Abyss watchers

>Abyss watchers
>judge gundyr
>high lord mr skeltal
>booty of the boreal valley
>dragonslayer armor
>pic related
>twin fuccbois
>nameless king
>soul of cinder

Dark souls 3 literally has the best bosses in the entire series shitposters btfo.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Abyss watchers
Shit. Everyone fellates those guys because "muh Artorias"
>judge gundyr
>high lord mr skeltal
>booty of the boreal valley
>dragonslayer armor
>twin fuccbois
>nameless king
>soul of cinder
His first phase is neat. Phase two lose points for being just a reskinned Gwyn

Dragonslayer Armour is the most "dude in armor" boss ever made.

Dragonslayer Armour is a better fight than Twin Princes. I genuinely don't understand the praise they get.

Ludwig is better than any Dark Souls boss anyway

Twin princes is different for different people because of dumb RNG sometimes they teleport in weird places and make the fight hard. other times they barely teleport or teleport next to you and the fight is a breeze.

The princes are challenging. As said, Dragonslayer armor is "dude in armor" as fuck

I'm not disputing that DA is generic as fuck. What I'm saying is that he's more enjoyable for a gameplay perspective.

Traded it in for 30 bucks today. Feels good.

one guy returned the game wow you sure showed them

even though you took gamestops money not the devs

a flying enemy outside the arena that I can barely see half the time shooting shit at me while I dodge the actual boss and causing lag is great for gameplay.

and bloodborne boss still shit all over the souls serie.

Checkmate lard ass pc fat

Did you played previous souls games?

Dark souls 3 bosses are lame as shit they all die too fucking quickly

BB>DaS1>DeS>DaS3>DaS2 in terms of how bosses go
Bloodborne gets bonus points for best boss music m.youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oomra8

Is this a console thing or do you fags just love shitposting like little children? why do people bring up bloodborne like some other dev made it? Every single game in the series is good (yes even ds2)

Sup Forums is shitpost land senpai

Not him, but PC gamers shit over Demon's and Bloodborne all the time, like they were the worst thing ever. That's why BB can't be discussed on Sup Forums.

He's not even a dude, he's just armor possessed by the Pilgrim Butterfly.
He's the golem boss of DS3.


Don't use z-targeting.
Why do you keep making this stupid post?

PC gamers ruined the community. The game was much better before min/max PVP autist regards and difficulty memers took over from PC.

>don't use Z-targeting
>game tells you to use it from the start
No, that's called bad camera.

what build are y'all playing as for the DLC?

The game tells you to parry and you can play the game without parrying one single time. The game tells you to use a shield, and you can ignore the shield and rely on dodging the entirety of the game.

I ask again: why do you keep making this stupid post?

Are you one of those guys who summon three phantoms for each boss? Are you the guy who does this for nameless king and then die instantly the moment the thing flies up and breathes fire? Are you?

ive finished ng with sword nmboard quality.

finished ng+ with pure sorcery + judgement sword..now Ive stopped, but itching to respec into pyro + whip build. s-should i senpai?


>leveled up a character all the way through NG+7 just to be able to do the DLCs at NG+7 when they release
>computer fucks up, lost all my saves
>don't feel like replaying the game or bossrushing 8 times again

I guess if I'm to do the DLCs on NG+7 ever again, I would go with the basic longsword+shield combo just to get a feel of what the bosses are balanced around.

I think the summons are a double edged sword; if the host is too retarded to stay away from the fight or hold his/her own when the boss targets him/her, or the summoned players aren't good enough, you're going to have a hard as fuck time.

Ive never played any of the others but darksouls3 is bosses are fine you know nothing

Pretty much what that others said, but your suppose to lock the camera on the king, not the storm drake.

You just suck at this game don't you?

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Fun PvP covenants that were unique

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

yeah of course try it. I have 3 different characters around that level that i've respecced like 3-4 times each

>people still don't know that if you lock on to NK in this fight, you'll never lose track of either of them

Yeah you're actually right. Dark souls 2 was a bigger game too, dark souls 3 felt really short and some of the environments were just kind of vanilla.

I read the first and last entries in your list and I assumed you were talking about the worst bosses of all time.

Anyone who actually enjoys Soul of Cinder is an embarrassment -- they would rather have a glorified NPC invasion that is completely unrelated to the plot as a final boss instead of something good.

I mean, I fought Soul of Cinder back in Zelda 2 when it was called Dark Link.

>I have played one (1) game in my life, therefore it is good.

Come back when you've played a game with good bosses if you want to have an opinion.

but i have only 2 respec left qq

Just fucking stop.
They're all good, okay?
Do we really need to argue which one is "objectively" better when it's such a subjective thing.
Dark souls 1 had really good environments, lore, connected paths, and overall level design
Dark souls 2 had good npcs, awesome weapons. builds, and spells, and some very unique bosses that weren't really done before in a souls game such as the undead chariot and the ivory king
Bloodborne had the best bosses in the entire series in my opinion as well as having some really cool mobs. The music was also on fucking point.
Dark souls 3's bosses, while not being the hardest, were all really cool. And the music was on point as well. Also the best final boss in the entire series.

I've never played demon souls so I can't speak for it, but I feel like people who try to force the zelda cycle on souls games are idiots.

>They're all good, okay?
>I've never played demon souls so I can't speak for it
>ds3 best final boss in the entire series.

BASED retardbro

It IS the best. Or would you prefer shit-texture naw-shan-draw? Or Gwyn the lord of pushovers? Or tadpole man king allant?
Gerhman is cool, but not as awesome as cinder.

>>pic related
>>soul of cinder

I just got done playing Dark Souls 1 again for the first time since release on PC. I did a Black Iron Tarkus cosplay build.

I found Dark Souls' bosses to be extremely fun, but incredibly easy. The only one that required several tries was Ornstein and Smough, and only because it was hard to find the right timing for an attack between the two of them. Every other boss died on first try or the second, including DLC bosses.

Even the strongest attacks couldn't deplete my stamina bar completely, and though they'd knock me around, I'd still be standing. In the same way, my greatsword was hitting for huge chunks. I loved the content, but I was altogether shocked by how simple bosses I had remembered as being difficult like Artorias, Manus, Seath, etc. were.

I guess it's my own fault for playing through the game originally as with only the claymore and the balder armor.

This is correct. BB only comes out on top because of The Old Hunters though. Old Hunters is so god damn fucking good, Jesus Christ.

I want to like Bloodborne, and I can get over the linearity, but then I hit the chalice dungeons.

When I see the Undead Giant, I just don't want to play any more. That roar as he swings across the entire room, after a dull experience flipping a switch, for no reward, only signifies: "You'll have to do this seven million more times."

Like, what the fuck were they thinking. Chalice Dungeons are the worst part of the entire franchise, and they're boring every single time. It's hard enough even getting up to Rom in the Chalice Dungeons without becoming bored out of your mind, and that's not even half-way through.

I just completely ignore them. Bloodborne is completely fine on its own.

It is.

>Giant crowned skeleton head in spooky darkness
>"holy shit this is awesome"
>one of the easiest bosses to shit on

Nothing but disappointment.

If you ignore them, you can't participate in PVP.

so, what was wrong with them?

You buy the sinister bell from the insight shop, no?

Half those bosses play the exact same as each other, the other half are gimmick bosses, its nowhere near the best.

Too bad Ludwig is one of the best bosses in video game history, not just Souls

>PC Gamers
>Not Xbots
Majority of the memespouting started when DaS1 was released not when it came to PC.

The great thing about Dark Souls is that it is as easy or as difficult as you want it to be. You can have a completely different experience just by using different items and different playstyles. A fully-armored magic user with a greatshield can just stroll through the game with eyes closed but a light-armored speedy gonzales with a two-handed longsword with no magic will struggle.
I thought the 4 Kings were extremely hard on my first playthrough, when I had no magic and didn't know how to roll. On my second playthrough I Havel'd up and they were extremely easy. On subsequent playthroughs I got gud and they were just right.

Kellog is probably my favorite souls boss

Ludwig and Orphan of Kos say hello, from a superior game.

Get the fuck out of here with your logic and your agreeableness.

Let me sum up 95% of DaS3 bosses:

>big guy with sword

Wow, fucking incredible

>people actually like parry bosses
Fucking trash

But why specify it twice?

I agree, user. I love the series despite some glaring highs and lows in each game, and I still put more time and get more enjoyment out of the series than 95% of other games out there.

>people actually like roll n' hit bosses

you sure you're not talking about DaS2, user? 3 does have a few "big sword guy" bosses but that's as far as their similarities go, each one actually has a unique moveset

Twin Princes aren't too interesting gameplay wise, but I like how their gimmick feels organic and adds to the fight, and they have one of the only memorable songs in the game. I also think their both being crippled adds to their character, and fighting two handicapped humans feels a lot more original than one large humanoid, even if it isn't as functionally different as it sounds.

>Phase two lose points for being just a reskinned Gwyn

but his moveset is nothing like gwyn?

His phase 2 moveset is literally Gwyn.

it's literally not though.

>Hating on pontiff

Yeah get the fuck out

How is it not? The only difference is two lightning attacks. Every other attack is lifted straight from Gwyn.

>How is it not?

because it isn't? did you play the game or just watch a let's play?

Can you actually articulate at all instead of resorting to petty "no you"s?

what more is there to explain to your dense ass? you're simply not correct, sorry to have to tell you.

Oh okay you were just pretending

Good one champ


would Dark Souls ranged combat (magic, arrows, etc.) have been better if it copied Dead Space shooting mechanics?

remove high lord and yhorm from this list, those were 2 of the worst fights in the game
yhorm would have been a cool fight if it wasn't gimmick based, should have use the storm sword idea on a different throwaway gimmick boss that would have been a waste otherwise

This is a list of the best bosses in the Dark Souls series. Notice how one game is missing?

>high lord mr skeltal

Those 2 are the worst in the franchise.
Literally nu-bosses.

even barring his lore, pontiff is still an immensely enjoyable fight

>only memorable song in the game

Oh come on, user.

>Ludex/Champion gundyr
>Abyss watchers
>Deacons of the deep
>Nameless King
>Soul of cinder

those are all amazing songs. But I bet someone will come up with some new buzzword like "choirshit" or something.

Yhorm is literally a DeS boss

Didn't care about most of them desu. I don't know if it was the sound balance, but I couldn't hear them during most of the fights.

And choirshit is real. Dark Souls had a forgettable OST because virtually every song was gregorian shit or a slow piano tune.

from my personal experience

>Abyss watchers
Too easy, really cool but just too damn easy

>judge gundyr
again really cool in a cinematic way but somehow easier than the tutorial boss.

>high lord mr skeltal
amazing entrance that is really hard to beat but so easy it's a fuckin joke

great boss overall, good difficulty, cool animations and a really well executed oh-shit mode

really really cool design and idea ruined by gimmicks

>booty of the boreal valley
one of the best soulsborne bosses yet IMO. Great difficulty, beautiful animations. Truly a masterpiece

>dragonslayer armor
another fight I adore, very cool staging and design

>twin fuccbois
not a big fan of this fight. More of a plot pieces than a real fleshed out boss. too easy and too bland

>nameless king
Really cool fight but he suffers from the same thing Gwyn did, parries make him look like a retarded child

>soul of cinder
way WAY too fucking easy for an end boss. Was really disappointed here

As far as bosses go I couldn't help but feel that DS3 was a step back from Bloodborne.

Bloodborne's bosses are at worst forgettable or frustrating but DS3's worse bosses are disappointing cop-outs using gimmicks to deaden the experience.

Because souls games NEVER have pushover bosses, right?

Yeah, a "not a boss" boss.
I was hoping we'd never see such garbage again after DeS.

I agree with you. I don't really have anything else to add. I'm evacuating the thread before it devolves into the same old shit. Good luck.

If that wasn't your intent, of course.

>Didn't care about most of them desu. I don't know if it was the sound balance, but I couldn't hear them during most of the fights.

Well I guess that is a fair poi-

>And choirshit is real.

Fucking off yourself.

no, it isnt
storm king as an asshole that flew way above your head, so if you weren't a magicfaggot (you shouldn't be) or have no good bows on hand stormruler was the option for pure melee builds, otherwise you couldn't hit him
If they lowered the defense/hp on yhorm it would just be a regular fight, and a decent one at that based on his moveset, why ruin it with a sword gimmick that isn't needed for anybody?

mr skeletal was a great set piece
I'd argue that the Ancient Wyvern is much worse. It felt really out of place as a set piece boss.

Even then, they're not the worst bosses in the franchise. They're just offensively bad since they had no reason to be as shitty as they were after so many games.

Even the worst and easiest DS2 bosses don't get 5 shot during a regular run.
Same for Wolnir getting 3 shot and Wyvern getting 1 shot.

DS3 barely has 18 bosses and 5 of them are nu-bosses, good job Miyazaki, you broke the record for a rushed mess of a game.

I hope the DLCs is at least decent so this game can at least be half as good as DS2 turned out after the DLCs.

Soul of Cinder was a great final boss, but prtetty much everything else DS3 was way worse than BB and DS2.

No thanks senpai, it's not necessarily the case in DS3 but a game's OST will be much weaker if the same instruments are used in the same manner throughout a lot of songs. DeS did it much better and they need to bring Shunsuke Kida back.

>implying that you need the Storm Ruler to kill Yhorm
lmao, shitter detected

watch: youtube.com/watch?v=sQLNkC_lXeo

To be fair that fire breath is pretty BS when even if you start running the moment it telegraphs, you'll get hit.

I know praising Willynir and Yhorm is bait but:

>Abyss Watchers
Fighting the two darkwraiths outside is a harder fight because at least they have poise.
Ugly ass pinhead.

>Judge Gundyr

>Vape Lord Wolnir
Trash "attack weak points for massive damage" boss, boring and easy as fuck. Utter letdown from trailer appearance.

>P Sully
Second best boss in the game

Kill yourself OP, worse than the laziest fucking DS2 mob boss. In a nutshell references a big thing wrong with DS3 - painfully ass, bad referencing that hurts the game.

>P. Sully's humiliation slave

>Dragonslayer Armor
Good, slightly hurt by the ass looking pilgrim butterflies spamming the stage with magic. If they wanted to make that fight harder they just could've given him more attacks or made the bridge thinner.


Best boss in the game

Pretty good, first stage is boring and second stage overuses the delay meme a bit

Why do people like Twin Princes so much? They're the easiest bosses in the game outside of High King "Attack weakpoint for massive damage while being completely safe from any attacks".

you can fight Yhorm legit, you know

I didn't notice at first, kek

>played a STRONK Greataxe character on first run
>hear how hard Pontiff is, get worried >fucking obliterated him on first try

I did get wrecked pretty hard by Oceiros the Bumrush King though

>Kill yourself OP, worse than the laziest fucking DS2 mob boss. In a nutshell references a big thing wrong with DS3 - painfully ass, bad referencing that hurts the game.

Painfully ass is a little vague. He's bad because he's a big guy and a lazy set piece boss in a game that has way too many big guys and lazy set piece bosses.

Bosses are about more than the challenge. They're well liked because they had good presentation and felt a little original without resorting to shitty gimmicks.

Everyone forgets Oceiros, but he's such a fun fight. Way better than Twins and Yhorm.