In-Depth Game Analysis

Sup Forums, let's talk about games in-depth.

Who are good Youtubers that you know of that make great in-depth analyses?

I'll link the standards:

Errant Signal (Chris Franklin):

Super Bunnyhop (George Weidman):

Noah Caldwell Gervais:

If you want to talk about games in depth, hop on Discord:

Other urls found in this thread:

>e-celeb shit


Super Bunnyhop and TwinPerfect are my two favorites.

I've also liked The Game Maker's Toolkit.

All of it is pretty germane to games discussion. You'll probably learn yourself a thing or two.

These people hardly sell their own personalities as much as they just create thoughtful essays on the craft and construction of games.

One of the issues with gaming analysis is that they eventually talk about vidya's affects on social issues and Sup Forums then completely dismisses them as "SJWs".

MrBTongue is pretty dead as it relates to vidya but his older stuff is great

Found a new guy recently

Novacanoo does reviews of older games and gives off a Matthewmatosis vibe, he's currently going through all of Naughty Dog's games:

Also found Writing on Games but his videos are a bit wank desu, he might be interesting if you like the subject matter of the videos:

My main problem with them is that you can pretty much always remove the apparent subject matter and they still function as analysis. They're not really about games and function more as blogs about whatever the writer cares about tied back to the video game only on a surface level. There's nothing really wrong with that but I've personally never read any interesting sjw penned (more like crayoned amirite) articles on video games

joseph anderson is pretty good

I can do this better than anyone I've seen attempt it so far, but I can't imagine anyone actually gives a shit so I've not bothered sharing. If you want to talk about a game and I've played it then I can write something up for you real quick. I sure as hell don't want to join a discord and actually talk, as in with my mouth.

You can join the Discord and just type you know.

Nobody on this server has used their voice.

Don't knock it before you try it, you know?

His videos are pretty good, I just wish he didn't leave in the takes where he starts laughing halfway through a sentence.

>discussing video games is e-celeb shit


Write it on pastebin or whatever then.

Or you could join the Discord.

Eager to read what you got. I might contribute and make something neat with you.

That's weird and I refuse. I'm typing right now, here on Sup Forums, and that's good enough for me. If you want to make a clubhouse and jerk each other off, then fine, have fun, but that's not really my bag.

What's a game you've seen analysed that you don't think was done justice?

>If you want to make a clubhouse and jerk each other off
Oh, well that sure is a great attitude you got yourself there.

Happy posting, friend.

> If you want to make a clubhouse and jerk each other off, then fine.
Yeah, that's pretty much what it is.

>only 2 people in the discord room

it's too scary

Joseph Anderson

He seems to be fairly unknown, but he is really good at dissecting a game into what works and what doesn't. In the link he is examining Darkest Dungeon.

this thread has yet to have discussion regarding videogames


Alt+F4 : ^ )

Dude, this is the Halo Skyrim Mass Effect Dragon Age Fallout WoW board. Imagine Sup Forums listening to nothing but Nickelback and Creed.

but those are the best takes.

>Errant Signal

I suspect that he'll be delivering constant top-notch content to us right up until he kills himself or dies of a stroke a month from now. He looks unhealthy.

Just really boring.

>If you want to talk about games in depth
I thought this was Sup Forums, not /hm/. Why would I want to talk about video games?

>I thought this was Sup Forums, not /hm/. Why would I want to talk about video games?
I love you, friend.

Now how about THOSE bumparoonies?

Thank you friendo.

Why would you watch videos instead of actually reading books or essays written by professionals?

It's like getting knowledge about film theory or art criticism from youtube instead of a textbook.

>video games

The ting about these youtube kids is they're too young. They have no grounds or basis of knowledge. They only play primarily new things and are far too young to draw from the well. To really understand game criticism, you have start from the beginning and work up.

1978-1983: also known as "The Golden Age"

That's where you learn. I suggest reading from Jared Petty, a VERY knowledgeable game journalist.

>video games

Honestly I'd rather just play games.


TRSHE should be mandatory



Digital Foundry, I suppose

Kim Justice

Mark Brown



NakaTeleeli is a rather calming Let's Player, and the reason I picked up Legendary Starfy.


As a bonus, here is some Smooth McGroove

The guy behind Errant Signal is married with kids.
Joseph Anderson is married with kids, and even though it looks like generic pulp trash he also published a few fantasy and sci-fi novels.

They play "primarily new things" because they already played the old stuff that came out decades ago, and they make content about "primarily new things" because that's what interests people today.

You sound more like a kid than any of them ever did.

>that list
How autistic can you be? Just play games and enjoy them FUCK!

Well, if you want to know everything about games by playing one.

I suggest these 2.

The best games of all time. They feature, focus, centrism, and dynamism to a T.

>errant signal

>People like something I don't like
>I'll shitpost, that'll show them!
Yes, great job you.

Several of those update rarely, so it's not too much of a big deal.
For the rest, you hardly need to keep up to date on them. I'm not losing sleep if I don't watch TB's recent Steam releases for a few months. Learn to moderate.

Plus, I prefer having a wider variety of opinions over just one person to listen to.

Writing with games is a shit who doesn't brain

>They play "primarily new things" because they already played the old stuff that came out decades ago

Do you actually believe this? Goddamn.

>married with kids

That's not indicative of anything. Kids are getting married and having kids nowadays. I don't care about what they do outside, all I care is that they are fit to talk about games. The only major youtube people I know that Sup Forums tried to push were Matthwewmatosis and brutalcumpowder. And after briefly looking at their channels, I knew they were unfit to talk about games seriously. One's a kid and the other is a man with videos entirely covering Nintendo, a company that has never once innovated since they've entered the industry and is not worth being covered.

Out of that entire list, only Digital Foundry are worthy of merit because they're at least official professionals and an affiliate with Eurogamer.

These rest of these are nobodies that grabbed a camera and started talking. Don't bother with nobodies.

So you just want to shitpost. You should have said so right away, I wouldn't have bothered replying.

>shallow, simplistic shit surpassed in every way by what came after on the arcades
>best game of all time

Spirit of the law for AoE2 course, pretty good desu.

>no one posted MisterCaption yet
C'mon Sup Forums

Yahtzee Croshaw is in his late thirties, and he was playing Amiga 600 shit when he was young. Shamus Young is in his forties. Both of them play "primarily new things" and hardly ever make content that isn't tied to new games.
I don't "believe this", I KNOW this. Meanwhile, you just speak out of your ass. Get fucked ;^)

Stating facts is not shitposting. Nintendo have never created anything truly new. Mattel, Atari, Midway, Williams, and Epyx are the forefathers of the industry.

You're a huge imbecile if you truly believe that the likes of Yahtzee would have played anything but the popular titles on the systems he owned. You could dedicate a lifetime to playing games from just a decade or two casually.

>Yahtzee Croshaw
I'm surprised that idiot could even figure out how to work an Amiga 600. Him and the rest of tese youtube kiddies are children to me.

a must watch from retroAhoy (warning, its a hour long video)

He almost never does video games but I thought Demo's Drakengard 3 video was pretty well done

I fucking love this guy's videos

>Errant signal
He's ok but uses retarded SJW logic at times.
>Super Bunnyhop
One of my favorites but it's pretty easy to tell that he hates his life or something.
>Noah Caldwell
Too fucking pretentious and his videos take too long to say anything actually interesting, also has shit standards for gameplay.

Why would you watch what some random youtubers say?

Why not actually visit Atari Age or study from published books?

Youtube, in it's own way, is a terrible source for legitimate content aside from some documentaries you get on there.

Jim sterling :^)

Because practically every game on Atari systems is obsolete and not worth studying

I said Atari Age, the forum, not the system.

And what do you mean the Atari is obsolete? It was THE golden age system. Is this wat neo-Sup Forums has come to?

Pretty sure that was bait

>Because practically every game on Atari systems is obsolete and not worth studying
That's like saying silent films are not worth giving the time of day because they lack color. Are you inept? 1978-1983 is certifiably known as the Golden Age of Games. Same with movies the Golden Age is the 30's.

Robotron is an incredibly simplistic game with shallow scoring mechanics that has been improved upon significantly by what came after. There's no value in studying it outside of interest in video game history, as everything it's done has been done far better by other games. The movie comparison is incredibly dumb, btw.


>is an incredibly simplistic game

There's that damn word again. Robotron is THE greatest game of all time because all systems are working simultaneously and are FOCUSED with one task which is survival. The gameplay is centered on one field and you are faced with a barrage of enemies and given multiple strategies on how maintain survival and increase points by saving humans. And the key component that makes the game so superb is the procedurally generated level structure and transition effect that once again is centered. There are no pans to shift attention. It is you there invested with the action always shifting with the barrage of enemies, colors, and gameplay options that add tremendous risk and reward to the foray. It is gameplay fine-tuned to its ultimate degree. Now leave and go somewhere else because you clearly don't belong on an enthusiast board if you don't even know the first thing about video games and are shitting on goddamn Robotron. It's like shitting on Intolerance or Sunrise.

>Robotron is THE greatest game of all time because all systems are working simultaneously and are FOCUSED with one task which is survival.

That's practically every single arcade game ever made except they also have far more going for them, such as more complex mechanics that add depth and challenge to the games along with far more elaborate scoring systems. That's also on top of things like camera and game feel techniques still used to this day. The procedural generation is very simplistic as well, and the absolute lack of level design/interplay makes its barebones gameplay even more dull and unremarkable. Do you even play anything outside of your shitty comfort zone?

>Robotron is an incredibly simplistic game with shallow scoring mechanics that has been improved upon significantly by what came after.
Holy shit, you need to go back to wherever you came from.

What's wrong with Writing On Games?

These are the types faggots that would play Scramble over Gradius

It's not about new systems coming into play, it's about execution, you snot-nosed brat. Have you even played Robotron? You wouldn't even last 3 levels in let alone 4. Everything in Robotron is fine-tuned precisely and fairly with the ultimate form of risk and reward that Williams were the top dogs in. Plus, they were the first to pioneer such techniques and they certainly haven't been topped since. All these new cats on the block get confused by thinking cluttering the screen will increase the difficulty and thusly the reward, but they usurp the balance that Williams laid which was both in risk, reward, difficulty, diversity, and replayability. Plus, with the new games in "bullet hell" they crowded the games with too many cutscenes and downtime. There is no downtime in Robotron. It's relentless.

>it's about execution
Yes, on a very basic level as opposed to decent scoring systems which will allow you to constantly improve not only your overall performance but almost every second of gameplay while rewarding creativity and having a shit ton of depth. I have and no shit I didn't do very well, what does that have to do with anything? You will fail miserably at any difficult arcade game unless you practice. The fact that you actually think your first performance is indication of anything makes you think you're one of those collector casuals who hasn't actually dedicated time to playing arcade games properly to appreciate them on anything more than a superficial level.

No youtube personality will ever teach you anything, kids.

Reading is the path to knowledge.

Here's a little something.

Demo's probably the only "anime" youtuber that I find to be actually good, it's a shame that his last videos haven't been all that interesting.

Thank you for Errant Signal, I'm really enjoying these videos so far.

>I have and no shit I didn't do very well
Did you just play Robotron right now? Because if that was your first time, I can't take you seriously.

>Yes, on a very basic level as opposed to decent scoring systems which will allow you to constantly improve not only your overall performance but almost every second of gameplay while rewarding creativity and having a shit ton of depth

This entire sentence makes no sense. You need to elaborate. Because I can't fathom how someone can say Robotron is "basic" without a "decent" scoring system.

That voice sounds familiar, did he have another channel where his videos had him as a pixel character with a black bar covering his eyes? Forgot the name.

this one?

What's there to elaborate? The scoring system consists of getting points for shooting enemies and picking up family with no real room for creativity, variety or any kind of significant strategy beyond the overall survival. The only real variety in scoring will come from whether you pick up the family members without dying or not, which is as simplistic as it comes.

Yes sir

Watch my videos, guys.
Guys please.

it's not like games have "depth" to talk about

>when I pressed the button and the thing happened that was really powerful
>yeah that time I walked through that room it it was really good
>this has great game feel

I can already tell you just played it. Before telling you to leave Sup Forums since you're young and clearly don't belong here on an enthusiast board, let me illustrate the beauty of Robotron.

To sum up - One hell of a top game, that at that is the very definition of risk vs. reward. You're supposed to be collecting as many women as you can on the first "brain" level, in one life, while trying NOT to shoot them, while dodging and shooting everything else, to get a higher score (and more lives) and you'll start to appreciate the way it works, and how tough every single split-second choice is, based on the need to score points against the need to survive (you really do have to bow down to Eugene Jarvis's brilliance). Amidst all of this, the levels are procedurally generated so there are no patterns to nail down and you're guaranteed to always be on your toes. The transitions are also centered with no scrolling so action is always focused with a barrage of psychedelic flashing colors to distract you. It's a video game that aces all areas of gameplay with no fat, no skill trees or progression paths, no fluff. All systems are there and ready, with strategy and skill that work in full tandem. It's the best game of all time.

Now get the fuck off of Sup Forums.

it embraces ludonarrative dissonance in order to completely subvert the player's expectations

who was that guy that did like a 5 hour rant on ME3 and a 2 hour rant on why bioshock infinite was shit?

>You're supposed to be collecting as many women as you can on the first "brain" level, in one life, while trying NOT to shoot them, while dodging and shooting everything else

Wow, what a great system. Truly the peak of video game scoring. Play more games, you casual dumbfuck.

Was he scottish or something? His infinite review was spot on

i don't remember. I just vaguely remember his videos being posted alongside mr btongue when the me3 backlash was in its prime

That's because you haven't been checking the right channel.

>Wow, what a great system. Truly the peak of video game scoring. Play more games, you casual dumbfuck.

Wow,truly biting criticism. If you don't know anything about robotron, just say so. Otherwise leave. Robotron is the quintessential video game. It pioneered all systems that made a video game a video game and has all aspects nailed with focus on adding complexity and value to gameplay foremost. The visuals, such as the psychedelic lights? They're not just there for show, they're there to distract. The control is tight and basic with no fluff. Respect, Williams, youngin. They were the top dogs. Hit after hit after hit. Their entire catalogue could comprise the top 100 games of all time. All the these new developers lost sight of what makes a game truly shine which is centrism. All these new games have far too much fluff and not enough focus.

But that's only his dankmeme-tier alternate channel.

I've already explained why the scoring system is bad, user. You just choose to ignore it and go back to the usual "risk vs reward" (as if that's something noteworthy at this point lmao) nonsense due to a lack of experience. Most arcade game that use the same system where increasing score will carry a significant amount of risk with it while also giving score-based extends to ease future survival. But those are the very basics, the true beauty comes from when they expand upon those scoring systems to allow for constant, non-stop improvement while having flexibility and creativity. It's something Robotron will never be able to provide. It's okay considering its age, but saying that studying its design is worthwhile is a joke. Just like saying that it's the best game ever made is a fucking joke.

Oh, so that's what it is? You want fluff? That's what all you young people fucking want. Fluff. Goddamn fluff. With games like Robotron, creativity was bled from limitation and innovation was pioneered. Everything was new and had a sole purpose with large fault for error but ultimate fairness. It's taut, compact, and endlessly replayable because you cannot win. It is a video game. And you know absolutely nothing about game design which is self-evident by you being in this thread talking about youtube people and new games with all this fucking fluff.

Depth, challenge and complexity is "fluff" to you? Christ, I really wish hardware collecting casuals like you would stay away from arcade games. When you have that's pretty much exclusively about scoring, the score system damn well be interesting and engaging. Robotron's scoring system isn't.

Ivan 10 sekond reviews

>but saying that studying its design is worthwhile is a joke. Just like saying that it's the best game ever made is a fucking joke.
And you're a joke, kid.

1978-1989 was the golden age for games: the period in which the most creativity and innovation was bled into a medium. Robotron is one of the crowning jewels from that era. Everything else is derivative and dumbed down.

Just look at older silent films. New technology does not make something better and it certainly doesn't make it original.


is better than this

And this

Is better than this

Oh yeah, the innovation was nice and all. Too bad the video games of the time period were shit.