>not owning the 2 best handhelds in history
Explain yourselves RIGHT. NOW.

>all modern handheld games are garbage and designed for casual children who's basic motor functions aren't properly developed
Android is the future, or should I say the last 5 years plus the future. Why are you still buying overpriced low quality hardware with shit specs?

But I already own an Android phone

I don't play videogames.

Srlsy, Android devices are much better to play at than PSP this days. I on it, use it sometimes cause of nostalgia.

I own it* grammar nazis won't be pleased.

>all these casuals

I have new 3ds but I am not buying a vita. Fuck that shit.

Android PSP emulation is far from perfect.

>touch controls

Off to reddit with you

Android supports gamepads idiot, how the hell do you think we play emulators.

>owns a 3ds
>calls people casual
Keep playing those Pokemon's kiddo

>psp go
I have psp1k somewhere
I have yet so see MHFU being played on GO, maybe then I'd upgrade
3DS is the only game platform I use erry day

If I buy 3DS in the newest firmware can it still be hacked?

I just got a PSP Go a few days ago. Almost finished with Patapon damn that game is good. So far what I have downloaded is

>Patapon (fantastic)
>Wipeout:Pure (also fun as fuck)
>Disgaea Afternoon of Darkness
Played a little bit, it was charming but what is it people like about the game so much? Maybe JRPGs aren't for me
>Jak and Daxter: The list frontier
Haven't played it yet

Any good games I'm missing?

>over the age of 12
>Playing handhelds

I own an N3DS, A hacked O3DS. A PSP and a Neo Geo pocket.

Explain YOUR self, sir.

Is there some kind of image for essential 3DS games? Is it easy to hack a 3DS and if you fuck it up does it break the DS?

>over the age of 12
>playing video games

Are you on 10.6 or above?

If the answer is yes, stop dreaming about hacking. Never gonna happen.


Is there any reason to get a New 3DS when I already have a 3DS XL?

>carrying around a shitty controller all day

>RNG bicycle sim

You sure have a super complex and competitive dice-rolling sim there, pal. :^)

this is incorrect.
it's ABOVE 10.7 that's fucked.
If you are 10.7 or less you're fine.
I hacked my 10.6 3DS recently without issue.
if you fuck it up you will likely softbrick, which means you just enter recovery mode and it automatically restores via wifi.
This means you have virtually no chance of fully bricking it, but it also means you will be forced to the newest firmware.

sad, true, and underrated post

too obvious, the impression font, quickmeme watermark and leet speak in your image is far too out of place for anyone to believe you're not simply pretending.

not really, unless you really really want that xenoblade port or you play with 3d on all of the time



This is EXACTLY why I hate Gen VI competitive.

It killed any form of making your own teams having fun online. Now its all "These 6 and only these six" bullshit.

Handheld consoles are literally obsolete and pointless in current year.
I haven't respected handhelds pretty much, ever. If you have to hold a game hostage to make people buy your system then it's a bad system. Why didn't Nintendo just make pokemon on their main consoles? Because then no one would buy their hand held trash.

I bet You only play your handheld at home anyways. What's the point in buying one if you're still just gonna use your phone in public?

Because that's so different from carrying around a big clunky dedicated handheld right?

At least the 3DS in my pocket doesn't eat up all my battery within minutes.


How am I "simply pretending" when it's blatantly obvious I'm correct?

>If I own an XL

No. I owned a normal 3DS and upgraded to N3DS, and I love it for the larger screen, extra content and the ability to play Jap/Europe carts on it. My old 3DS couldn't play Tales of Hearts and Last window.


it actually is, as someone who has bought several android controllers recently I can tell you it's not really better.
You either buy a tiny pocket gamepad that's not really comfortable and forces you to prop up your phone on your lap, or you get a larger clip-on one which is far bigger than a PSP/3DS and won't fit in your pockets.

3DS a shit, GBA was better. DS only gets the best of all time fame because niggers could get $5 flashcards and play everything.

I don't need to when I have something better.

i do and i dont know what to do with them

GBA had the best Nintendo IP titles, but mediocre 3rd party and mostly SNES ports.

DS had the mediocre First party Nintendo IPs, but AMAZING 3rd Party titles and tons of things to explore.

3DS has terrible Nintendo IPs, Mediocre 3rd party IPs, and FANTASTIC Hal laboratory games.


>The worst nintendo handheld and the worst sony handheld
kill yourself

GBA had lots more gems than DS/3DS in my opinion, I'm still finding a lot of games I missed including surprisingly good licensed titles.

But I do

>GBA had the best Nintendo IP titles, but mediocre 3rd party and mostly SNES ports.
I liked 3rd parties better on the GBA than the DS.

>3DS has terrible Nintendo IPs, Mediocre 3rd party IPs, and FANTASTIC Hal laboratory games.
That I can agree with.

Well shit, fuck me then. I always considered getting one but I guess not.

>le ebin battery meme
I don't get this, don't even pretend that normies don't carry powerbanks with them. The latest ones are about as thin as the phone itself.

Also the Vita has a fucking god damn awful battery life that is on par with my shitphone that needs to be plugged in for most of the day, so I don't really consider it when debating this topic since 3DS/Vita/phones can all go to the powerbank.

don't get me wrong I think android has a lot of potential for gaming.
I own an android TV which I can pair up with my controller and use as a super low power usage emulation box.
My tablet I got for reading is actually powerful enough to be used similarly, I just use the case stand and I have a tiny TV to play vidya on.
But with a phone, the controller is either going to be too small or too cumbersome.
I would normally never recommend virtual buttons for emulation but having actually bought a clippable gamepad I think that I'd literally rather use the touch screen just so I don't have to carry it around.

But i have those 2, my have my N3DS in home

Ur psp doesnt have tv out. Checkm8 senpai

The only left on the 3ds that I care to play is the new Phoenix Wrights game coming out on the 8th of next month.

Other than that.... the 3ds is as good as dead to me.

I have a soft modded Street and a N3DS, so I guess I'm covered.

What about Ever Oasis?

>forgetting the one vgc with pachirisu
nice cherrypicking user

Oh and also are you really thinking that this problem is only on pokemon and people are not choosing always the best combo to win? keck

PSP Go was Sony's biggest mistake yet. The whole thing is a fucking embarrassment.

Half Minute Hero and Trails in the Sky

Isn't that just a reskinned Monster Hunter?

I can agree with this.
Only other saving grace of the 3DS is the backwards compatibility to the DS.
At least until you hack it.

>hurr why don't you have a handheld
>>because I have an android
>hurr controllers and battery banks
Did we all forget about games? The only thing you get on a handheld is shit ports and shit remakes, with an android you'll get thousands of games a month, maybe a dozen of which is solid, and with a handheld you'll get a dozen games total all of which suck ass.


Fuck off pirate scum.

Pursuit Force and PF Extreme Justice.
Persona 2 Innocent Sin, Jeanne D'arc, Valkyrie Profile Lenneth, Star Ocean 2nd Evoluton, even if you aren't into TRPG, play these you fuck.
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters is OK-ish, at least better than J&D Lost Frontier
Gurumin, Ys Felghana and 7
Castlevania Dracula Chronicles (unlockable Symphony of the Night)
Dissidia 012 (wont need first DIssidia, this is a prequel and beating it unlocks the full first game story)
Gradius Collection
DJ Max Portable 3 and Fever
MegaMan Powered Up
MGS Peace Walker
2 Prinny games

>ajustes del sistema


>Star ocean """"Remakes"""""

Yegh. No.

Yes you autistic fuck.

First Departure and Second Evolution are good, except for those MUH ORIGINAL ARTSTYLE, WHY IS RENA A LOLI (which she isn't btw)...


>Persona 2
>R and C
Terrible port, better on PS2, and also on PSN
>Dracula X
Better on PC engine, remake is shit and not worth playing through just to unlock the better vanias.
Terrible port/collection, better on the arcade or carts.
Go play an NES
On PS3 and better.

So, why do you own a PSP again?

I only see one good handheld in this picture.

Claude C Kenny is a dumb name, and you are a dumb person for accepting it.

also SHIT VA work.

>on PC
Yeah, love playing Celceta and VIII senpai.

The keyboard? A desktop computer is definitely not a handheld.

Don't lie to yourself user.

I'm spanish and I jaja'd to this

So, I need to buy a PS2, a PS3, a NES, and a PC Engine and an PC, or just a PSP.....hmmmm thats a toughie.


I don't see any particular reason to own a modern Nintendo console.

I'm Mexican and I jaja at you Gallegos.
Saludos gilipollas Manolo.

>oversized underpowered and gimped smartphones just because m-muh exclusivity

You can keep it, consoles were useful when all phones could do was to call and text, now there's literally no reason to carry console. What do I miss? Pokemon Moon? Oh wow, too bad I have soul silver hacks


Its PSP or PS3 you mongloid. all of those are emulatable.

And PW on PSP isnt worthe breaking your fingers on the torture scene ebcause of its shitty pad.

Callate gringo

>the Vita
OP image is a PSP Go you fucking troglodyte. Before trying to parade how superior your taste is in video game platform, maybe you should learn what platforms fucking look like.

What are those Blizzard boxes user ?
I have both regular and collector for pretty much every game since WoW and none of them look like yours.

I don't think one mediocre game turns an entire series mediocre/bad. The MMBN(except 4),MMZ, series was pretty awesome, Aria of Sorrow was amazing, Circle of the Moon was great. GBA had equally amazing third party IPs on par with the 3DS.
On the top of my head, great third-party games/series on the GBA(in my opinion, at least):
Castlevania(HoD is meh)
MMBN(4 is mediocre)
Ace Attorney
Kingdom Hearts
Yggdra Union
Summon Knight
Final Fantasy

I played patapon so much the o button broke


Agreed. The library is so shit that I'm waiting for Citra to improve to play AC2 "remake" and "new" Hotel Dusk.

>Senran Kagura
It's the only game that keeps Nintendo from going full SJW in my eyes.

Patapon 4 WHEN

It's circle, not o you fuck.

What do you mean? I own both PSV and PSP3k.

They're my brothers, as far as I'm aware of they're just standard edition boxes but the top part can fold open

I've heard rumours that Sony is thinking about it after Pursuit Force 3, new Crash, new Spyro, new Parappa and new Wipeout.


You're one of those digital is the future cucks aren't you?

Do you kiss your brother

Corpse Party
Initial D First Stage
Tactics Ogre
Ah maybe the American ones are different from Europeans ones.

I own a 3ds. The psvita is a weeb machine except for maybe 10 or 15 titles. Handheld gaming will die this generation

>Kingdom hearts

Its a downport. not an individual. COM is improved in every way shape and form on the PS2.

And? Senran is a legitimately bland beat em up, Tits doesnt magically save it from having mediocre gameplay.

Hell yeah can't wait!

>if I call them a check, they're right
Is it so hard to believe that it might be the future, with less and less platforms wanting to keep CD drives?
And PC itself has hardly any physical releases anymore outside of Blizzard games.

I bought a new 3ds a month ago and the only game i have is resident evil. everything else is boring to me. nowadays i have more fun with my galaxy s4