Proper Touhou Thread

Here we talk about gameplay, lore, music and everything related to the Touhou video game series.
Have you gotten any 1cc lately?

Teach me how to be good

look at what I found onii-chan

You found a thread.
Aren't you special?

>Proper Touhou Thread
You did that on purpose.

Practice, a lot. Some people may say "memorize the game" but while there is some memorization involved, it's really just about as much as with any other game. But you do need the skill to maneouver a tiny dot through tiny holes and you only get that with practice.

Is soku accepted in here?

Which part of "proper" didn't you get?

I sort of doubt you'd get many people to join you here and now, but sure give it a shot.

Is the porn related

Anyone have good advice for stage 4 EoSD/LoLK or Stage 5 PCB? I lose a fuckload of lives on those.


>or Stage 5 PCB?
But that stage is really easy.

>tfw no one wants to talk about Touhou anymore
Oh well, it had to come to an end eventually.

Why don't we talk about... the new CD.

Did you rike it?

>Touhou will never ever be popular again
This honestly makes me sad

I always get completely shat on by Youmu.

Good. I'm fucking sick of its cancerous fanbase.

That's a good thing, though. I've seen enough secondaries to last me a couple lifetimes.

How much hours of practice would you assume it takes someone to do something like 1cc EoSD or something similar?


1cc EoSD lunatic?
Starting from scratch, probably about 100 hours or so.

>100 hours
Might as well play an RPG desu

What about normal? I've played an estimated 5 hours and can get up to stage 5 on a great run, but I feel like I've hit this wall where I can no longer improve unless I get lucky. Sorry for blogposting and asking lots of questions.

It took me 5 days of constant tries.

>tfw suck and dont even improve
>holding down the fucking buttons the entire time does my wrist in

i can't play for more than like an hour but i still love it

Try looking at youtube videos of spellcard captures.

By the way, for Sakuya's midboss spellcard, you move in the opposite of the direction she does.

100 hours of Touhou is more demanding than 100 hours of an RPG.

You can play 12 hours of runescape a day, but that's nowhere near as exhausting as 8 hours of seriously playing a shmup.

I dunno, it took me around 20 hours for my first normal 1cc
Talking about personal progress in a game on a gameplay thread isn't really blogposting.

>holding down the fucking buttons the entire time does my wrist in
Why are old men playing Touhou now

I'm a frail little girl(male) not an old man

Well it should take you a bit, but I guess it mostly depends on the person.

>100 hours
What the hell are you playing? Most RPGs I've played take about 20 to 30 hours, 40 tops.


I've been working on Riverbed Soul Saver's phantasm stage. I'm very close to beating it.
/jp/ a shit

Mouse, keyboard, or joystick?


I used to get wrist pains too. Just try to find a more comfortable way to play, and consider using a gamepad.

yeah, might have to use a gamepad
it's comfier for holding down buttons but i also prefer moving with keyboard so eh