Tell me what you hate in video games Sup Forums

Tell me what you hate in video games Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

save scumming
fast travel



>Give you a big open world to explore
>tons of things to do
>put you one a time limit

Why do you keep remaking this thread to post this shitty gif?

>fast travel

fbpb but you're gonna get a lot of hate

Christ, Sup Forums has been awful this month.

Cutscenes in rockstar made games.

>''hard'' is really just you grinding more.


>forced to walk ultra slow
>not disabling controls during dialogue instead

>thus month

Bullet sponge enemies.

Fuck you

Sup Forums actually hates :
>video games
>having fun with video games
>watching video games
>playing video games
>each other

Changing the difficulty to hard only gives the enemies more health.


Because it results in you skipping the adventure.

top lel

playable characters locked behind a pay wall when the game isn't free to play.

it's not Thursgay yet!!

Gachimuchi thread?

no random encounters

>tons of clothing/armor to choose from to look fancy
>most are ugly or don't even go well together
>have to go with the only decent choice which is the posterboy clothing

Nee- aniki

every day is thursgay

>save scumming
Randomness in games is retarded tho

I hate video games

a best

F1 and F2 are literal GOAT

Game company buys a franchise while the original developers were making a game and cancels it. Fuck you Todd.

the time limit's barely noticeable in 1 and there isnt really a time limit in 2

>Awesome characters full of personality and guff
>The boring ones are the ones that actually become important / don't die


Fuck you.

useless content
aka, collectibles that serve no purpose other than to waste my time

forced romance
dev hyping gay romance
rehashed dungeons
cliffhanger endings
cut content made into DLC
not enough options (AA on/off etc)
no updates after release
horrible optimization and never ever fixed
lousy porting job
pad controls are default on when starting the game
shows pad controls even though using KB/mouse
checkpoint "achievements" and achievements in general
valve not making Half-life 3
DNF was released before HL3
dev's lying out of their asses of games features

It's still there

>time limits
>no creativity in enemies
>no creativity in weapons
>no creativity in special abilities (i.e. you can make time slow down and shoot better , wow...)
>repetitive puzzles
>repetitive gameplay
>QTE that if you can't complete , you can't advance in the game
>no markers/radar/arrow/anything to show where I need to go , i'm retarded so i often end up making whole tours of maps
>shitty stories
>game sometimes fills me with healthpacks , armor etc. when I don't need it , sometimes i'm running on 25 health towards enemies with rocket launchers and I find nothing



so you don't like dark souls?

never played it

>Huge ass novels of text telling us about the game plot, how to play, what to do, best strats, and why you're invested.
>Bright cheery voices telling me how to play the game.
>Gameplay literally pauses while the tutorial explains what to do.
>Tutorial is unskippable.

We've had people go through years of game design, and we're starting to get little babby game designers who should know better go out into the industry. Even if your on a project with retarded monkeys there shouldn't be an excuse to make tutorials this fucking bad.

Oh, and also...

>Ham fisted nods to other games oh look at you gamer nudge nudge wink wink we play games to teh caek is a lie XD

are we posting good gachimuchi? collection is not complete without a classic

Many current console games don't give you an option to customize button setup for controllers. I'm not sure if it's an easy or hard feature to add to a game, but it bothers me that some older games have it but most new games don't.

More and more focus on multi-player. Games that are not presented as something to play (as thought it were a game of football), but rather as something to experience/do, is regarded as a "movie."

In general, the lack of realism when it can be added and it would help the game to be more immersive and thus fun.

>enemy corpses dissapearing
>lack of animations for some basic actions
>respawning destructible objects
>magic inventories

Some user said something very insightful: movies should focus on the plot, and games on the action, and nowdays, people in charge of both are doing the respective opposite.

Bikini Plate Armor
Combat Heels
Oversized weapons
Dual wielding


Artificial difficulty like Dark Souls

Fantasy games where the magic system doesn't work well for direct damage casters.

Lack of good automatic weapons in games with guns.

"Quirky" characters.

Having to double-tap to do something.

Open world games with small maps that have ginormous cliffs and mountains which force you to walk the long way round and create the illusion of a bigger map

Those people have friends and hobbies they're passionate about. I don't have either.

Crappy Shotguns in fps
Can't move your character in the air, even a little, when you jump
slow walk when on comms unit (Gears of War, Vanquish)
Game has 4 weapons, 3 of them are the same (God of War)
Pop ups every 20 seconds that stop you from playing at the start of the game
Tutorial that only allows you to do things it has already shown you(i.e. can't jump before it says "push SPACE to jump")
Survival game, doesn't tell you when a container is empty.
Shitty short slow rolling animation

>Game has 4 weapons, 3 of them are the same (God of War)
Yeah, God of War 3 was really bad about that. Out of all the alternate weapons, only one of them doesn't behave almost identically to the Blades of Exile you start with.