Last game that did all this ended up being unfinished and the blunder of a century..
the phantom pain is still there and 30th november it will get even worse
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the game is already pretty much finished, buddy.
they'll just improve it even further.
At least if XV ends up unfinished, Tabata/Nomura are still at SE to make new content be it DLC or a sequel
Kojima was fired before MGSV even came out
So any hope for new content went out the window
False equivalence.
Square Enix is not Konami. SE cares far more about quality and they integrate project management far more into their corporate network. SE wouldn't have redone FF14 if they didn't care. Kojima was able to pour money into useless things like expensive voice actors, open world, a new engine, an original soundtrack full of vocals and orchestra pieces plus copyrighted songs, and expensive mocap because the corporate management of Konami is so far removed from project management. Konami had the option to push MGSV back to November which would probably improve the ending (not by much), but they decided against it, where as SE is very willing to push the release back by two months, and they'll probably keep doing it until its up to their quality standards.
Anyone who touches Final Fantasy after they introduced Lightning has only themselves to blame when every game is shit.
Of course they would say that.
It's even sadder considering the Uncovered event, and the E3 blunder.
How fucking embarrassing.
Final Fantasy is good though.
>they'll just improve it even further.
More like ruin it further.
Yea it is "finished". But not in the sense that you mean.
What E3 blunder? I didn't watch it
>idiots who eat this shit up still STILL fucking exist after all these years
Are you from the past?
>Are you from the past?
Yes but I'm also from the present.
Oh, well I guess you've confused past FF with modern FF.
Witcher 3 got delayed for a year combined
its delayed so people with no internet can get the day 1 patch.
this is exactly what they said about phantom pain
>the game is finished, just polishing
It's delayed because Tabata and is overcrowded team are completely useless.
What the fuck is that
It looks like pre alpha
What the fuck is even going on in this game?
No not really. I even play and enjoy FFXIV. Been playing it since 2010 when the original version came out. Original FFXIV sucked but since ARR its been good.
Only 1 guy makes the game. The others mess around and take pictures
First post always best post.
>that rock photoshoot tweet
>he plays F2P MMOs
>tells others to kill themselves
loving every laugh you pleb
>implying I play MMOs
Nice try though moron.
Someone needs to reverse this
I wonder how many FF fans will commit suicide by the end of this year.
Then why would you even bring up the paid part? Paid MMOs are the only ones worth playing. But you're just some retard MMO hater because you're an anti-social friendless faggot as is evident by your posting in the thread.
Lmao, what are you, poor? Ask your mommy and save up your GBP and maybe you can play with the big boys too.
>Paid MMOs are the only ones worth playing.
So, WoW and FFXIV? You mean that is worth playing? Fucking hilarious.
Because paying a subscription to play a game as FUCKING RETARDED.
Finally I have a reason to post this
>because you're an anti-social friendless faggot
>coming from an MMO fanboy
Nah WoW is shit, but subscriptions are the only way to ensure you don't get droves of shitter F2Pers like BRs and it ensures you're actually going to be getting content.
You pay for the new content you're getting you fucking retard. I know WoW doesn't add new content more than once a year but FFXIV gets major patches every three months and minor ones between. You pay for the new content.
So did Inafune every time, but it's ok when Squeenix does it.
>implying liking MMOs means I'm an MMO fanboy
Are you actually retarded? Also MMOs are fun if you're not a literal sperging autist and can make friends.
You can make threads like this all you want. It won't change the fact that FFXV will be GOTY, and a modern masterpiece that will place on every "greatest of all time" list. You'll see.
>to ensure you don't get droves of shitter F2Pers like BRs
BRs? Sorry, I don't see any of those on the Japanese/Korean servers. Why would you play anywhere else?
>ensures you're actually going to be getting content
It actually doesn't. Either way, everything more or less gets content.
And FFXIV's gameplay is utter shit.
That's the spirit! Keep that head held up high and take in SEs shit
>And FFXIV's gameplay is utter shit.
No it isn't.
And you'd be surprised. Most F2P MMOs go forever without getting actual new content. FFXIV adds tons of fucking content on the regular.
>playing on moon rune servers where YOU become the annoying BR-tier player
Yeah, thanks but no thanks.
None if you're smart. FF15 will do everything it needs to do, and it will do it well. Good graphics, amazing music, fun locales to explore and cool monster design. Let's be honest, FF has never been about the gameplay. FF15 having shit gameplay isn't some revolutionary thing when there's only one (1) mainline FF that ever had good gameplay and that was FFX. Everything else is garbage and this is just another degree of that.
I know. These naysayers and haters are going to be eternally shamed on the 29th of November.
Honestly, FFXIII had the best gameplay in the franchise, but that isn't saying much.
Maybe November was correct after all and the screen just fucked up?
> Most F2P MMOs go forever without getting actual new content. FFXIV adds tons of fucking content on the regular.
FF14 is not F2P. It's P2P, so it's kinda expected of them to add content at a regular basis. And they failed that pretty badly. Post-Heavensward updates have been few and far in between and not very satisfying.
>29th of November.
For now. Give it a couple months
>You pay for the new content you're getting you fucking retard
Didn't you purchase the game already initially? Why do you need to give them more money?
Oh right, because you're an idiot.
You may be right, I haven't played FF13 far enough to have on opinion on it. I just liked how in FFX what character you used vs certain monsters actually mattered, at least in the beginning. Of course this sours up eventually and turns into total shit once you break the damage limit, but it was pretty good until then.
>I'm not a fanboy!
>defending your shitty MMO this hard
Yeah okay.
>And they failed that pretty badly. Post-Heavensward updates have been few and far in between and not very satisfying.
This is an outright lie. Heavensward followed the same content distribution as ARR did. ARR also had a delay before the first content patch because of server issues. Heavensward had a similar delay, and every patch since has had a 3-month period between it, just like ARR. It's really no different at all and anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.
>I even play and enjoy FFXIV
So basically you're a drone.
I'd rather make friends in the real world, thanks.
>purchase game
>get multiple hours of content per dollar
>pay subscription
>get even more content hours per dollar
>somehow this is getting ripped off
No. You're the idiot. If I'm getting more than an hour of entertainment per dollar, it's a fucking steal. A lot of games come out nowadays and don't even have 60 hours of content and yet you pay that much for the game.
>durr if you like something I don't you're a drone
Too bad you can't make friends in the real world either.
This is actually the first delay
And delay only means good thing in the end
If MGSV released this year instead it would have been finished.
>tons of fucking content
>only 2 dungeons, one which uses rehashed assets from a previous dungeon, 1 trial, 4 "raid" bosses per patch and one gimmick instance that gets abandoned a week later
Wow, tons of content right there.
I've said it before, I'll say it again:
I don't mind them delaying it for two months and I wouldn't have minded them delaying it for four months. If they feel like they need the time to deliver the game they want to deliver then by all means, they should take it. Many games have suffered from being released prematurely and I don't want this one to be among them.
But: They had an entire event dedicated to the announcement of a release date that they couldn't keep. That was arrogant of them. Pure hubris. It's the kind of thing you only do when you're really, really sure you can deliver. Now, maybe something unexpected happened, they found some gamebreaking bug in the last minute, something of that sort... still. If theres is even a remote chance of something like that happening you don't fucking throw a party to announce your release date!
It's not a lie. They even added a whole new UNIQUE class for free pre-ARR. The Heavensward classes weren't even unique, Astrologist was especially shitty and lame.
FF XV is going to be better than ever now that it's going to receive two extra months of polishing and optimization. If there had been a few tiny bugs in the 30th Sep release (which is normal for any AAA game) then you miserable fucks would have complained about there NOT being a delay. I strictly recommend that you keep your whining to yourself from now onwards deluded faggot OP.
>So did Inafune every time, but it's ok when Squeenix does it.
No, it's only ok when Tabata does it because he's not a hack.
>No it isn't.
It absolutely is.
>>playing on moon rune servers where YOU become the annoying BR-tier player
>look, I'm projecting
Maybe try not being a fucking faggot.
>You pay for the new content
No, you pay for the service. You're not entitled to any updates.
>ensures you're actually going to be getting content
>I know WoW doesn't add new content more than once a year
So, what's your point, again? You're delusional if you think F2PMMO don't have updates, especially over the course of a year.
>"free" class
>in a subscription based MMO
>pay subscription
I love how asshurt you are over your shitty financial obligation though. Further proof you are a fanboy drone.
This is the acceptance stage is it? That was fast.
Quite sad how hard you're trying to convince yourself everything will be okay even though it's all fallen apart.
>This is actually the first delay
I know this is bait, but still
Funny you bring up MGSV.
They said the exact same thing. Oh it's done, we just need more time to polish it lmao.
You're falling for it again.
They only ever announced one release date you dumbfuck. They delayed it for the first time.
>if I ignore all the other shit that gets added it'll seem like they barely add anything
For the most part they only recycle environment assets for hard modes BECAUSE IT'S IN THE SAME FUCKING PLACE. The dungeon path is different, the aesthetics are different because shit went down there and that's why you're back, the enemies are different, the bosses are different. If it weren't for it being you returning to a location, it would be fair to consider it an entirely new dungeon. But instead it's like, 90% a new dungeon.
>I don't care about side content and anything other than dungeons so I'll just ignore all of that because I'm a faggot
>No, you pay for the service. You're not entitled to any updates.
What the fuck do you think they do with the money? Part of it funds new content, you retard.
>It absolutely is.
Oh it is just because you say so? Yeah, no. Fuck off retard.
>Maybe try not being a fucking faggot.
You first.
>he thinks the nips and coreans don't hate the fuck out of his foreigner ass being on their servers
Delusional as fuck.
>implying it's an obligation and not a choice
How fucking stupid are you? I'm getting baited aren't I?
>This is actually the first delay
>FF XV is going to be better than ever now
Their poor little minds have been broken.
MGS was polished as fuck. They just fired Kojima before he could finish the story.
MGSV had the whole drama with Kojima, I doubt Tabata is starting a mutiny.
>ten years of development hell
>th-this is actually the f-first delay, r-retard
I pity you subnormal AIDS sufferers.
>implying it's an obligation and not a choice
You have no choice but to pay if you want to keep playing the game you already bought at retail price. It's an obligation, and you're a colossal idiot in denial.
Rehashing is still rehashing, retard.
>all the other shit
You mean all the shitty story and sidequests that are over in less than an hour and are non repeatable or all the artificial grinds that involve already existing content? Wow so much fucking content indeed.
>moving goalposts
You're pathetic as hell
>This is actually the first delay
people have died waiting for this game for the past decade
>SE cares
>tfw no time amount that tryhards rationalize their bitter hate for 10 years and 2 extra fucking months will stop making this game nothing but glorious
Delicious Christmas, Happy Times
>MGS was polished as fuck
It was also unfinished as fuck.
Definitely the first delay due to Tabata. Not his fault Nomura is a massive hack.
Goalposts? What goalposts? Did you not know the game was announced 10 years ago, AIDS babby?
at least he's worked on good games and created KH which is a massive success
what has tabata done
crisis core?
turd birthday?
don't make me fucking laugh
I pay for it until I don't want to play it anymore, therefore it's not an obligation. Just how fucking dumb are you?
It's called recycling, and recycling is a good thing when done correctly. This is one of the few instances of recycling being done correctly in an MMO. Most of the time your hard mode dungeon would just be enemies at a higher level with more HP, more damage, and maybe a new move thrown in for each of them.
>not a hack
3rd Birthday/Crisis Core/Type-0 fans have a special place place reserved in hell for them
>Part of it funds new content, you retard.
Yet you're not entitled to it, retard.
>Oh it is just because you say so?
No, it's because it's a shitty WoW clone with hotbar combat.
>>he thinks the nips and coreans don't hate the fuck out of his foreigner ass being on their servers
So you just hate when BRs are on western servers for no real reason? Even if they play just fine and have a decent connection? Are you brain damaged?
Witcher 3 shills again shit talking while your own game is badly broken and looks like a PS3 game.. I'd rather wait 10 years for a good game than couple years smelling shitpile that Witcher 3. Who ever likes that piece of shit should be shot.
>have to pay to play
>it's not an obligation
Go away XV kunis
Development hell =/= Delay
No release date was given other than 30th Sep. A game can be in development for 100 years. Doesn't mean that it has ever been delayed. I feel bad knowing that genuinely retarded imbeciles such as yourself have infested this board.
If I want to play then it's not a big deal to pay a small fee to help fund more content. If I don't went to play, I have no obligation to continue giving them money.
You should really acquaint yourself with the definition of obligation before you go throwing it around like you have been.
Spoken like a true assblasted final fantasy fuccboi
Tabata has never made a good game
>it's not a big deal
>If I want to play then I have to pay
Thanks for clearing up that you're still obligated to pay2play.
Here's your (YOU)
>Tabata explained, "Our objective with [Final Fantasy XV] was to deliver a Final Fantasy of the highest possible quality, to every single person who buys the game. We have completed the Master Version, but when it comes to that highest possible quality, we felt that we had not quite reached this standard yet." Tabata added that his team is creating a day-one patch for the game, but stated he knows not everyone can access this patch since it requires an Internet connection. He decided therefore that "it might be a mistake just to deliver the Master Version we have finished to everyone," and said he and his team would "wind up regretting it" releasing the game with the current Master Version.
>stated he knows not everyone can access this patch since it requires an Internet connection.
So he is implying someone who owns a PS4 might not own an Internet this is one of the laziest damage control ever
>using Mighty Blunder 9 as a comparison for anything except for how not to develop a game