Just got my first vid up, looking for some constructive criticism.
shill your content
Just got my first vid up, looking for some constructive criticism.
shill your content
Other urls found in this thread:
forgot the link, wew lad
You first
Your voice is mixed to low in the mix.
Use a font other than Impact and default Arial.
Use title slides that aren't MS Video Tier defaults.
Don't include shitty, stale memes.
Purpose of video, or the content it's supposed to represent, is not clear.
Put effort into your videos.
Use good ideas for videos, not some vague amalgamation of a let's play and let's read Sup Forums (shitpost in real time).
Don't make bait.
Kill yourself my man.
Only good part of the video was the LISA music.
one good thing is better than zero
I don't get it. What do you do on your channel? Shitpost on Sup Forums whilst playing a game in the background?
it's just predictions, the intro of the channel video isn't very indicative of what I want the channel to be about I guess
>Welcome to a channel with absolutely nothing of value
So far that's right on the money. What are you doing that makes you more watchable than the hundreds of thousands of identical content creators? You gotta have an answer man.
Could be fun if you're good with editing and come up with funny ideas to balance out your unfounded predictions. Make sure the video has something interesting going on though. Don't be like leafy or scarce or any of those idiots who think that ranting while you play CSGO is quality content.
tbqh I just want it to be more about informed predictions and maybe get a little goofy every know and then to keep things interesting. no rants.
Probably the worst thing I've ever seen.
Never reproduce.
it's just an intro video. I want to quality predictions to be the main draw. I want to create an open dialogue and the industries future.
>watch hunie pop for 30 seconds
>weirded out by your stalker voice and turn it off
Lol you need to do what OnlyAfro did in his old videos and disguise your voice
I make meme shit
So you're Fitzthistlewitz but not funny? stop being such a copycat
mildly impressed, you've got at least 75% of fitz's accent and mannerisms down. get better at editing, and some fucking originality, and you might have something
Why is Alice so perfect bro's
I do a channel with my girlfriend
It's a lot of fun, I don't really care all that much about views and shit and we're just starting out but I'm really enjoying it. Still learning to edit and use audio software and shit.
The videos with your gf are pretty cute.
A tip to anyone who is starting a channel:
1. Don't do it for profit.
2. Don't make a video saying what you will do, especially in regards to channel content.
3. Just make videos and see where it goes
Still sad about what happened to her
Thanks bro! We've been having a blast doing it.
Cut your fucking hair and shave, you hippie fuck.
Fucking this right here. You're not going to be the next pewdiepie, or fitz, or anyone. Do it because you want to, and any "trailer" showing how much you want to do it is nothing but curbing the urge before it even gets to express itself.
Give them to meDo you mean her leaving crystal castles or did something else happen to her?
>What's up guys
Did not watch past that. Just like every other youtube disgraceful beggar. I wish people never made money on youtube. It would go back to being cool videos, and not everbody under the fucking sun acting the same way to make a profit.
I found this channel HarshlyCritical a few days ago, focuses on horror games mostly, and uses a facecam, but he seems pretty legit with the reactions, and doesn't play that many meme games.
Anyone else knows about the guy? I think he's pretty chill, more channels should be like his.
>Welcome to a Channel about absolutely nothing of value
Tru dat homie.
Maybe work on your editing style, try at least to make it a little more original instead of so default looking. Also, videos with a clear direction or topic are always preferable to ones without direction or substance. A subject can help give a vid the feeling of fullness, even if its just "Today we'll talk about this!" or "Today we're playing this game!".
Work on mastering your sound better. Your voice was way too low. Make sure that the entirety of the audio is generally consistent in its level with only parts you want heard overall being louder, such as voice or certain parts of gameplay.
Don't be afraid to produce your videos. Make them good. Don't be afraid to throw in something different, like skits or some shit. Don't be afraid to not publish a video. Better off putting nothing out there than putting shit. Shit will destroy you, nothing will only hurt.
And finally, cut your goddamn hair. You look dumb.
Good luck faggot.
There was something pretty professional about this video. Not very good. But hey.
I kind of chuckled at the "children form low-income housing bit" but otherwise was unamused.
So really not bad for a faggot. 10/10
Her leaving CC killed me man, I hope she's doing ok, I swear she was going to release new music at some point?
I am completely aware of how awful this video is but I'd like some feedback anyways as I feel like I could make a much more original and creative video than this, I'd just like some feedback on the editing/technical side of things: youtube.com
Need some actual good content.
Yeah she's doing her own stuff now, not much of a fan though. Ethan found a new vocalist and they're releasing a new crystal castles album on the 19th in case you didn't know. Seems to be pretty good from what I've heard, but different from their earlier stuff with alice for sure.
What the fuck is a Kermit Suicide?
I make comp chiv montages and trigger soviet womble
it's a play on word of commit, did you not notice the frog?
gotta shill my youtube gaming montage channel
>not realising that memes are so unfunny that they became funny again in 2016
This is an outdated video
>always wanted to start a vidya blog or podcast
>post too much on Sup Forums and other boards to ever play anything
>no friends who talk about and analyze vidya like I do
>ship has probably sailed in terms of popularity anyway
your telling me you genuinly laugh at rip harambe jokes?
I know, I was only pretending
Is just for fun
the gaming channel I wanted to do didn't really work out but my regular channel is actually doing pretty poorly so there's that. I just made a neat datamosh video to a song a friend made
I'm talking about rickrolling people in 2016
why does that old person have a thing on his head
Yeah I can't wait for the new album, I'd love to see them but they barely play the UK sadly.
Haven't been uploading a lot recently. Still hope to get back into the swing of things eventually though.
the main point in my video was why jokes like "kill yourself" and "rip harambe" are trash, did you even watch all the way through? be honest now, you wont hurt my feelings
Sorry man, I saw ragecomics and stopped
to keep warm obviously
I appreciate your honesty ):
I still laugh at harambe for some reason.
I don't know, it's so silly I just find it funny, isn't that all there's to it?
This, Harambe is the kind of thing that gets better the more it's overused, like gitgud
what are you talking about senpai!?
you got any vids out there? I would love to check them out
All of this is actually so terrible it makes me ashamed for visiting the same website
No I don't have a webcam or any game footage aside from short webms I post here
I dunno, I just feel like everything's been covered in terms of the LP/game blogger space
That's an awful logo user, you can do better - you should do better.
Let me check out your vids user, I'm sure they're tons better and you are clearly superior than everyone else here
Tell Mike
Have another
I know my audio is ass but I'm working on it
Kill yourself niger