Alright it has been decided. The Elder Scrolls is superior to Witcher (3). Can the Witcher meme now end? No one cares anymore for it and Skyrim which is 4 years older is more relevant nowadays.
Alright it has been decided. The Elder Scrolls is superior to Witcher (3). Can the Witcher meme now end...
only thing Witcher 3 did better were story, dialogues and nice camera movement in cutscenes, everything else is better in Skyrim starting with combat, modded graphics, quests, enemy types, smaller but more memorable towns, way better optimization, after playing W3 and expansions i'd say skyrim's enemy scaling is way better than crappy levels where same enemy at lvl 10 dies in 1 hit and lvl 60 is unkillable and kills you in 1 hit instead, much better and balanced skill tree, you can play as anyone you want not retard of rivia who knows everything, also we got enderal for skyrim which removes one of skyrim's cons, story and dialogues.
Only thing that W3 done better was Cinematic camera movement in scenes
>Skyrim starting with combat
Fuck off.
>He likes W3's combat mad(e) for console retards with gamepads
ok kiddo go back to play games for retards with gamepad combat: batman, witcher, shadow of mordor, assassins creed, mad max
Not that user, but even shitposting that Skyrim combat is better than Witcher is just way too retarded.
another console faggot detected
Don't know how much it changed in Witcher 3, but from what I played of 2 there was never a challenge. You literally just press the attack button again and again until they die (which doesn't take long). Is that supposed to be fun?
I am, in fact, a 3rd person that disagrees with you Skyrim has absolute shit combat in every regard
and that is different from Skyrim how?
thus combat in Skyrim is better than Witcher how?
yeah the only thing witcher 3 did better was combat, characters, story, enviroment, lore, gameplay, voice acting, additional content, additional physical content, mingames, free games based on in game minigames which are being released for free, side quests, engine, dialogue choices, magic, enemy design, design overall.
It's understandable that it was close though.
How about we discuss why Dragon's Dogma is better than Skyrim, The Witcher, and Dark Souls
>Skyrim comes out
>TW3 comes out
TW3 and Skyrim are both great games. TW3 got rave reviews for a reason and it wasn't LOL PAID REVIEWS. TW3 is a great game and if you don't like it you are a hipster contrarian asshole.
Also I'm pretty sure exactly one person is making the anti-Witcher posts in this thread.
I'll just screen cap this post and when TES VI comes out and you all are bitching about it I'll repost it.
does dragons dogma have books i can read?
it just proves that majority of 4channers have shit taste and are console fag normies
i bet you like GOTT and listening to Lady Gaga atm
Who cares, post chill screenshots.
TW3 was raved about here on release. It's literally trolling and or contrarian bullshit. Fuck em, TW3 was fantastic.
>watching this clickbait shit
kill yourself
Dragons dogma is average, dont kid yourself
So what part of skyrims floaty, spam-the-attack-button, consolised combat is better?
why do people put stars in their name now ? is it some new meme I'm not aware of ?
Skyrim combat is literally the shittiest thing in a videogame I've ever encountered.
Its some faggot dont give him yous
that game was even worse than witcher 3 i pirated it and uninstalled after giant fight it was so boring and world was so empty and full of invisible walls
I am, in fact, the 4th person that disagrees with you
Skyrim combat is atrocious
How can one man be so objectively wrong?
>Skyrims floaty weightless combat is somehow better than Witcher's Bamham/Dark Souls buttfuckery combat
>literally falling back on mods because everything else is total shit
C'mon nigger, try a little.
Because it can actually be a challenge?
There's nothing in the Witcher that doesn't require you to just hold attack until they die
DD was good but not as fulfilling as witcher 3. It had way better magic though and the classes were awesome.
You're playing on easy.
>proves that majority of 4channers have shit taste and are console fag normies
>he says while defending skyrim's combat
Is this the bizarro Sup Forums thread?
There's people unironically subscribing to that clickbait channel?
>DD:DA's god tier combat system that made up for damn near everything about it
>the closest we'll get to a full on co op DD is that shitty free 2 play game
>we probably won't even get a sequel with an actual good world map, expanded vocations and skills and some form of co op
If TW3 had DD's combat/magic and toned down on the casual bullshit like the minimap/quest markers pointing you every fucking where it would be the perfect RPG.
I knew Sup Forums would come to there senses one day and realize the masterpiece that is Skyrim.
By the way you all did preorder the remastered right?
>Watch mojo
nice try kid
I haven`t played Witcher 3 (yet) but I`m considering it.
Though with a few hundred hours in skyrim, I must say its combat was absolute, unwashed, shit-stained ginger skin. Not sure if that or the DX9 graphics were the worst part of that game.
Why did I spend hundreds of hours however? It was an amazing world with a good story fun to explore and simply get lost in for hours on end. Albeit, with the occassional fight which I`d just begrudglingly perform and hope to god finish quickly.
From the animations to the absolute lack of feedback when hitting someone (aside from a grunt) the combat was a catastrophy.
I can already tell from OP's picture that it's some faggot e-celeb wannabe bitching about video games while playing one
Why do people enjoy this?
>skyrim 22 million copies
>tw3 10 million copies
You first.
>Doesn't know watchmojo
All aside my shitposting,stop shitposting man.
its Sup Forums premium membership each star is for how many years u bought it
So you've never played TW1?
are you saying skyrims hold down lmb to hit air is any better
have you?
It's bad but saying Skyrim is an improvement is actual retardation
>Skyrim has been out for 5 years with numerous $5~ sales
>Witcher 3 has been out for 1 year, with a handful of $30~ sales