did.

>tfw no more starfox because miyamoto wanted to make gimmick shit
just fuck my shit up

and they're still somehow better and more customer friendly than Sony

Undertale :o)

That's like saying you have better customer support than Valve. It means almost nothing.

It will be remembered as the cringiest game to ever exist

Isn't there a way to uncensor Bravely Default now?

Why are people pissed at this again? Something about all the toads being the same?

Kid Icarus Uprising and Splatoon are both equal to Nintendo's greatest achievements.

They have several more masterpieces too, like Xenoblade X.

They only fucked up everything related to Mario, the rest of their stuff is mostly doing fine, censorship in America aside.

Of all the censorship bullcrap, the boob slider removal was the worst. This wasn't just a denial of sexuality, it was a denial of reality. Boobs come in various sizes, that is reality. It is a part if a womens physique that vary's from one to another. The devs realized this, but NOA localizers are apparently that fucking stupid.

>a cinematic experience and a console shooter are considered "Nintendo's greatest"

I didn't agree when people praised Goldeneye, I don't think I can agree here either.

Half-Genie Hero is destined for classic status.

Wait that's Wayforward

Lol nothing!

This gets brought up in every Paper Mario thread, pay attention

Maybe with homebrew. But paying customers who don't hack are fucked.

Although it was still a great game. Had all the positives of the first while making nice improvements.

>Cinematic experience

What the fuck?


Splatoon and


There is no game I can think of that is more opposite to "cinematic experience" than KIU. The game barely even has cutscenes, and none of them last more than a few seconds. It's one of the purest gameplay experiences available - there's next to no downtime, just constant explosive gameplay so intense it even fucked up people's hands.

Why would you even make a post this retarded

A cinematic experience is defined as a game that puts WAY too much focus on the story and won't shut up about it at any given point in the game. AKA Kid Icarus: Uprising,

And before you say the gameplay makes up for it, let me remind you of other cinematic games like Dragon Age: Inquisition. 100 hours of gameplay, but every bit of it is lined with cringeworthy dialogue and acting.

Again, having alot of cutscenes isn't the only thing that makes your game a cinematic experience. When every single moment is lined with characters making le unfunny reddit humor every 5 seconds, and you have to mute the game to shut them up, that's equally as bad as any uncharted or TLOU installment.

>100 hours of gameplay

Cinematic gameplay.

I'm sorry you enjoyed them far more than most people did.

You can turn off voice acting in Kid Icarus, separately from sounds and music.

why are you sorry about that?

That's also bullshit, and you know it.

There are far cringier games out there than a Mother-like.
BMX XXX, Bomberman Act Zero, DmC, etc.

Because I feel sorry for the majority of everyone else that couldn't enjoy the games and wasted their money, whereas people like you validated the crazy-ass senile Japs that made those average or shit games happen.

The problem is that they also take up an entire screen. I can't turn that off, so I'm left with a blurry screen I have to squint to see. It's poorly designed and makes me hate handheld gaming in general.

For 40-60 bucks, I need a minimum of 720p resolutions.

A fanbase is not the same as a game.

Star fox was never a critically acclaimed franchise and only appealed as a cult classic to a small group of people. It still fits the bill as a cult classic with the inclusion of Zero.

Oh, I definitely feel bad for people who are let down by video games. Escpecially if they have high expectations.

But I certainly wouldn't fault somebody for enjoying it.

Except by shitting all over the controls, they've alienated a large part of that initial "cult" without drawing in anybody new.

A cult classic doesn't last 6 entries

>Star fox now has 3 good games, 1 okay game, 1 mediocre game, and 2 shitty games

>all 3 good games have been the fucking same
>one of those 3 was fucking port

>muh controls
The toxic avenger had like, what, 5 entries?

Hello again, anti-story user.

>games have to have story, since being "artisitic" is more important than having gameplay

We've had this discussion at least four times before. I don't think that at all. Keep on assuming everything though.

>I don't think that at all

Then you should gladly agree with me on the point.

Pushmo obviously
Weebs and kids swear by Splatoon
3DLand is the best handheld mario ever so that's got to count
I still swear by the new Star Fox in a vacuum, but motion controls are really not popular right now and the content doesn't match the price.

Nintendo have never made a classic. You have to original in order to do that. Otherwise you get derivative shit like Last of Us, Halo 4, and Super Mario 3d world.

Why don't Nintendo invent a new genre since they're so "creative"? Oh right. They're not.

I was calling out Tanabe since Shitter Star but no one took heed. Now you suffer.

I'd rather believe a game is allowed to have a story as long as it doesn't obstruct gameplay too much, or if its gameplay makes use of its own plot like Ace Attorney. The difference between me and you is that I wont shit on games like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Solid just because they have cutscenes and dialogue. I'm against games ruining themselves with too much focus on story, but you take it to a level too far.

>I'd rather believe a game is allowed to have a story as long as it doesn't obstruct gameplay too much
But pretty much every game I have a problem with does just this thing. When I have to mute the game and HOPE that the game doesn't continue throwing cutscenes and voice acting and dialogue exposition in my face, or when the story takes up half the damn screens available to me, it's a massive problem.

Good story helps, bad story hurts. A bad story is worse than no story. It's not that hard a concept.

But that's just it. How are those "games" even really games if they don't even have replayability and feature an ending? They don't even have multiplayer. A game is like blackjack or a sport.

They probably did it because you could make the MC flat like Lynn but then have her wear the costumes that got changed for Lynn in the US version.

It's still a shitty reason but I can see why they did it.


Blackjack doesn't have multiplayer.

>the first smash style game isnt smash

You legitimately have some form of autism. Seek help.

Ordinarily, I'd agree.

But in this instance and as much as these were panned by end users, I'm wary of fanboyism, ignorance, awful taste, or some combination of the above.

How bout no story?

I'm playing a video game after all, right? The video (display/visuals) should COMPLIMENT the gameplay simultaneously. Look at Robotron. The psychedelic lights? The visuals serve a purpose and are there to distract amidst gameplay with no separation of control

6 entries of which 3 are the same game

You have to play with people. I know this is a foreign concept for Nintendo fans.

>good story helps
A game has a good story when it has almost no story, or is minimalistic.

I honestly don't get why I'm demonized for disliking "cinematic experiences" like Uncharted and TLOU, when Sup Forums would usually be the first to decry them as "movie shit".

I guess it's just Sup Forums being contrarian?

You're going to make that blanket statement across all genres?

I think you're mistaken friend. You mean when it is marriaged within the gameplay. When both cannot be separated. But if you ask me, I prefer no story period. Keep it basic. You know. Trim the fat. That's why 1978-1983 is the golden age.

You're just over generalizing. Games that are mostly cinematic are shit, but you can't call a game cinematic if the cutscenes only take up 10% of its game time.

You can easily play against a machine, or even yourself. With Vegas rules the dealer play is perfectly black and white. You don't need an actual human at all to play against.

Visual novels are not games and neither are those that feature such crutches like interruptions in gameplay. In Bayonetta, you have downtime, walking sections, and essentially an end goal. Same with Mario. They're not really games. You're walking through a set path and narrative.

>WarioWare with G&W
It still hurts

>Nintendo doesn't make timeless classics anymore, they simply remake them and sell the same game over and over again.

Are you living in some alternative dimension? The people bitching about Nintendo are people who want to play the exact same game over and over upset that Nintendo experimented with their favourite series.

It's so bad people whine about the minor changes in remakes and remeasters even when they're improvements.

Besides the part where you're glaringly forgetting that the player needs some point to playing the game besides going - through - the - motions gameplay,

You left out RPG's and the like.

>Games that are mostly cinematic are shit
Good we're on the same page

>but you can't call a game cinematic if the cutscenes only take up 10% of its game time.

Oh but why not? They change the structure of the game to fit a narrative. Games are not a playable narrative. If you want to discuss interactive fiction, I suggest redddit or

I only make the statement when it's valid. And I don't let nostalgia cloud my judgement either. If an old game has an abundance of unskippable cutscenes, then it gets point off for being cinematic. Final Fantasy 1-10 for example.

>you can't call a game cinematic if the cutscenes only take up 10% of its game time.

Oh, that's where you're wrong.

>one of the worst, cinematic pieces of garbage to be put out in 2014
>every other moment is characters crying or talking or spewing some kind of hackneyed dialog
>still claims to have 200+ hours of gameplay content

>You left out RPG's and the like.
Not games. Playable narratives. You reach an end and it's done. No replayability. Might as well be a movie.

Ugh, suffered the same fate Star Fox did. I could have gone all day without being reminded of Game & Wario.

>Final Fantasy 1-3
You have a fraction of a good point in your argument, but you keep giving examples that hurt your credibility.

If any of you want to play an actual video game in 2016, I suggest Inversus. It releases on Steam and PS4 tomorrow.

Also, look forward to Forza Horizon 3 and Gran Trismo Sport later this year.

Baloney. Do you know how many times people have replayed RPG's?

You are severely focused on the destination. You're supposed to be enjoying the journey. And in RPG's, even those with set endings, there are often hundreds of little ways in the middle of the game to make the story veer off to a different road than the one you took last time. The scenic route. And that's enjoyable.

You can say that about all games.

>You can say that about all games.
Not about Robotron, Evolution, or Mr. Do.

The best games of all time