>Upon activating reflect genji can't double jump for 6 seconds
>Dash no longer refreshes on kills (except when using his ult)
>Upon activating reflect genji can't double jump for 6 seconds
>Dash no longer refreshes on kills (except when using his ult)
Thank the fuck christ you aren't in charge of balance.
Absolutely not lol
Reduce his health to 5.
Stupid fucking ninja.
What the fuck is wrong with you
How the fuck do people think genji needs a nerf?
Everyone recovers HP equal to the amount they deal in damage with all attacks
Respawn timer removed
All clip sizes increased by 1.3x
All weapons are hitscan including melee
Every heros HP increased by 1.3x
All ults recharge twice as fast
>hook increased from 6 to 10sec cooldown
>hooked targets are no longer stunned while being dragged towards hog, tracer can use rewind, reaper wrath form etc
>to compensate he gets 6 shots instead of 4 in his scrap gun.
Until they remake the character this is the best thing they can do to keep him from being so frustrating at lower levels. He doesnt get picked ever in high level matches anyways so no one will lose anything.
>Deflecto now lasts 1s and reflects a single source
>Ult makes it "normal"
>Replace dash damage with slow bleed DoT (Same damage amount)
Only problem I have is Dva
>Make her defense matrix have a 3 second cooldown and make it take 2 seconds longer to recharge to full
Wtf, roadhog is actually pretty balanced desu. Well, if not for overwatch's huge ass hitboxes causing magic round-the-corner hooks
His dash doesn't need a reset period. He's already the best hero in the game when it comes to multikilling with just his sword.
Weird question: can genji deflect roadhog's chain?
The best way to balance Genji is to unfuck McCree and Orb of Discord so that a) McCree works better as a Genji counter instead of a mid-range sniper and b) Genji's other counters aren't killed in two seconds.
Yes but it doesn't cause someone else to be chained, it just makes the chain not work.
Is this the thread where we all come up with retarded balance changes?
>getting your ass handed to you by a C tier character
Stop shooting his reflection and just strafe
>Is this the board where we all come up with retarded balance changes?
McCree is only used as a mid-range sniper because he is literally the only character that can do reliable long range damage besides Zen right now.
Genji needs changes, by these aren't it.
Problems with Genji are
>Only mains play him
>Only children, autists and weeaboos like him
>Best way to play him is to poke until 100% then kill an entire team
>Everyone plays him that way
>Only way to counter what he can do alone is communicate with your entire team (gather in Mei ult for example) or hit him with cc faster than he can kill you
>Crazy mobility, hardest hero to hit unless you're Winston
>Doesn't make the game better
>Doesn't fill any functionality another hero doesn't cover
>Ledge dash bug still in the game
I don't think a straight up nerf to his current toolkit is the solution, to be honest. Something drastic has to change, even if it's just a requirement to have a mic to play competative.
Its a small pet peeve and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things but he shouldnt be able to reflect Symmetra's projectiles, its fucking bullshit. They are made out of pure energy, they go through shields for fucks sake. And dont give me that "its robot Buddhist magic so I dont have to explain" crap.
you like dudes
>Too much health
>Tesla cannon does too much damage and should not auto-aim
>leap should not deal splash damage, and it needs to be shorter
>Genji now unable to reflect anything that isn't some sort of projectile
Someone at Blizzard thought it makes perfectly logical sense that Genji can reflect the explosives' splash damage
Nerf this ;)
>C tier
Get good faggot. Winston is balanced just fine right now. Any other tank or reaper shreds him.
Why doesnt Dva's defense matrix block Hogs chain? Its a projectile.
I have a better solution:
>Reduce his ult from 8 to 5 seconds
New passive: M'lady
Genjis does 0 dmg to female heroes. This will also buff mercy into usable status.
He is literally only up there because Zenyetta is a must pick hero.
They have the best synergy out of any hero combination in the game. Zen is the only hero who can reliably heal him from a distance, and discord allows Genji to oneshot any character with 250 hp or lower using his cancel combos
Ult lasts for 6 seconds instead of 8, sword has 2.5 M range instead of 5.
Lessened range on his throwing stars, dash does not reset on kills.
>usage decides the tier of the character
What the fuck?
Get your mlg, no fun allowed shit out of here.
let me guess, you exclusively play squishy heroes and complain non stop about winston.
youre garbage m8
>She now has 5 health
Fuck off annoying mosquito.
As opposed to what, whether a bunch of quick play scrubs can do? No.
well, if he wasnt good, why would he be used?
Zenyatta fixes.
Discord orb base damage amp reduced to 10%
Damage amp increases the more damage they do to your team.
Harmony orb healing reduced.
Harmony orb now heals for amount of damage done by player with orb.
Zenyatta now absorbs damage done during Ult instead of healing.
At end of Ult, he releases all the damage taken during the radius of the ult an explosion that both heals allies and damages enemies.
Now his theme actually works.
To heal you must harm.
you are a worthless piece of shit
>Now his theme actually works.
Now he is back to the trash can like he was before being buffed.
The only thing he needs is discord to deal 30% more instead of 50% more, like Mercy damage boost.
Use toblerone, rein, winston, symetra, reaper(unless you're shit as reaper), mei, zarya. Litterally any of these can shit on genji.
Congrats you just made zenyatta the worst hero in overwatch.
>Upon finishing reflect turns his sword upon himself and plunges it into his chest
>kills him instantly (reduces ult counter to zero)
Because the only people who play Genji are mains and have 20h on him and 4h max on second most played.
Also, the mains refuse to accept that he's a broken hero. Maybe not OP, but in a game designed around the word "fun", he doesn't work.
Not even constructive, just angsty teens posting their reaction to the notion that someone doesn't agree with them.
>Dash only refreshes if you kill with it
There, just made him work for his mobility a little bit and cut his dash spam during ult by people two shotting with the sword.
For the sake of argument: Even your fat skull should be able to see that OP's balance changes are beyond the 23 chromosome scale right?
in their defense, the OPs suggestions were terrible
This is pretty good. I've been playing Roadhog more and now that it's 60tick I think it's harder to hit people with his hook. So maybe keep the cooldown time but definitely allow characters who have the ability to escape to do so, it's not like all of them have it.
I think 4 shots is enough, his right click can ONE SHOT 200hp characters at the right range.
t. rank 40 Genji main
Yeah, I was just fucking around. Like I said in , those aren't the needed changes.
Junkrat can now place multiple traps. Also his ult needs to make a little less noise. Just enough that if you aren't paying attention you can't hear it.
That sounds like a funny brawl
Junkrats ult is fine, you can drive it up walls like a dickhead and drop it down onto people, stop just B-lining towards someone, smart people just shoot it.
Ugh, I thought this was the case, but was never certain. Do Blizzard even play this game themselves?
This is what they need to do, the top line for sure.
You know... I've seen a lot of people complain about Genji, but Zarya is the absolute hidden gem in all of this.
Look, her shields are hard to stop. A good Zarya player will be able to shield her teammates and shut you down TOO good. I think many people may be wising up to her, and now she makes things even harder to play, because you gotta deal with her popping shields all the damn time.
And her health is like at a fucking million, so it takes forever to fucking kill her, god forbid there's a healer as well beside her, and she's practically immortal at that point.
Like, seriously, Genji may be an offensive beast, but Zarya has little to nothing that can shut her down effectively.
why do people want genji nerfed so badly? just get good instead of complaining
>genji activates reflect
>throw flashbang in front of his feet
>it still somehow gets reflected
Reduce his reflectbox to his model and let him take some fucking splash damage if you don't aim directly at him. Right now his reflex box is almost as big as Rein's shield
Does anyone else hate Zarya as much as I do ?...
She just makes the game not fucking fun, every 10 seconds you can't shoot her or she gets stronger, on top of this you can't shoot one of her teammates or she'll get stronger.
Massive HP pool, gun turns into a fucking laser of death upon full charge. Ult is amazing for syncing with someone else, or just shoot at everyone and get kills anyway. All the good players play the same fucking way and the only way I can think to counter it is with another Zarya, or maybe Widow/Hanzo headshots ?
t. level 40 shitter
Just don't shoot the shields.
She does no damage without a boost.
And the downtime on her shields is so long.
>I'm shooting her full of damage and she keeps out DPSing me. I don't understand how shooting her isn't helping me
>Let's make a character that only functions because they're highly mobile less mobile.
Fucking retard. The only thing that should maybe be touched on genji is the range on his dragonblade and even that's not an issue if you spread out and focus him as soon as you hear his ult like you're supposed to. Since zenyatta is picked in literally every game an ulted genji should be discorded and dealt with. With the prevalance of zen, winston, mccree, and zarya this is a nonissue. Blizzard shouldn't balance on the basis that a good genji can body a team of uncoordinated shitters.
How to fix overwatch
Buff mei's walk speed while shooting
Buff mei's range
Buff mei's range of her ultra
Make symettra's turrets heal and not attack
Buff mcree's gun.
>Mcree and Zenyatta
>only reliable long range damage
nigga the fuck are you smoking?
I work on the Balance Team, here's what we are testing to see about putting on PTR
>Dashing Strike only resets if you get a killing blow, and only with Dashing Strike
>Deflect cooldown increased by 3 seconds
>Ult charge decreased by 10%
>getting a kill with Deflect during Dragonblade resets its cooldown
We know we are walking a fine line with his balance issues, so we think that just tweaking his performance is the way to go.
>McCree/Reaper/Genji/D.VA ults are no longer eligible for potg unless they get a team wipe
>Most eliminations is no longer a card at the end only objective eliminations
Those are my main griefs with the game in all honesty. Watching ITS HIIIGH NOOOOON for a double kill is the most boring shit
But for you Genji weiners
>Genji reflect no longer works on explosives
Now there are multiple options to get him, plus all the explosive projectiles in this game are slow as fuck so if he gets hit either they have good aim or hes a dumbass and got caught standing still
Junkrat doesn't need a buff, currently even if he's pinned down he can still spam. So really the only way to deal with him is to put yourself behend enemy lines. That compounded with the fact that he can 1v1 any of the gankers means a smart junkrat is so hard to kill.
He's a hard character to get down so I feel, if anything, genji should get a few slight buffs.
Forgot Buff mei's humongous ass
No one shoots the shields you fuck stick, she gets charges by putting a shield on while you're shooting her, and before you stop she gets some damage boosts.
Rinse repeat 5 times because she's not fucking dead yet and she's been popping bubbles on everyone, BOOM, 80% laser charge.
Zarya is the most anti-fun thing I've seen in a multiplayer game in a fucking while.
>getting a kill with Deflect during Dragonblade resets its cooldown
Because being punished for having retarded teammates needs to be even worse
My problem with her is that i don't shoot her shields but my team does. Honestly if she lost charge like ammo instead of gradually I could deal with the REALLY good zarya players.
As a Junkrat player this is a terrible idea. I mean, itd be fucking great from all the dickery I could cause but it would completely ruin the game.
He relies on his mobility and cooldown refresh to do his job, if he had no double jump he would be an easy target and if he had no refresh then he would have no way to escape when the situation goes south
Just remove the dash refresh and it fixes everything
>she gets charges by putting a shield on while you're shooting her, and before you stop she gets some damage boosts.
>I keep making a mistake
>Game should remove the punishment
If you reacted faster, you wouldn't have this problem, would you?
Holy hell you can't be serious.
If anything I'd give Winston a buff of increasing punch damage by adding in momentum during a leap.
Otherwise that leap takes planning and positioning to use properly and he's just a tickle monster if you're paying attention.
>Give her a double jump
>Increase the cool down on her Gaurdian Angel ability
>Give her an ability that momentarily allows both healing and damage boosting streams to be active
I fucking want best girl to be viable again
Yeah sure, maybe you should talk to my other 5 teamates too and tell them the same thing.
You're honestly suggesting I need basically frame perfect timing so I don't accidentally shoot a Zarya bubble a few times. It's not like she has a tell for it you fucking moron. It's now a game of fucking remembering how long she has until she can do it again.
Zarya doesn't actually do that much damage even fully charged. It's no problem for a close-range character like Reaper, Roadhog or D.Va to just shoot her shields down and then keep shooting until she's dead before she can kill them. The bigger problem is Discord single-handedly fucking up the entire meta.
Reduce cooldown on grapple hook a little
Venom mine temporarily blinds victim but cannot be launched very far.
>ability that momentarily allows both healing and damage boosting streams to be active
Or just give her an E that makes the healing/damaging effect stronger temporarily like Lucio
>Her E gives her a a two second shield
I just fixed her
I wanna play OW without CD
then Zarya will be playable.
>It's now a game of fucking remembering how long she has until she can do it again.
Literally nothing wrong with this.
Counting cooldowns is a common part of many other games.
How about a fix to the servers.
What ?..
Do explain
Except that's the only character I need to actively do it for, because she's the most annoying sack of shit in the game.
I guess you can go ahead and completely ignore that she makes the game fucking boring by not allowing you to shoot her or her teamates every 10 god damn seconds.
>a two second shield
All of her abilities relate to her being a guardian angel, a shield, in my opinion, would feel out of place.
I like this idea. But then that just makes her similar to Lucio which is the last thing I would ever want.
I get absolutely livid when people suggest nerfing genji. He and tracer are the only heroes where the difference between low and high skill levels is glaringly apparent that shouldn't be punished because someone continues to play a squishy and get harassed the whole game without ever adapting or having the team coordinate to stop you. Lucio and Zarya are the only ones that are a serious issue. Especially Lucio who has the most boring and uncomplicated playstyle while being the most effective hero in the entire game.
>Except that's the only character I need to actively do it for
That means the other characters need buffs
>Hanzo in bottom tier
People really underestimate his ultimate when combined with Zarya's
>"Genji and Tracer shouldn't be nerfed because they need skill"
>"Zarya should be nerfed tho"
Could be an angely holy ass shield or something. I don't know. Fucking she needs a way to survive at least a couple seconds of a rough spot if there are no team mates escape to.
Maybe even make it like Reaper's, she turns into a literal angel but can't heal or do anything else.
>if there are no team mates escape to.
You fucked up if you're out where there are no teammates.
His ult is ridiculous.
>he's hard to play so it's ok if they're overpowered
We invoker now
Half the cast has excellent ults when combined with Zarya's.
>she needs a way to survive
That's what her team is for. I guess that's why she's so low tier now, because people don't want to have to protect her.
>turns into a literal angel
This actually sounds kinda cool, but the question is, can she fly to her team mates when in this form?