My edgelord friend posted this a while ago so I decided to make it a template

My edgelord friend posted this a while ago so I decided to make it a template.

Basically, photoshop my memeing friend into some video games.

please, fuck off

What was he pointing his gun at originally

tell your idiot friend to start lifting and dressing better, goddamn

>My edgelord friend
That's you isn't it?

I wish I could photoshop this thread into videogames

Trust no one, not even yourself

>lol heres a random picture of my friend, please make him a meme xD

Why isn't lurking moar a requirement anymore?

How can a person have arms that thin with that large of a torso?


Why are all white people so autistic?

It's mostly shirt from what I can see.


What the fuck is wrong with his upper body?


why the fuck is his torso so wide?

His torso isn't large. He just wears very loose clothing and perspective + his arm extended makes it look like he's big.

Does this look like facebook to you?


please have him visit /fa/ and /fit/

whats wrong with his body?


>memes can be anything these days

Here have a new meme and post it on tumblr, reddit, 9gag, facebook, gamefaqs, and let it get put on the news.

You will get better results in Sup Forums


I'm actually really sad that people are assuming that I'm trying to force a meme when really I just want to poke fun at my friend.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Forced meme is forced

Fifty Hitler post anyone? Pretty please? Bury this shit six feet under aryan fury,the likes of which the world has never seen before

Does we even have mods?



