Why does WoW suck so bad at cosmic horror?

Why does WoW suck so bad at cosmic horror?

They introduce things like Eldritch gods, faceless ones and starry cults and basically do nothing interesting with them.

None of the Lovecraftian elements ever amounted to more than just window dressing, it was all just a gimmick.

The Old Gods were basically just C-list villains meant to hold you over until the Legion came back.

They're a danger and relevant by all means in the lore, but yeah, their presentation is shit.

Because the true horror of Lovecraft's mythos is the knowledge that there are these incomprehensible, insanely powerful beings residing over the cosmos and all of them are completely indifferent to humanity, ultimately regulating our place in the universe as completely helpless and likely to be destroyed within the blink of an eye.

In World of Warcraft, Lovecraft horror doesn't work because a random group of heroes turned up, raped all of the Old Gods in the anus and looted their corpses.

>Why does WoW suck so bad at cosmic horror?

Eldritch/cosmic horrors are things so monstrous you cant even imagine them

WoW is a video game where you can see what your enemy looks like and kill it

Uh oh, he hasnt read the New blizz retardcon retcon

I think the Forgotten Ones in WC3 were compelling, as was C'thun. There's a lot of interesting stuff related to Yogg-Saron in WotLK (like Whispering Gulch where dwarves have gone mad, him subtly corrupting the Keepers of Ulduar etc) but on the other hand, Old Gods and their minions also become fairly common enemies and the lot of them being totally facerollable, they totally cease to be an unknowable and powerful threat. And after that, of course, there's no compelling Warcraft lore in general.

Because World of Warcraft and Warcraft in general is shit.

That's actually pretty well put, user. By law, we are now "niggas".

i guess we just gotta wait for Void Lords to pass our final judgement. The Old Gods are merely avatars of these more grand villains.

Because rather than being some guy who gets drawn in through sorting their dead uncle's papers/poking their noses in where they shouldn't/just being unlucky, everyone in warcraft is an armoured death machine/magic-blasting demigod with no fear of death.

Because they have too much Pandaria (and Cataclysm,WoD,Legion) and too little Japan.

>Warcraft lore

>where everything is an off-brand of something else

strip the franchise of its beautiful art direction and its music and there's nothing left.

Because the players (the good guys) always win in WoW, meaning nothing can actually be a threat.

Sylvannas should make the horde pure evil.

Why can't we have a truly-evil player faction vs a truly-erotic player faction?

As long as humans look like this, it cannot be truly erotic.

>tfw Warcraft Trolls are real

would the evil impregnate the erotic

They were good with the Old Gods stuff until MoP

Y'Shaarj were a stupid fucking enemy

After Ahn'Qiraj they got relegated to cannon fodder. Ulduar is an exception

The stuff they did with C'thun and Yogg was great. Fuck everything after that.

Damnit, She looks like mymale hunter.

Plot wise they are responsible for everything and even sargeras got retconned into being misunderstood and he's fighting the old gods or some shit and azeroth is actually an egg containing elunes baby that the old guys are trying to corrupt or something who cares any more nobody knows how to write about anything anymore

This game is 12+, more things will be too spooky for general audience.


not only that, the void lords consider azeroth to be of such outmost importance that their primary motivation is to corrupt it. we're just that important to them.


Because blizzard picked up the cosmic horror element for being one of the essential things fantasy genres ripp off. Basically DND did it ergo so should we.

The concept isn't even truely from lovecraft, it's from August Derleth's Cthulu Mythos concepts for the Lovecraft universe, which added a lot of anti-lovecraftian things such as Elder Gods of Order and elemental alignments.

You can tell blizzard did this because the Titans are based on the Elder Gods aligned with perfect order. They have nordic influences yes, but the Aesir/Vanir concept of pre-chronicles titan lore is more taken from the Elder God resemblance to human cultural deities than an actual homage to the nordic pantheon.

Another example is elementals. In modern lore they're elemental spirits manifest in physical form. But in early lore, especially around AQs time they were soley entities born of the old gods. If you read up on the AQ history they talk of elemental as being unnatural spawn of the old gods. This is based on the elemental alignments of Great Old Ones in the mythos, such as Cthulhu aligning with water or Hastur aligning with fire.

It wasn't ever really lovecraftian, It was just something blizzard found cool about cthulhu mythos that they could ripp from because the mythos already turns Lovecraft stuff into DND sounding stuff.

WoW's power creep is fucking retarded.

To be fair, by simply making this kind of thing beatable or giving it a health bar you kind of miss the point of cosmic horror. Bloodborne got the setting and tone right, but even that fell short by making its Great Ones able to be physically damaged

most elder gods rely on body horror to be effective. gaping crevasses, too many tentacles, bad holes, random teeth, red stuff, unidentifiable tubing, surgery, dissection, etc.

making this actually horrific without making every model a marvel of detail or just plain disgusting is too complicated for a slap-on aesthetic, and trying to blow peoples minds with alien concepts is just asking to facegrind the community's disappointment.

Yogg Saron was pretty nice in that regard. Maws, maws and more maws.

at least someone is actually reading books here