Looking for an MMORPG with somewhat challenging gameplay

Looking for an MMORPG with somewhat challenging gameplay.

nothing extreme, just something where the enemies can potentially kill you and aren't just harmless punching bags.

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no MMORPG game does that user. Else they wouldn't be MMORPGs

project 1999

vanilla wow and gw1 did it

wod and gw2 is like completely the opposite

good example for this but l'm kinda burnt out on that game

Ever tried Rust? Almost everyone you meet will try to kill you. If you don't play as a team, you're fucked. If you play as a team, still challenging.

>Looking for an MMORPG

Guild Wars 1. You will need to find a good guild if you want to play with others, though.

Vindictus? It's like a MMO but with Action RPG gameplay. If your playstyle is garbage then you will get wrecked

gw1 is pretty good but burnt out of it, looking for something new

Is it any good? I mean is the base gameplay like this or just some engame dungeons?

Yes. Vndictus is good.

>mfw this webm posting fuck made me try it
>you have to pay for everything even character customization like hairstyles
>it's deader then dead had to solo everything
>becomes a pain in the ass because i can't progress
Fuck You.

>you have to pay for everything even character customization like hairstyles
AP shop
>it's deader then dead had to solo everything
Not the east server /vg/ guild
>becomes a pain in the ass because i can't progress
unless you're at irukul literally all of the content is solo able

This. Hell, even modern EQ kills you dead without a pocket healer.

>/vg/ guild

Tera is great, but I'm sure you've just come from that.

>not wanting to be part of a comfy bro guild
This isn't WoW, kid. All the normalfag sperges got scared away by gnoll chieftain

Quit posting this shitty meme game.

It's garbage and you post the same webms in every MMO thread.

It's still the best MMO ever created.

holy shit is that game dead


something about her arms seem really off

Two people playing it does not make it an MMO.

I unironically like vindictus webbum man because he keeps these threads alive by A) posting content
B) making mad shitters bump the thread

although mabinogi > vindictus 4 lyfe

Hey Mabi bro, have you seen our version of Nemain?

If it makes you feel any better Vindick poster, after about 7 threads of your shitposting I decided to try it out knowing it's not really an MMO
Having a blast, already hit level 20. Thanks for your dedication you faggot

Have fun my man. Who are you playing?

for what reason

sometimes i feel like i should find an unusual mmo and just stick with it
from some old mmos like osrs or maplestory to shit like dofus

Oh boy here we go again

this webm is posted every day

Can't remember the name, but he has a giant pillar weapon. A ton of fun, no idea how good he is compared to everybody else, but I'm not really concerned about that right now.

>M-my game isnt dead! look at this footage of 5 people from my guild fighting in an instanced zone

She's made to be a boss only the top % of players can defeat. Ridiculously high stat reqs and special potions that can only be used in her arena. Also it's a 3 phase fight that has only been completed 6 times since it's release 2 weeks ago.

Karok! He's my favorite and he's really good.
It literally says how many people are in the raid on the left (19)

What classes/characters are considered to be top-tier in this game, or is it generally balanced well?


>Not not-Guts

Game is generally balanced well. Only character that can be considered "bad" is Lynn.

If you could dodge and not die, you're already top tier.

Not-Guts can't Clash dragons out of the air but he can parry bosses!

try tibia it has the most hardcore monsters and death punishment I've ever seen in an MMO

>Nexon's fucking face

7.6 was the last "hardcore" one

Nexon KR and CN gave everyone temporary +15 90 weapons so they can attempt it. I don't think NA is going to get the same treatment.

>Playing in a /vg/ guild ever.
>Soloing is mandatory in an online game

Lost me there. This is why the genre is dead. It's all basically singleplayer games, bad ones at that until you hit whatever the end game raid is.

>M-my game isnt dead! look at this footage of 19 people from my guild fighting in an instanced zone

Can you start using a trip so I can filter you out of every mmo thread so it doesn't end up you shilling a dead shit game

>button mashing QTEs
this game sucks ass

Trying too hard.
It's still probably the most skillful act to pull in an MMO considering if you fail you die.

is this challenging enough for you?

>avoid circles and let tank aggro while healer tries to make themselves useful
wew lad get this shit outta my thread

>t. didn't watch the video

Not even a QTE, just stamina hold.

4.0 must be a raider's dream. I could see why everyone switched from wow

>first 4 attack mechanics
>avoid circle
>avoid line
>heal this
>heal that
>FFXIV fags in charge of having difficult content

Try LaTale it's like MS but better ost and gameplay.


t. didn't watch the video

>kill towers
>avoid lines
>seperate dudes
>kill dude taking more damage
>follow this preset line
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and watching the whole video but this is casual as fuck.

Do you guys know any emulated mmos that I can play singleplayer?

Name a MMORPG with harder content.

>kill tiny meteors
>avoid circles
>kill big meteor
>heal heal heal
>move guy across the arena
>tank the hit for your fuccboi healer
Dragon Nest, faggot. The first big boy raid on the easiest difficulty took 6 months to complete

Not him, but as a Dragon Nest player that shit is a bad example. The fight was broken as fuck and the game has some of the worst netcode in an MMORPG.


Sorry. Just get a vpn.

Phantasy Star Online 2

Yeah I was trying to, but after 30 minutes of fucking around with it, it was way too much trouble for a dumb me to enjoy the game.

Is there a private server or some gay shit like that? Or even better NOT nexon server?

Just Stop posting this shitty game every time.

and Fuck you.

I dropped out before Ep 4 came in, is the new content worth jumping back in for?

Hahahahaha, we know Tibia nowadays is a shit because of the stupid updates, but the community is still alive bro.
hail tibia


Try Medivia.org OP, is the essence of the old HARDCORE Tibia.

If there were a private server Vindictus would factually be the best MMO ever released.

>you will never live through your first time Annihilator and Pits of Inferno ever again

Every time I come into mmo thread to find something for myself to enjoy I see blade n soul and your webms or vinductus. Both games that I can't enjoy. It makes me sad.

Blade and Soul isn't anything special

learn to route fagbottoms

never ever again

It's not enough of a reward for me to learn how to do that.
I'm gonna waste my time learning that and then I am gonna waste my time playing mmo.
It's like you never win.
Just call nexon gay and you'll make my life better.


You are losing nothing user, BnS is just muh action and gimmicks, open world pvp is a joke, item progression and content get stale really quick.

I mean it can be fun at times but the fact that you have to play it like its your second job to get anywhere is fucking retarded.


>It's not enough of a reward for me to learn how to do that.
>I'm gonna waste my time learning that and then I am gonna waste my time playing mmo.
>"I literally cant fucking open the CMD and type in one command"
Thank ye be blessed gods, the less lazy buttwads the better.

what's this pic of?

Pettanko Park, if I recall