So how bad do you think this is gonna be?
So how bad do you think this is gonna be?
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it's weird how similar the trailer is to the music video to the song used for the trailer.
A lot of rope and rope metaphors so I'm thinking 10/10
On a scale of 1-Bad? Bad.
How the fuck is this game even going to play? I'm most interested in that.
Looks like he's had a massive orgy in the dirt or is a turkish mud wrestler
Hopefully both
I'll keep cumming
No, he is a prototype of latex-covered ubermensch with skills of invisibility.
It's Kojima without Konami trying to fuck him over at every turn, so probably quite good actually
An absolutely retarded story with hopefully good gameplay a la MGSV.
Or he's old and his imagination shivered.
>Ellen Page starts sueing because players found her nude model in that shitty PS3 game
>Norman Reedus has full on nudity except Penis and is fine with it
>Joost was just Eye candy for the player and she loved working for MGS5 and she's totally fine with her character having bigger tits and hips
Kojima must be a charming individual.
>with hopefully good gameplay a la MGSV
Nice shit taste right here
Even MGS4 had more things in terms of gameplay
I think it'll be dope. I've been waiting for Kojima to drop MGS since 3.
reedus beenis
I hate MGSV with a passion but even I have to give it credit for its gameplay.
Every MGS past 2 has had good gameplay though.
Haha :)
>good gameplay
haha fuck you
The sole reason MGSV was a disappointment was because Konami forced it out the door half finished
>give it credit for its gameplay.
But why? The gameplay is repetitive and easy as fuck due to terrible enemy ai and regeneration health, Not even with reflex mode and tagging off does MGSV get anywhere close to engaging.
On some level I've enjoyed every Kojima game even when they weren't exactly good
Another "basedkojima"-fucker
And because kojima spent all his budget on actors and 80's music instead of finishing the fucking game
of course konami forced it out the door after five goddamned years
>PS4 exclusive
Confirmed to be a masterpeice
Does anyone even know what genre it's going to be? Honestly I can't say if it's going to be shit or not.
Shitposting answer: it's going to be fucking garbage, kojima is a hack, norman reedus and his norman fetus
I don't think kojima is able to fund himself.
It's coming to PC tho
Described by Kojima as an "action" game.
No idea what that means or how it'll play. I guess we can expect guns and melee and probably some unique mechanic related to "stranding".
It's not repetitive in the slighest. The empty world and the missions are, but there are a few shining hubs that are a joy to sneak around (like the airport). If you tackle the missions differently every time you'll have a much better experience.
That didn't stop me from getting halfway through the game without firing a single bullet from a lethal weapon though, what a mistake that was.
>E3 2016
>Kojima enters the Sony press conference
>Kojima is still on Konami
>The new trailer reveals that Death Stranding is in fact Silent Hills: Death Stranding
trash like every other game ever made on the planet, video games suck.
E3 2017*
>he actually believes this shit
Kojima was given 5 years and $80 billion to complete the game.
And what did Kjoima do in that time? He blew half the budget on pointless shit like Joostem and Sutherland rather than actually making the game.
Don't even get me started on the story, no amount of chapters could ever fix how pants-on-head retarded it was.
MGSV was an exercise in Kojima fellating himself with a disregard for common sense.
Death Stranding will be shit and Sony will be driven to bankruptcy by Kojima's autistic fantasies, I guarantee it.
Does it even matter?
>If it's good we'll get a good game
>If it's bad Kojima will fuck off from the videogame industry
I guess you're right. Worst case scenario is if it turns out to be mediocre.
>$80 billion
Please tell me that was a typo and you don't actually believe that
Don't care as long as they put more male nudity
no way man rescue the high ranking soldier 47 was totally well throught out and memoriable and Defeat the armored vehicles 92 really amped up the difficulty
That's going to be the Gamescom reveal retard.
He still has a point. The budget numbers for this game must have been fucking insane.
I really don't know what to think about this, but I don't have high hopes. I like Reedus though, so we'll see.
Is kojima ever going to show off some gameplay at gamescom?
How can I even begin to guess that when we haven't seen anything relating to a game yet
We've seen a fucking music video
That's it
It might not even really be an in-engine music video
so is this game basically the full release of P.T. (silent hills)?
Isn't Silent Hills a Konami thing?
Not sure about the gameplay but he'll reveal MGS5 and the Death Stranding / Silent Hills connection.
why is Billy Cyrus going to be in Kojimas movie?
>silent hills
He's already said it's an "action game" for "people who liked uncharted and assassin's creed"
Did they ever pick an engine?
>he doesn't know
Hope they go back to using a filmic framerate for their next few games. AND NO PC PORTS, pirates don't deserve good Kojima games.
That's deep
do you think we'll see the reedus penis in game?
looked like exaggeration to me chuck
user, there's no connection. Death Stranding it's a completely different game, you're talking about the similarities
it wasn't. they're still making an engine
Remember when everyone thought Tim Schafer was the shit but he was being held back by publishers who wouldn't let him do what he wanted to in his games, then he freed himself from the publishers, and it turns out he's terrible without a publisher forcing him to actually keep shit going?
What if Kojima is the same?
>If you tackle the missions differently every time you'll have a much better experience.
There is no reason to do anything but what the mission objective requires, which is performed by either going in killing everyone in sight, which you can do from a vantage point or from a closer range, or to sneak in. Any other strategy is pointless as the a.i. is terrible and hardly ever reacts in a realistic fashion and your own options are too small.
On top of that, the mission objectives are repetitive and so are most of the locations, resulting in a game that is repetitive. On top of that, missions are literally rehashed, so that only adds to the repetition.
Just imagine if you actually had options to tackle objectives in different ways.
>several guard points are around a large compound
>guards report in frequently to the base
>if a guard doesn't report back, a first alarm is started and the base goes in a lockdown
>neutralize one guard point but for one person
>tie him up and put quiet on him
>tell him if he doesn't report in normally, quiet will kill him
>get a disguise from one of the neutralized guards
>go to the base and ask for a medic telling you have stomach pains
>complete your objective while in the base and get out
This would be actual variation in gameplay, not different ways of killing NPC 198498.
And fyi, some of these features were actually in previous MGS games, you know, the good ones. Instead, what we got from MGSV is not an evolution of the series, but the streamlining for the modern gamer who likes openworld shit like Assassin's Creed.
You fucking people are so delusional.
Kojima is shit. He has great ideas, but he is shit. He had a wonderful team behind him though.
Look at MGS 1-4. All great games, but they weren't just Kojima's. He had people on his team who's main job was to stop Kojima from going full retard. That's why they turned out great.
Want an example of Kojima with full reins and assloads of resources? look at the fiasco that is MGS5.
He's shit.
The radio in PT talks about the men floating in the sky and how the father in PT hanged himself with an umbilical cord.
Pretty bad.
Kojima made a few good MGS games, and then turned to pretentious shit.
>you will never have a MGS game with the setting and awesomeness of MGS1 with the open world gameplay of MGSV
You guys don't actually believe this, do you?
Metal Gear Solid V is done. Silent Hills is cancelled. Konami aren't making games anymore, except shitty pachinko machines.
I hope Norman Reedus shows his Norman Peenus while cradling his Norman Fetus.
>get 100% completion
>never touch it again
The other MGS did the exact same things let's not kid ourselves here. There's always an optimal way of beating these games, and it usually requires no thought or imagination whatsoever. I know of multiple friends that beat MGS3 just by spamming the tranquilizer while laying prone. MGSV does have that variation, it just requires a bit of planning by the players part, which is admiteddly yet another fault of the game since such things should come organically from how the player plays.
Just like me with ur mom last night
Norman's peenus
Low blow
No more jokes please
>You guys don't actually believe this, do you?
>The radio in PT talks about the men floating in the sky and how the father in PT hanged himself with an umbilical cord.
Don't believe this? But it's what happens you fucking retard.
Except there was no one to fuck with him in Konami too because he was their fucking vice president, no one could say anything to him
>implying he isn't just taking themes he wanted to use in silent hills but couldn't into his new game
You can't be this autistic, right?
>There's always an optimal way
Nobody is talking about the optimal way. In the previous MGS games there was a lot of variation due to the mission design, objectives, and enemy ai. MGSV simply lacks that and doesn't give you the option to fill it in by getting disguises, by manipulating the enemy ai or base, or anything.
>MGSV does have that variation
Why don't you provide an actual scenario in MGSV that deviates from "attack enemies in base" or "sneak into base".
Nice try, cant wait to see you non believers get BTFO at gamescom.
What's there to know? I could of swore Konami shilled that shit out to everyone and ripped it from Kojo. Why would they let him have it back? I mean he could make a Silent Hills esq game, but it would be 'Silent Hills'.
it's an action game, he's said so in a couple interviews.
all these loli hands silhouettes
It's how you do it that matters. I clearly stated the missions were repetitive as fuck, but they're probably the only times where the AI is somehow reactive to your actions: you can stop patrols halfway through to alleviate sneaking into a base, or interrogate a single key soldier while leaving the rest unharmed, or disabling the AA turrets beforehand so you can call in Pequod and extract in the middle of the action. You also have a lot of options for dealing with enemies, which for some people (not much for me) is a huge plus.
When I say variation I'm clearly referring to how you tackle things in the game, I have never claimed these "things" were varied or even interesting.
More like Low Roar.
Straight up bad
Anyone who thinks the mess that is MGSV was konami's fault is delusional. No schedule and no amount of money would rectify the absurd decisions made for that game.
Just promise me this denialfags, when you play death stranding and its shit, finally admit kojima is a hack.
>le buttbaby thread
Simply epic.