Created Fomicry

>Created Fomicry
>Knew about Luke the second he saw Asch, probably just couldn't tell [spoier]which one was the replica[/spoiler]
>Could've stopped Luke at Akzeriuth
>Hurdur Im just not gonna say anything

Him and Ion could've saved a lot of hassle if they just explained what they were thinking when everyone asked them what's up, instead they just go "OH ITS FUCKING NOTHING. I JUST KNOW WHAT THIS BIG SECRET IS BUT IM NOT GONNA TELL"

And fucking ASCH, if he knew what Van was planning he should've said something instead of just talking shit.

Also Luke did nothing wrong, he's just surrounded by autist fucks.

lol didnt get that far but far enough to be pissed of at jade and ion for being secretive fucks.

Jade is the best, I support whatever it is he wanted to do because I think he is the goodest guy.

I feel bad for Luke after Akzeriuth, I really do.

The party are douchebag during that part

im at the part were tear realizes that luke (even though being a fuck for most the molkuth journey) was a dindu and apologizes and starts liking him (for some reason)

>Also Luke did nothing wrong

>The party are douchebag during that part

No they're fucking not. Luke has been a giant dick to practically everyone up until that point, and not just on a simple level, we're talking about lacking fucking common sense in the approach to basic situations. And any kind of help and compassion that the other teammates tried to offer have been scoffed off or met with more dickery and insults.
If they felt to you they were douchebags to Luke after Akzeriuth is because they had all the fucking rights to be so. Even the most patient man has a limit.

>Luke crying in the cutscene on the boat after Akzeriuth destruction where everybody leaves him
>sister played through the game later and just mashed X to get through the dialogue
>mention about his crying part
>she resets the game just to hear that small bit

Man I wanna replay this but don't want to emulate.

I wanna replay it too but ps2 games look like shit on my HDTV.

What are the chances this will get added to Berseria's pre-order thing on Steam? This doesn't have some bullshit exclusivity contract like Vesperia did, right?

>boooohooooo Luke is my self-insert because he's the same obnoxious self-centered asshole as i am so i will defend him even though he murdered a fuckton of people because of his own immense ego

And ported by Other Ocean, of course.

Can't wait for another port disaster.

If they had to include a game as pre-order incentive, it's probably ToS: Dawn of the New World since it already had HD version

That game was shit though.

Your point being?

Also the port is pretty good now that you can mod and upscale textures to 4k. Just pray to God Other Ocean and Sculpin aren't allowed around ports anymore after the last disaster.

Abyss had such good lore wasted on an absolutely terrible main plot.

Vesperia never had an exclusivity contract

No, it was pretty good.

He should've been a main character. With an ability to bully Luke even more and nearly drive him to suicide.

I played that shit for 60 hours. It was awful. Especially that second half where the game decided that beating the final boss once wasn't enough so you had to spend several hours backtracking to places you already exhausted the hell out of in the first half.

Easily the worst out of the Team Symphonia Tales, it's a shame that Bump of Chicken was wasted on it.

Really wish they would reuse Lorelei in another game. He/she could be spirit of sounds or something like that

And speaking of spirits, they really need to bring back Rem as the spirit of light. Angelic woman is totally better than stupid bird and slut sitting on moon.

Man, this brings me back. I remember buying Symphonia as my first Tales game since it was the only RPG the local store had for the GC at the time. I got hooked in it for months.

I saved up an entire year's worth of middle school allowance money just to buy an old used fat PS2 to play Abyss when it came out. I got it by christmas in 06. I must've spent more than 1000 hours in it alone. Guy only runs, Jade only runs, grinding devil arms to break the game, etc.

Is there an action replay or gameshark code to break the battle system and let us link artes endlessly?I'd love to do a Vesperia/Xillia 2 style crazy combo run of this game.

I clocked a little over 250 hours and I believe 4 runs through the game, unlocked everything.
I have never skipped a cutscene.
I loved it.

congrats on having bad taste?

Luke had been a giant dick yes. At the same time, it is made clear to everyone that he has no fucking idea how to act in polite society, how to interact with anyone, has never been taught jack SHIT like education, common human decency, how paying for apples works, etc. because "lol Luke has amnesia it'll come back someday so why bother?"

His parents should be bitch-slapped to death for allowing Luke to become such an idiot. The second he came back and they realized he was "traumatized", they should have started re-teaching him how to not be a little shit in the hopes relearning would help remembering.

As for the rest of the party? They keep forgetting that they're essentially dealing with a three year old who was never taught what "hot" is and that the word "no" exists. I mean Fuck, even late in the game they start in on Luke and treating him like shit for not knowing some old-ass language that's fallen into disuse until Guy literally has to remind everyone that "no-one ever taught Luke this super important plot-point language, remember?"

The entire party was full of dicks, just all for different reasons.

Oh fuck off. Let the guy have a different taste. Tales games are by no means high art, so don't act like one is better than liking the other.

Except Zestiria. That one is objectively shit


>Except Zestiria. That one is objectively shit
I'm still doing a NG+ run through the game to see if the double/triple stack skills to unlock the ability to do infinite combos and reduce mystic arte costs to 1 bg will make me have fun.


Luke's personality in the game is entirely Van, Natalia, and Guys fault, along with anyone else he interacted with in the manor.

And even though that's said hella times they still shit on him.

Natalia best swimsuit tho.

Specifically Van since he likely conned his parents and the royal family into not re-teaching Luke, but seriously the rest should have known better.

This is unrelated, but I feel like the change to a thrid person behind the character camera coupled with more realistically sized characters, and lack of aerial juggling, made the games much more boring to play and watch.

Vesperia, Xillia 2 and Hearts R are stylish as fuck when you know what you're doing.

Zestiria and the Berseria demo feel and look like a Korean MMO. I hope they go back to the Hearts R/Vesperia system eventually. I really miss those.

Absolutely. Zestiria's camera issues are almost entirely connected to the way the camera focuses on the target and never who you're controlling or anything else.
At least in a couple previous games you can change how the camera works, who it focuses on and so on.

It's time.

>for some reason
That would be the guilt of abandoning her honor and her duties to him.

Tear is the only main girl who manages to also be the best girl in the entire series.

>Tfw actually liked Zesteria's cast besides Rose
>Enjoyed the story up until where Rose joins and then the story goes full retard

God damn, that gameplay though, Bamco actually considered the game complete with gameplay like that?

>I'm still doing a NG+
You're a better man than me, I couldnt even do that.



>Tfw playing Hearts R
>Main girl is literally worst girl
>Easily my least favourite Tales heroine and one of my least favorite party members of all time to me

Kohaku a shit. Even her brother is a better waifu than she is.

Milla, Farah and Rutee says hello.

Van literally did nothing wrong

by the end of the game everyone in the party agree with him about the Score being bullshit

Yeah but killing everyone and letting clones live is kind of a bad way to do it.

With Henkaku on the Vita, I hope we eventually see a Innocence R fan translation. The battle system is very fun in that.


Didn't she cuck the main protag?

She dies IIRC

Hajime Saito?

No, they were the guaranteed hook-up.

Double no, you're thinking of something else.

Jade>Everyone in any Tales game, ever.

He could have been the bad guy all along and I'd have supported that shit.
Only character to ever be worth shit.

Arise in the name of the necromancer, bitches.

What I loved the most about him, is the pasive-agressive nature of his quips.

He honestly sounded like he was annoyed and pissed off throughout the entire game, but held it in out of duty, and put on a fake smile every once in a while.

Is there a cuntier character than Anise in the universe?

In Abyss, no
Annie from Rebirth however was a huge cunt too.

What game did you played?

If Luke was seven years old like his techincal age
would the party gone easier on him for his mistakes
I feel as though because he is around the age of an adult he get's more shit and should know some things where their is no way for him to know because of his lifestyle up to the point

I'm not saying it's not his fault, I'm saying everyone, knowing his circumstances, could've handled the situation a little bit differently

Being a 36 year old man stuck with teenagers all day long in a life threatening situation while your old classmate with an odd crush on you stalks you on his flying chair must get to you eventually.

Fractured Milla.

Bite me.

>I'm saying everyone, knowing his circumstances, could've handled the situation a little bit differently
This pretty much sums it up.

Anise is a fucking whore.

Legendia is the only tales game I have finished

Wish there had been an option to trade her up with the other puppet loli and kill this asshat in her stead.

I don't even wanna ask how you did that. There's no way you only finished the most repetitive game in the entire series and haven't even tried one of the better titles.

Or have you tried them but had no determination to beat them?

>tfw the translation was utter shit
Hopefully HENkaku and the recent P4G undub motivates someone to re-translate Hearts R

>wanting the most annoying loli in the entire game
Anise was more tolerable than Arrietta
I kept raging when they kept spouting "Oh, spare her, she did nuffin wrong"

>re-translate Hearts R
>Tales fan translation of any kind
Thats cute, its nice to dream I guess.

What was wrong with it? Was it bad like that SAO Vita game with all the grammar errors and stuff?

More like it was translated by someone who channeled Ted Woolsey while on caffeine and steroids.

So it was less of a direct translation and more of a "localization"? But was it that bad, I mean were they going around calling rice balls jelly donuts or something?

Meant for

No, but honestly, it was the only thing lacking: between name changes and line stretching (the crowning achievement being the opening cutscene where Incarose clearly states in rune language "I've found you" multiple times but the localization makes her spew and entire long metaphore about moths dancing around a flame).
Overall the plot is the same and essentially what the character say is the same, but it has been altered in what feels a very unnecessary way.

>The second he came back and they realized he was "traumatized", they should have started re-teaching him how to not be a little shit in the hopes relearning would help remembering.
It's established well in the game that Duke fon Fabre doesn't care for his son much at all, and that Luke himself cared a lot more about Van as a father figure. Luke's mother was just happy to have his son back and spoiled the poor 'amnesiac'. I think there's a scene late in the game where she acknowledges this