Giving out free steam game codes! I've got 10 to give out.
To qualify for a free game, either post something that actually makes me laugh, or if you're not creative enough, tits with time stamp.


how's this



Here you go 3DTG6-X3GXW-MK7H8


Thanks op,

Nah man, make yourself laugh.

I'm gonna listen to some Jethro Tull

probably some shit games

You made me laugh :)

inb4 10 copies of bad rats


Email me the code m8

People are gonna, and did, swipe the code the moment you posted it




Directed by Hideo Kojima

Sorry mate, you came to the wrong place. We fucking hate video games

this good joke yes? I do good yes?

that got me a good laugh


people spent 60 dollars on No Mans Sky

This was "Fly and Destroy" for the record

Thx m8

rolling again

Do manboobs count?

Give me your email for a steam code


Yes. But they better be damn glorious





[email protected]


OP Here, still 6 codes to give out!

Have just one more


Hahaha good one. Give me your email

Mei is thicc, not a whale

[email protected]

[email protected] again

I'm poor

There ya go

got it, thanks!



This is no charity, sorry mate. Either you make me laugh, or you post boobs. Them are the rules.







Hahaha, nice! Gimme your email mate


[email protected]
I was the heavy in that screenshot.

Fuck that's good

Drop email mate

That's brilliant! :D

Gonna go ahead and treat this like a trade thread

Anyone have a key of Jackbox Party Pack 2? It was on the last monthly bundle.
I'll offer any of these for it

Heres a joke

[email protected]



Sorry, but no. That didn't make me laugh.

Hahahaha, email?


Sorry, OP here. someone is trolling you. I didn't ask for your email.



This is one of those times when you should use a fucking tripcode, retard.

[email protected]

Dude stop trolling.



>posting something unfunny from Sup Forums

Well, I never use Sup Forums really. Just came here to give out these codes. Call me a newfag.


Gimme your email :) OP here.

>[email protected]




OP here, again someone is trolling this thread.

Delivering :D


What if i make you hard ?


Hey, I still got a free game, so it's cool
Learn to tripcode, nerd

I can't believe I'm saying this, but op is a fag for not being a namefag for once



Post your email :D

I'll just wait and see if the real OP says anything

I am the real OP mate


Same e-mail

I want a free steam game


then start cracking jokes monkey

