

Other urls found in this thread:!CdMl1BSZ!WUcCPEPDH9iZuDsKKtlRV-4OHdH_Jn5eCGjIB2ZX2rI



Perona a shit

Was she always this stacked?

Yeah Perona is a big girl

is she the boss?


i'd weat her egg

Her laugh is the most adorable thing ever. I ship her with Usopp so hard.

I want to nom on Nami's namis!

whats with her eyes


There are better laughs.


>plating ranked with Koala as the last character left on my team
>doing her bnb with a huge life lead on the opponent
>hit triangle by accident and leap over the opponent
>Forfeit Match



PW4 when?


Best girl

She has special eyes



>got beaten by the weakest Strawhat, a sniper in CQC

Damn, no wonder Moria decided to rely on zombies.

Boss of my dick

Fucking gross.

Zoro x Perona is the better ship.

Never ever


How long until she's in a game?


>Robin as Samus
oh my...

this is a japanese ghost

really wish i had a fig of this, i've got my glue gun ready
i want to make this ghost white!!


She is best girl, after all.

Mansherry is sad
Say something nice about her to cheer her up and all your vidya dreams will come true

she's cute and prettier than hancock

>weakest straw hat
he may be the weakest but damn if he is not the best

She is rock lee's daughter

He's motherfucking god.

Is Burning Blood worth the pre-order if you like One Piece or is it just a bad game?

Carrot when?

It's not a bad game at all

The artists lack of anatomical knowledge in this thread always triggers me.

>treasure cruise has way better waifu cards
>but the gameplay is tedious as fuck so i always end up just going back to dokkan battle

i just know one day i'll get enough free shit from logins to evolve that valentines chocolate vivi i pulled weeks ago

Was Enel arc the best One Piece had to offer?


the hypest shit was luffy vs lucci

perona made thriller bark good

Alabasta desu

Skypeia sucks

sorry if i sound like a buyfag but whats the cheapest Perona fig that still looks cute or sexy?

This game is missing timeskip Perona.

I put all this dudes work in a mugen 1.0 screenpack and uploaded it if anyone is interested
Just download and start it
You can't play as Oars or the generic marines they're bosses
The link for Mr. 2 was down so no Mr. 2
Movelist are in the individual character folders
If Nami doesn't work go into the def and delete the act 6 palette!CdMl1BSZ!WUcCPEPDH9iZuDsKKtlRV-4OHdH_Jn5eCGjIB2ZX2rI

If you're bored try it they're even fun to watch

the fucking manga sucks. Least Fairy Tail knows that people only read it for fanservice and soft ryona.

>horo means slut in finnish

Holy fuck I want her to sit on my face.


>no sort by price

I love when Oda gives Robin some little moments that break her usual ara ara demeanor. It just makes her all the more endearing.

>artist can draw landscapes and objects in such a way as to not break immersion, demonstrating a professional-level grasp on perception and separation from symbol drawing
>series where you have characters with long noses, strange eyes, short and very round bodies, and other deformities as a stylistic choice, giving the series a more cartoony feel

>the women are drawn with tiny midsections
>It must be because the artist doesn't actually know what a human body looks like!

Low functioning autist detected.


autism is autism, there is no high and low you fucking mongoloid.

No more bets

>tfw no new chapter this week

Was there any Jump at all last week?


I hate what Timeslip did to Nami. She looks like a total slut now

I liked Impel Down

good thing she hasn't worn that outfit in 4 fucking arcs smfh

Skypiea was a drag during release but great when marathoned. Oda's arc was the best back then
The best arcs are Water7/Enies Lobby, Impel Down and Thriller Bark. Alabasta was okay-ish, but not the best


What a slut.