How would you balance this map?
How would you balance this map?
everybody gets a gun
Map is pretty good in higher MMR comp games. Payload maps can go fuck off though, they always end in a coin flip.
Take away the walls at the front of the final control point
Wins have to be earned on 2CP maps. Any half-decent team will always win Attack on Payload, bringing EVERY SINGLE GAME TO SUDDEN DEATH GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
okay what if everyone gets a gun AND they can shoot the gun?
Why doesn't Overwatch use a back and force push payload system like Splatoon instead of making it one way?
Raise the right-hand path on the final point so it overlooks the objective.
what if everyone can shoot their gun... at the same time?!
Remove it along with Hanamura. Fuck these two shitty maps.
And fuck the shitty point contestation.
I think they should alter or make the corridor path on the left side bigger. Also, so the enemy team can't just dump right out into that hallway.
The whole end point is way too narrow.
make it so that second point is slightly bigger and wider so there are actual hard to cover flank routes that people can use, or remove the wall blocking the attacking right side facing spawn so they can have a good way of flooding in thats not a shitty little walk way or a hole that the enemy can spam into
Remove all maps that aren't koth.
but Vulvassia is ok?
For some reason I don't have as much problem with it as the other two. But we can remove it too.
Keep the payload and KoTH maps only.
I've noticed that when playing with rando's it's uncommon for people to take advantage of the side paths. I agree that they should do something to incentivize players to go there.
A/D maps in general
>first point
>defending team locks down the choke point
>if they have a symettra they will hold the point otherwise they will get picked off and lose it immediately
>second point
>Team captures first point then rushes second point with 5-6 ults stored up and all are released in succession on a team that has just spawned
>if they don't push the point immediately the game turns into a stalemate where the defending team has to build up ult to counter there ult pushes
>attacking team wins when they get that team wiping ult off EG: zaryas ult
There’s a passive pushback for Defense but players can't stack to speed it up and only a shitter team full of snipers actually lets that happen.
You forgot
>Defending team keeps picking up annoying fucking heroes like DVa, Rein, Tracer, Winston, Mei to stall
Why the fuck there such a big area of the map open at the start nobody ever defends. The only line for Point A is the little market stalls area.
They need to fix
But why have a dedicated offense and defense round instead of each time pushing the payload equally hard when in control of it?
So like SD is gone next season, that pretty much means all high ranking matches are going to end in a draw (unless they want to judge the winner a different way like maybe which team gets the better time?) If that's the case, both teams better get competitive points or competitive is going to be even more of a waste of time.
Replace the coin flip with a King-of-the-Hill round.
Unlimited ammo with a short TTK was a mistake
Because then the game doesn't come down to a coinflip to artificially enforce a 50/50 winrate.
Why do you think at higher ELO the attacking side ALWAYS wins the round, thus forcing EVERY match to go to sudden death, thus making the team that gets offense in round 3 the winner?
the issue is that no matter which path you take on second point anubis, you don't get a notable vantage point either way and its in plain sights for the enemy to see. In something like hanamura the top right balcony is a very strong high ground and anubis doesn't have anything similar to that
Remove it from the game entirely
Completely erase it from existence out of spite and fire whoever thought of the map in the first place.
Absolute worst map.
They do this in competitive tournaments, just compare how fast they get to the end.
Oh I wish
Because then they wouldn't be able to artificially lengthen gameplay by forcing 2 games per match.
Remove the shitty hidey hole behind point B
Add overlooking ledges flanking either side of point B that are accessible via stairs.
Anubis has the balcony above the 1st point which a torb or bast can ruin the enemy rein from as he runs under the bridge.
Wouldn't you want shorter games so the player base plays more of them a day to make the game more habit forming?
this please.