

Why is this allowed?

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you fell for the retro gimmick

To trick people into spending money on something that doesn't even make a difference. Just get a Trinitron off CL for $10

I don't believe you, no manufacturer would make a $500 rbg to HD converter

because retarded consumers exist, therefore companies will make money off them

alright, so what is this piece of shit supposed to accomplish?

it's 500$ for a reason
because nobody fucking buys it you autist

It's the only good one in existence

the framemeister does a ton, there's a reason it's $500


at that point might as well use a capture card, does the same thing

probably will have less input lag than that thing even

It doesnt just do that. It helps deal with lag that a regular HD tv would make if you tried a different way to plug in a retro system into a HDTV.

Retrogaming is a rabbit hole if you want to "do it right." You end up spending hundreds of dollars on shit to fix stuff that most people wouldnt realize is a problem.


I want to add that part of the reason its so expensive is that its such a niche market. Only one company makes it and you'd have to import it from Japan. There isnt competition to drive the price on this thing down.

Part of the reason why some people I know are excited about the new NES mini is because they want to see how nintendo does the plug in and play on an HDTV. It might be a cheaper way to get a high quality "authentic experience" for those select NES games on it.


Nintendo is going to just be emulating the games anyways, might as well use an emulator and play the whole library

Its possible they do more than the bare minimum and such.


This article mentions there will be different display modes. Have hope friend.

nigger if you need the highest quality possible just emulate. You use a CRT specifically for that old school feel

And people spend so much time, money, energy bitching online, energy moving the huge ass fucking TVs around, for THAT SHIT? ahahahahahahahahahha jesus, we need a cure for autism. The insane obsession of the people in this country is really disturbing. Jesus christ I can't even tell a difference hardly but my eyes suck

Some people want to run things on the original hardware and all that

There's a pretty large difference, the RGB framemeister image is sharp enough to cut glass

but yes, any normal person should just emulate

I just want a pvm guys

get a bvm you dumb nigger


Spotted the poorfag pleb

muh original hardware