When will you guys admit that video games have been dead for years?
When will you guys admit that video games have been dead for years?
Not for the foreseeable future, because that would be a lie.
New games are still being released OP, good games still get released, OP. Why don't you tell me how you define 'dead' first, kiddo.
stop buying AAA meme stuff then
>born in le wrong generation: videogames edition
Video games these days just don't do it for me man. I miss the era of good games like Bubsy and Vexx.
>Games will never be this fun again
Man it's like admitting you've been dead for years yourself you know it's true but you'll never admit it man.
Ok list me 10 good games from the two years that arent
>AAA memeshit
>dead on arrival early acess
>8 or 16bit indieshit
Talk for yourself, video games are still fun and I've been playing games for 27 years.
when i finish my backlog
Wrong, video games live inside my heart. I can pick up and play older games.
No matter how grim things may seem, we always have the older stuff.
Hating everything including yourself is not a legitimate critique
doom made me feel alive
>tfw backlog is getting shittier year after year and now there are only average games in it.
Expand your horizons, learn about new old systems, shove ROMs.
Hidden gems are everywhere.
For me at least, there's been roughly one great game a year. That's actually a great rate and probably better than movies and TV Shows.
Witcher 3 was good
I've been emulating since windows 95/98. I've already played most games I've wanted to.
Personally it's been 3 games /year, 2 movies /year, 1 book /year, and 0.5 shows /year
Soon we will have to play sports. Ohhh noooooo *snorts and pushes up glasses*
when I finally stop getting any semblance of enjoyment out of them.
The games you know.
Check that romhacking site to see the translated stuff you never had any idea existed because nihon only.
The internet is what killed videogames
it brought normies and dlc and they salted the video game fields
I have played them too. Games like Wonder Project J, Terranigma, etc, were fucking great but most of the time the games are average or the translation suck or isn't complete. Are there unofficially translated games for dolphin or pcsx2 yet?
They have never been better and Ive been playing since DOS