i'll start
Shit games you liked playing
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I liked that one too.
Shadow the Hedgehog is an awesome game (I hate the character though).
Now watch this: dailymotion.com
I don't actually know anyone who has played this.
Regardless of that it is objectively shitty in almost every way but I fucking love it.
Such a comfy game.
holy fuck i need this
The game or the webm?
the game, the game
A funny thing about this game is that most enemies can't even hurt you if they're not on the screen. Enemies will desperately try to run in front of you as if they're begging for you to pay attention to them. You can stand with your nose in a corner and you'll be invincible.
It's usually really cheap during steam sales or you can probably find it for PS3/360 in a bargain bin at a gamestop
Kane and lynch
Haha, that's awesome programming.
Kane & Lynch 2
Red Faction Armageddon
Alien Rage
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
The Suffering
Deus Ex Invisible War
not masterpiece, but enjoyable.
I really liked this game, but I got stuck at the part where you have to kill the giant monsters with your dick cannon.
I really liked this game as well.
To answer your thread. I've been playing this and I'm really liking it a lot. It's silly and fun with neat visuals. I feel like I'm playing a B horror movie with a pinch of anime. It's clearly a stain on the Silent Hill franchise, but it's pretty easy for me to not even consider it part of the series and take it for what it is. A comfy monster slaying romp with cheesy story elements. Sort of like how 10 Cloverfield Lane had nothing to do with Cloverfield, but was still a fun ride.
Some Honorable Mentions include
3rd Birthday
Yanya Caballista
The Suffering was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed Alien Rage. A decently challenging headshot simulator. Once I found that pistol upgrade I just used it the whole game.
It was originally supposed to be a House of the Dead style arcade-shooter, so it actually makes sense. But then they decided to make it into a normal FPS instead and forgot to change that part.
Somehow it even managed to get three sequels, which are slightly less awful, but don't have as much charm for me.
I don't think we got any but Survivor 1 and 4 right?
It was Dead Aim in the US if I recall right.
I got Alien Rage in a bundle for like 3$ with 5 other games. I thought it's going to be a shitty FPS, but it was pretty fun, nervous and with a kind of old-school feeling.
Most of Suda's new stuff is shit, but I still have fun with them.
Was a fun one.
They were all released in English, but only the first two kept the Survivor name. The US never got Survivor 2: Code Veronica, but it was released in Europe. 3 was originally called Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis, but it was localized as Dino Stalker. 4 was renamed to Dead Aim, as you said.
This game was fucking great.
This is all very fascinating, thank you user. I might go back and replay Survivor and Dead Aim. Might have to look into Dino Stalker as well.
I really liked Alex and a lot of the visuals of the game. The story wasn't great, but it was enjoyable enough. I enjoyed all the Western versions of Silent Hill. They aren't quite like the orignal 4 in terms of quality, but each game has its own charm and gameplay mechancis that I had fun with.
As soon as I started this game and accidentally used the yell mechanic designed to alert other survivors while you were still supposed to be waiter and got fucking chewed out, I knew it was a gem.
Yeah but critics didn't take to it for some reason, I thought it was an incredibly solid and atmospheric game, with some amazing set pieces.
This game sent me down the path of confused sexuality. I feel like it was made with yaoi fangirls in mind.
Devil's Third.
After hating games for like a year, for some reason this game free me back in and I couldn't stop until I was finished. Went straight to lollipop chainsaw afterwards, also fun, but killer is dead is a fucking diamond in the rough
I really liked Lollipop Chainsaw, wish they would release it on PC.
I like flying around with my spaceship
Played the shit outta this a kid, replayed it recently and god damn its shit but I still loved it.
I really hope that this game becomes a cult classic on Sup Forums, it will be such a great example of the board's contrarianism
Anyone else think Duke Nukem Forever feels like a breath of fresh air in this SJW era?
this is bait right? in what ways is this game bad?
after you get used to the janky controls and late PS2 era-esque graphics the game isn't as shit as it would appear to the mere naked eye of the casual gamer, you might actually be able to enjoy this game for what it's worth
Played this on a whim, and even though it was retarded as shit (something about the Vietcong creating zombies) it was fun to play,
It was a fun ride, I dont know why pc didnt get any love. I loved that final battle in Killer is Dead, for some reason 1v1 sword battles just do it for me like none other.
From what I remember, it really wasn't that bad
>1v1 sword battles
Not just that but 1v1 sword battles on the fucking moon.
I loved this game to death, I can understand why people didn't like it though.
Crackdown 2.
The first one was good and I loved all the toys they gave you in this one, it is a shame they lost the charm of taking down gang leaders.
I've been seriously thinking of replaying that for a while now. I know the grass is always greener, but I look back at my stack of last gen games and all I remember is happiness. I really hope suda releases another game.
I don't really understand why they went all out with the mutant shit, werent they only in one mission in the first one?
This was fun, not enough FPS's let you grab meat shields imo.
He's coming out with Let It Die on PS4. It looks interesting but I'm keeping my expectations extremely low, the gameplay they showed doesn't look very good so far.
They were, and they were enough of a mystery that it was fine to bring them up for the next game. But it got really out of hand... although it is still fun to mow down swaths of them in a supercar.
I remember critics loving it. You might be thinking of the pile of shit DS port.
You're welcome. If you decide to try out what I said here just know that it doesn't work on zombies and I think one other enemy (the Tyrant, IIRC), because they automatically make you face them when they hit you.
My roommate really likes this one and everything I watch him play it it looks like horseshit, and I enjoy most of Platinum's output, chiefly Transformers Devastation.
this. dat prison level
Beat the ever living fuck out of this game while I was with my cousin on vacation.
Holy shit I remember borrowing this from the library.
Fucking terrible game. Easy as hell platinum trophy though.
Level design was ass but I still love this game.
One of my personal favorites.
except I don't think it's a shit game,
Skyrim is a good example of a shit game.
Literally their best game
I remember having loads of fun with this games multiplayer
That game looked like shit.
Two world's 2 was pretty shit
I played this on Xbox and the FPS was so bad I got a headache if I played for 15+ minutes.
Both were pretty good.
You had to look past all the flaws and bullshit to find the gem that's covered in all that shit.
I personally like 2 more but once you find out that Halberds are OP as fuck as a melee character you can cheese just about anything.
2's difficulty spikes are bullshit, however.
Still, I had fun with both Two Worlds.
I met some ass clown on the gamespot forum for this game, he introduced me to Sup Forums actually.
Was a good friend for a while but as I got older his autism really shined. He tricked me into watching cp once, didn't talk to him ever again.
I really like this game.
The fourth one (dead aim) is fun as fuck and one of my favorite RE Games, even though is actually pretty bad
Survivor 2 is unplayable garbage still.
I liked it, but the game was basically just holding down R2 (or whatever button) to run humorously fast and head wherever the dot on your map tells you to. You (can) play the game without thinking and sometimes that's nice.
I definitely meant the PC version
>Halberds are OP as fuck as a melee character
I used nothing but them for all the time I spent playing the game... never even tried magic or archery.