Fuck a witch or die or kill your best friend

Fuck a witch or die or kill your best friend


Have a dying vision of the afterlife, jumping and flying around.

>you were the bad guy all along

It's a noosphere.

Farcry 3

The guy you thought was your friend was actually the enemy of your father that you didn't know was your father, kind of your father anyways, that you killed earlier.

You lose and a rocket takes off

Flamboyant man and bow wow live happily ever after in moon land.

Call of Duty WW2 games

The cripple was Hitler's son, take care of his dog. Also your sword was the jail itself for satan. Satan turns into Godzilla and then Frieza. Good thing Fusion was better all along.

You find out you're the bad guy, but team up with good lady to fight worse guy.

Perfect Works Episode 1

You have to kill your best friends for the best endings.

You kill god

best ending

you become a king of the samurai kingdom

The first boss was the main villain all along.

You scream into the air on a tank

She will see your next mission

some ghosts drag satan into the earth's core and you sacrifice yourself to rebuild the world

May be too obvious, but Spec Ops: The Line

Disgaea 1


some scientists reset the universe

Kill your friends and get cucked then killed by a jungle nigger

Or kill jungle nigger and save friends

You fail your rescue mission and a planet explodes.

Become a retarded looking unicorn angel and rule Hell with your demon cat daughter or stay human and shoot her in the face

You get married to the love of your life instead of sticking to fantasies

They were only trying to speak to you, but they didn't know how. Everything else was an accident.

You made a mistake.

you kill the main bad guy and save the world

Op here, gg

You either press a switch or don't.

God resurrects you and after being dissapointed with the story that feels like it acts as a intro to a shitty late game you go back to unleashing your inner autist building colonlys and jerking off to plant people

have no idea why its my favorite game at the moment

Give the world a second chance and postpone a new one.

Metro 2033

Castlevania ?




The villain is actually your brother mind-controlled by a fucking pissed alien.

You kill your friends, you kill your enemies, and then you die

you couldn't protect a damn thing and everyone died, but you still got your happy ending

Far Cry 3


You're not the guy you played in the prologue

Dark souls

>It's escapism

Kill the bad guy and imprison him within yourself.

Everyone in the world dies except for 4 of the 5 player characters.

This isn't that easy :

Everyone dies.

You are Revan

Em jee ess 5

Far cry 2

Alex Mercer

H-half minute hero?
The latter half sounds like Starbound but I don't know about the god stuff.



Ninja Gaiden


The main character ditches his cute childhood sweetheart and makes out with the "rebellious bad girl" archetype

First boss becomes your bro

Go to heaven, kill main villain then go back to real world

You plant the Russian flag on the Reichstag and - tink.


Turns out that prostitute you raped and murdered was your mom. You kill yourself

You get to fuck The Ring-inspired American attempt at loli ghost

I really wish this wasn't so cemented in my memory. I haven't even played the game but I wanted to.

Oh well. Is it still good? Like one of those things where you notice subtle clues and references along the way if you know?

Give my purple suit back you nigger

You are standing here and this makes you realise that you are just like the man you are fighting against, trying to make history, you can't tell the right from wrong but you know that violence breeds violence

Turns out your quest for revenge was manipulated by this old guy, who was actually manipulated by another old guy who in turn was manipulated by aliens from another dimension.

Someone answer this, I'm interrsted


but in the end it has to be this way

Main character convinces the Queen to truly become Queen and they walk out holding hands into the kingdom

Close it was Far cry 3

A tree merges with nothing to become four plus two decoys.

is this bioshock infinite?

Whats with the stars

You're an old man in the future on the moon that saw everything in slow motion. You have to go back.

Chtulu decides he's going to pick your home town as his personal toilet and shit gets really depressing. Also the prince is your waifu's brother but isn't as hard as final form pic related.

Is that game fun?


The cop that helps you throughout the game traumatized your assistant during her childhood

Yep its starbound

I hate this is my favorite game at the moment yea I tend to play the shit out of a game that I feel is my favorite for a few months but the thing is im fucking sick of chucklefish changing the direction of their game every year it started out as terraria in space and now its a more focused game with less content and a story mode

I like the less grindy feeling but I feel as if the game would be soooooooooo much better if chucklefish was better at planing

is this naruto

You are the black guy.
The black guy was the computer
The computer saved you instead of you saving it.


Most Yugioh series


You are the final boss.

Hearthbound 2 / Mother 3

No. I'm pretty sure it came out before Naruto even started.

you fly back to the moon

I just finished getting the Apex key, does the god stuff come in later? I don't really care about spoilers. I should probably finish it. Just feels like all I'm doing is landing on a planet, running right looking for interesting stuff, beaming up with my loot, repeat.

You become a cute babby

I still don't know what the fuck happened

Shanon and Kanon are one person, Yasu, who is also Beatrice. She is the murder, Kinzo has been dead the whole time, and Battler and Co never escape the island. The ending is Ange dealing with this fact


Teleport the main villain on the moon and fuck everything else I'm outta here

Correction: Give back my black and red suit

You are the black guy
The black guy dies and it's emotional as fuck

Shadows of the Colossus

You play with fireworks at church.

You were dead since the first level, at the end you finally let go and your consciousness dies off.
