ITT: Games you don't like, but the user under you likes it and plays it religiously

ITT: Games you don't like, but the user under you likes it and plays it religiously


Got some faggot normie friend who swears this is the second coming, fuck off Richard i will never buy Ubisoft again after Watch Dogs.

>he bought no mans sky

>like the Idea
>fall for the hype because all my friends tell me they're going to buy it
>got a job and a new flat a month before release so I have more than enough dosh over
>buy it for PC go home, set everything up to have the comfiest experience a single man can have
>join Teamspeak
>ask them if they're playing
>ask them for their IGN's
>can't find them
>they all bought it for the PS4

I am immune to hype after Watch Dogs and MGSV, like fuck i did.


Why did you buy it , user? Did you support Mighty no. 9 as well?


I bought it because it looked good, and i fell for the hype. I never have and never will back anything on kickstarter or buy into early access.




lo and behold its goddhoward himself

Pic related.





I don't play video games.


>"we need shit cards so we appreciate the good ones"
>"more than 9 deckslots are confusing for new players"
>not acknowledging that there is a meta
>not even trying to balance the game because "there is no meta"
>forcing Beast Druid for 3 or so expansions now, still not even close to being a decent deck
>all quests other than "watch and learn" are based around winning games
