Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

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That's like asking if I'd rather eat Dog shit or Cow shit.

The one that doesn't force me to play 100 games to play a hero I don't "own"

LoL has literally nothing on Dota except for developer communication and frequency of updates

its almost objectively dota. Even if you ignore how dota has the clearly superior f2p system, LoL will always be a stripped down and neutered version of dota made to attract people who were somehow too casual for dota. I don't even play either.

One has game elements locked behind grind while exposing you at disadvantage the other doesn't, mobas are still shit anyway.

Aesthetics could win it solo for Dota 2.
I actually enjoyed LoL at one point but that was pre Tencent. The literal cancer of the gaming industry.
Also the problem with Valve is that they are lazy, Riot Game on the other hand is down right bad.
Nasus still best husbendo thou

That's an unfair comparison.

The only reason dota 2's heroes are free, is because valve had no choice. You bet your ass they would've made every hero cost money like LoL, they just couldn't get away with it, because DotA allstars already existed and was huge in china. And DotA 2 was literally the exact same game as allstars, just with better graphics.

>tfw his original sexy voice is gone

>No bullshit mechanics (turn rates, denies, etc)
>No 10 second stuns
>Champions have unique gameplay and don't have boring passives
>No ugly grimdark graphics
>Developer doesn't have to beg the community to pay for the prize pool

Yeah. "Nothing".

Both amazing games.
League becomes stale after 1000 hours. Dota doesn't.
League is fun when you're learning the ropes. Dota isn't.

I actually like both.

There is literally a hero in dota with ONE (1) ability. and 4 passives. (Skeleton King)

And Dotafags will claim that game is more skilled than LoL. This hero could literally be played by toddler.

Leaguefag here. Dota is definitely the better game, but playing it gives me a marginally worse form of cancer, so I play League.

Either way, they'll both ruin your life if you let them.

Every league hero
>3 auto-attack skill
>Skillshot nuke
>Gap closer
>AOE ult

who fucking cares? One game all the heroes are free from the get-go and the other one they aren't.

Dota is the better game in pretty much every way except for the lack of updates.

However LoL continues to be more popular because it appeals to casuals and Riot continues to pump out waifu skins they know people will pay $10 for.

>Runs on fucking adobe air.
>Can't have more than 1 unit.
>No replays.
>No Ingame chat support.
>Can't even watch matches in game.

Also you faggot ass pros are paid by riot itself.

>Skeleteon king.

Comparing LoL to Dota 2 is like comparing Smash 4 with Melee

skill ceiling is simply leaps beyond the first one

>WQ combo
>Press E any time you have mana
>Press R when you're about to get dicked hard
League has plenty of retardedly easy heroes too



>LoL has literally nothing on Dota except for developer communication and frequency of updates

Wat, the devs listen closefully to Leddit and fix shit in hours or mins.

And a new huge update with 2 new heroes is rolling out in a week

>Champions have unique gameplay
Blinks/jumps and skillshots?

All MOBA's are cancer.
They are designed for pussies, People who are too wimpy to play a real, 1v1 competitive game.
Because in 1v1 games, the omus is on YOU, to perform. No teammates to carry you. No teammates to blame for losing.

On top of that dota and league aren't actually skilled at all. You go like 20-0 and think "OMG IM THE SHIT" but really it took no skill at all because of snowballing.

Your opponents are literally forced to give you tons of kills and feed your retarded ego, Because they can't quit the game without getting penalized.

And he STILL takes more mechanical skill than almost any LoL hero thanks to tread switching, armlet toggling, animation canceling, and the fact that he builds with more button presses than a LoL hero despite only having one base active

There is literally a hero in dota with 27 spells.

they both contaminate low intelligence individuals and shit league has normies and edge kids and dota has faggots with superiority complex while only thing they do is yelling at slavs all day

Old Voker was fucking bullshit.

>X has to be better than Y

Only dumb shitheads and children think this way.
Dota's more complex, full access to all features, and all in all a lot of stuff Lol is lacking. Lol has a faster pace and more flashy action and is all in all more casual, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Both are good, none is objectively better, they'Re just different games in the same genre.

they are both shit. they are ALL shit. mobas must die as gamer culture is already cancer.

you actually can watch matches in client though

>pick out top ranked players or w/e
>if anyone is playing you can spectate by right clicking the eye thing

Thought Dota2's is wayyy better its still there.

Dota promotes proper team comps and statistics whilst LoL promotes individual play and mechanics.

Both are great games but for different reasons

HoN is also a great game but its being kept back by refusal to advertise

Do I even need to say something?

>dev.dota2 has practically zero staff posting
>"anti-cheat" keybind update broke hundreds of completely legal binds, plebbit and forums are loaded with outrage but Valve hasn't said a word or done shit
>Tons of blatant, massively reported bugs haven't been touched for the entire game's lifespan
>Patches two or three times a year

>And a new huge update with 2 new heroes is rolling out in a week
Yeah, after how fucking long?
Also, wasn't pit lord the last hero left to port? Who's the second one?

so much fucking THIS

when i was starting i used to how do you play skeleton king with that low attack speed and no escape, he must be a high tier hero meant to be played by good players. i am pretty sure toddler will not be able to play him, toddler would spend most of his game screaming he has no skills and he's slow

ASSFAGGOTS are the worst thing to ever happen to gaming. They ruined competitive gaming, Foster a culture of douchebags masquerading as competitors, and generally lowered the bar for all video games.

Why are mobas bad?

I dont really follow the logic of Sup Forums

New original hero

I've played both tho, recently switched dota with league

>no bullshit mechanics
No real mechanics at all
>no 10 second stuns
There are a dozen ways to avoid being stunned in a game, get good
>champions have unique gameplay and don't have boring passives
lolol yeah okay Dota objectively has more unique Heroes with more interesting mechanics
>Developer doesn't have to beg the community to pay for the prize pool
Valve's base prize pool is still larger than most esports with the 3 seasonal majors topping highest esport prize pools. And the Major's prize pool is fixed.

>rule 63 means turning a furry into human with animal ears

>No turn rates, denies, etc.

And this is a positive how?

lol has better fap material so it's better.

Nah its more like

LoL = Brawl
Dota2 = Smash 4
StarCraft = Melee

Not anymore.

Also, it doesn't matter to them, they'll quickly swap between STUPID SIMPLE RETARD GAME and MUH BURDEN OF KNOWLEDGE WAHHHH

>implying this is bad


They're both casual games then?

RTS is on another level, we're talking MOBA's here bro

>X can't be better than Y and Y can't be better than X
Only dumb shitheads and children think this way.

Yes, both games have their different styles and appeals, but that doesn't mean one can't be a better overall product than the other. When you factor in the lack of a grindy unlock system, wider variety and playstyle potential, and general depth and balance of both games Dota is objectively a better game.
And that doesn't mean everyone should switch from LoL to Dota and that LoL doesn't have reasons you'd play it, but it's still a lesser product when you make an objective comparison of game design and consumer friendliness.

on my phone but I have 3000 hours of dota

you kids are small time

they attract scum

nah that's wrong starcraft and dota are basically two different games. but smash 4, melee and brawl are basically same games with different mechanics

I dropped it though before I hit 1000 so in the end who is the real pleb friend.

>Denying is a bullshit mechanic
>Not being able to do a 180 on a dime is a bullshit mechanic


Is this actually confirmed or is it just shitty speculation and datamining?

>Dev.dota2 is dead
yeah, site is fucking dead they get their feedback from leddit.
>Goring of autoexec.
They murdered everything with it, the bastards took away binds,model mods,scripts,map mods,etc. I am still mad, but it kinda solved the niggers using scripts to play voker,meepo and naga.
Most annoying bugs have been patched i am gonna need examples, stacking isnt a bug btw.
Sun wukong


Here's the resident RTS shitter come to bitch about how a fucking mod killed his genre and controlling all those units sure takes sooooo much skill because he can't accept the fact that nobody cares about RTS anymore.

Piss off.



sticking just to ASSFAGGOTS it's more like

LoL = Brawl
Smite = Smash 4
HoN = PM (In that they were second best and they're dead)
Dota 2 = Melee

Don't mind me, I'm just summoning someone with 8-10k hours

100% confirmed, they showed a trailer.

monkey king back from 6.79 is in

Well one has an extremely rigid and strict meta that will outright have you banned if you don't adhere to it 100%, the other has a lot of room for flexibility and creative strategic approaches, complimented by the fact that there are actual reasons for you to leave your lane and make plays from the first minute of the game. If the offlaner feels pressure, he can go jungle, gank mid, or do whatever to fuck to mitigate his lack of experience/farm. The mid quickly gains leverage on the rest of the heroes on the map and at ANY time could make a huge early game impact if his rotation isn't caught.

The laning phase in LoL has to be one of the most boring approaches to early-game in MOBAs to date. There are literally "support" items that only benefit from your carry getting CS, leaving support itemization to be incredibly uncreative and shoe-horned. The dedicated jungling is a joke, seen as an absolute necessity with timers and buffs rather than it being an extra layer of complexity that compliments a team good enough to manage it (stacking, aggressively warding the enemy jungle, creep mind controlling). All of the elements like that, denying, vision, map control and rotating in DotA are what separates MMR brackets and are a clear marker for how advanced you are as a player. They are concepts that scale with your experience and are rewarding later on when you have a deeper knowledge of the game.

There is practically none of this in LoL. The meta is a safety net that tells you to stay in your lane. You have a free TP and a free blink, so there is much less consequence for your actions. Diving is virtually non-existent early because towers do a fucking million damage and tower aggro is completely retarded (something that can be manipulated in DotA). I could go on and on, DotA is simpler much more fun because the way you take control of a game is dependant on your creativity and outsmarting your opponent and leaving them one step behind.


>List of either bad things or things that aren't true
LoL players, ladies and gentlemen

Jokes on you. I actually enjoyed playing it.

On my phone but I have 1000000 hours of DotA
Get out of my face until you get on my level.

>I love cocks in my mouth the post

The turn rate is stupid everything else about dota is better than league.

This is the average dota fan


There was actually a guy i saw on a most played steam games thread that had 9000.

smash is for delusional faggots who think smash is a fighting game and don't even list starcraft whith those shitty game


i never got into dota but anything is better than heh

>another hero with multiple fucking spammy fucks added to make the game not fun


Well, which one?

>Developer doesn't have to beg the community to pay for the prize pool
Every time I see someone say this I can immediately know they're retarded.

In both games' cases, the prize pool money comes out of the developers pockets. Riot makes money by selling digital goods and pays for a prize pool. Valve makes money by selling digital goods and pays for a prize pool. The only difference is in Riot's case all the money goes into their pockets after a flat base prize pool, and in Valve's case it infinitely goes up and they put more of THEIR money made via the same exact methods as Riot into the prize pool.

Nobody can actually be this stupid, but I mean I guess if you're playing LoL you're already pretty far down the ladder

>leaguefags STILL on damage control for their half finished mess

>Smite = Smash 4

LoL = Smash 4
Smite = Brawl
HoN = PM (In that it doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned)
Dota 2 = Melee

Pick Legion you dingus


Turn rates are the reason of melee carries are viable you dipshit, ranged heroes have a big ass turn rate for a reason.

Also prevents retards from stunning you right off the bat if you get behind them.

>Your middle tower is under attack
>See seven blue colored arrows on it

>half finished mess


Don't forget that the prizepool is 1.6 million up front.

League has waifus that speak to my dick so it wins. Sorry fellas.

>Much better champion diversity
>No mobility creep
>No heroes who are completely unviable in any situation (in LoL I can think of 4 off the top of my head)
What you call bullshit mechanics are the things keeping DoTA from having the retardedly terrible balance that League has.

never actually played smite 2bh it's just newer and seemingly more well liked than league (like Smash 4 vs Brawl)


Dota better than lol in everything except waifus

>Champions have unique gameplay
>Most champions have the same moves

Stop, just stop.

>(in LoL I can think of 4 off the top of my head)
Which ones are they?

I know some champs in League are bad, I just want to know which ones you think are

Mummy mummy want to mummy in mummy's tummy

>playing mobas


League of Legends dev's gave us the word "toxic" to root out redditors.

That's the only positive thing to come from either of these games ever.

MOBA threads should be removed on site. Go to reddit seriously, not even an insult here. Go to reddit to discuss shitty games that no one likes.

>most popular games in the world
>no one likes

>Lol has a faster pace

but that's wrong you dumbass

>all in all more casual, which isn't necessarily a bad thing
when comparing any competitive games being more casual makes it inherently less interesting to watch

just look at Brood War, probably the least casual game ever made and had a fucking nuts competitive scene

Aatrox, Yorick, Mordekaiser and Skarner. Although I guess you can mostly thank CertainlyT for Mordekaiser, he managed to fuck him up even worse than before.