What are some games with cute lesbians?

What are some games with cute lesbians?


Try life is strange

me on the left

What about games with non-cute lesbians?

Honestly I just want a vidya (or not) lesbian image dump.

>you will die without ever experiencing this

Nights of Azure.

not much gameplay, but great setting

>inb4 westernshit


>thinly veiled /u/ image dump thread


Thought I clicked the wrong board again.

tfw you will never be a cute nep performing lewd acts with another cute nep

How was the game? I wanted it on Vita.

Lili x Asuka is cute.

me on the right.

Love you babe~

Shhhh. I just like lesbians, user.

It's good.

Dragon Age Cisquisition

>eating junkfood
nah, but I guess this is why 2D is best

That's pretty adorable.

I eat junk food and I'm skinny. I have friends that do the same. It's all about balance, user.

Are there any games that feature an older/bustier woman and a younger/flat loli character together? I guess like straight shota except with a loli instead of a shota.


Never been too into /u/ stuff but it's pretty damn cute. Wouldn't mind seeing more of it in vidya if it isn't completely forced.

Touko can only keep up the "I ain't a rug eater" bit for so long until desperation takes over.


its really more about drinking the liquid calorie than it is the food

Good if you can only about yuri, but the gameplay is mediocre

True. Maybe they're just having a snack while they play vidya. Doesn't mean they drink juice all the time.

Sometimes you just gotta spend a day chilling out and eating garbage. Doesn't mean you can't be skinny.


>those shirts
It's like poetry
Everything rhymes

I guess you're not technically wrong but I was hoping for something a little more canon romantic.

And also maybe a bustier and non-submissive woman.

Who thought this was a good idea?

nepgear didnt do nothing

Bad ship. Patchouli x Remi is better.

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

Patchy x anyone is fucking terrible.


Patchouli getting raped by Koakuma is the best.

muk yuu

>this thread
>my dick
one of these won't survive the next 30 minutes

Remi x anyone of the SDM is great but Sakuya is the best fit.




All of her ships are shit EXCEPT Patch x Remi.

Patch x Koa, Patch x Alice, Patch x Mari, all bad.

Nothing cute about degenerate carpet munchers.



No one cares about loser lezbitch shlick material.
Stop pretending to be generic ebul man who hate dem lesbians cause of whatever, let the thread die if no one is interested.

It's true, Koa. Don't deny the urges.

i'd sure like to know

mai nigga

Someone post degenerate carpet munchers instead of cute yuri

I know this is bait, but I was legitimately pissed off by how shitty Sera was both as a character and in appearance. I wanted to do a all-female party run first time I played, but I couldn't stand Sera, so that was ruined. And then I realised that the game itself is garbage and dropped it.

Cynthia x Dawn also make a great couple.


yuri ≠ lesbian

none of them.



>New Generation is getting localized
>but not Maiden of Michael

Oh well, at least its just as good

Happy Mercy is a miracle of the universe.

>What are some games with cute lesbians?

The Olympic Games

I was probably the only one who shipped them